Unofficial Implants

From Chucks 1E Eclipse Phase Wiki

Unofficial Implants[edit | edit source]

Table of Contents[edit | edit source]


Enhanced Senses

Mental Augmentations

Physical Augmentations


Enhanced Senses

Mental Augmentation

Physical Augmentations


Cosmetic Mods

Robotic Enhancements


Physical Modifications


The following is a list of unofficial implants. Unless otherwise noted, any bonuses from personal augmentations are both compatible and cumulative with bonuses from other enhancements.

Bioware[edit | edit source]

Bioware augmentations can be acquired either as a genemod when the morph is designed and grown or as a later modification to an existing morph, either by using nanomachines to modify the morph’s tissue or by externally growing the organ and implanting it. Bioware may be used to enhance biomorphs (including pods and uplifts), but not synthmorphs.

Enhanced Senses[edit | edit source]

The following are a list of the most common enhanced senses. Each is also available as a cybernetic implant, but bioware is much more common. n/a

Mental Augmentations[edit | edit source]

Mental augmentations are extremely common. n/a

Physical Augmentations[edit | edit source]

Most physical bioware augmentations are derived from the capabilities of animals. n/a

Cyberware[edit | edit source]

Very little cyberware is physically implanted. Instead, the morph is placed in a healing vat and the vat’s nanobots construct the cyberware inside the biomorph’s body. Cyberware is rarely used for anything that can be accomplished using bioware. Synthmorphs and bots may also also use cyberware.

Enhanced Senses[edit | edit source]

In addition to being able to duplicate the affects of all bioware enhanced senses, there are a few enhanced senses that can only be produced using cyberware. n/a

Mental Augmentation[edit | edit source]

These cybernetic augmentations enhance the brain and mental functions.

  • Simulspace Server: The character has an implanted simulspace server, allowing them to jack into a simulspace program even when separated from the MESH. This is useful for characters that are out of contact with humanity for long periods of time, or who merely wish to take their virtual homes with them. Other characters within Mesh range may log into the simulspace server, with all the normal simulspace rules and limitations. [High]

Physical Augmentations[edit | edit source]

This implants enhance the morph’s physical body. n/a

Nanoware[edit | edit source]

All augmentation nanoware is advanced nanotechnology, consisting of a grape-sized nanobot generator that produces specialized nanomachines. Nanoware is available for synthmorphs and bots in addition to biomorphs. n/a

Cosmetic Mods[edit | edit source]

In an age of universal beauty, artistic cosmetic modification of your body is commonly pursued by many transhumans. Body mods once considered dangerous or edgy are now safe and commonplace, especially among factions like the anarchists, scum, or brinkers. n/a

Robotic Enhancements[edit | edit source]

The following modifications are only available to synthmorphs/robots.

Armor[edit | edit source]

These armor modifications replace the synthmorph’s built-in Armor rating. They are not compatible with worn armor. n/a Mobility Systems Shells are designed with a wide-range of propulsion systems, and are sometimes built for a specific environment/gravity. Some synthmorphs may have multiple mobility systems. Many such systems are retractable, meaning they can be folded away into the shell’s frame. n/a

Physical Modifications[edit | edit source]

These mods are applied to the shell’s physical frame. n/a

Sensors[edit | edit source]
