Robots and Vehicles

From Chucks 1E Eclipse Phase Wiki

Robots and Vehicles[edit | edit source]

The following is a small selection of the many vehicles in use in the solar system. Almost all of the vehicles in current use, including all of the vehicles listed here, have built-in AIs capable of piloting the vehicle under almost all circumstances. In most cases, passengers simply state their destination and the vehicle takes them there. Manual piloting is primarily used in emergencies or by people who prefer the exotic thrill of controlling their own vehicle.

Any of these shells may be modified for use as a synthetic morph by adding a cyberbrain system . Each of the shells listed here comes with a puppet sock for remote-control operation.

Aircraft[edit | edit source]

On Mars, Venus, and within large open-space habitats like O'Neill Cylinders, aircraft of various kinds see regular use. This includes modern version of rotorcraft (helicopters, autogyros, tilt-rotors), fixed-wing planes, and zeppelins and other lighter-than-air craft. These are typically propelled by turbofan or jet engines, rotors, or vectored thrust. These vehicles are piloted with Pilot: Aircraft skill. Microlight: This ultra-light personal aircraft is not much more than a strut-based wing, an airframe, and an electric propeller engine. They are ideal for getting around inside large habitats with enclosed airspace. [Low] Portable Plane: Powered by superconducting batteries and with an exceedingly small but powerful electric motor, this light but durable propeller plane is made of smart materials that allow it to be swiftly folded up into a small portable package. Different versions are designed for flight on Mars, Titan, or Venus, each taking 10 minutes to assemble or disassemble. The Martian version unpacks into an airplane with a wingspan of 11 m with a top speed of 250 kph and a cruising speed of 220 kph and a range of 1,300 km. The Venusian version has a wingspan of 9 m, a top speed of 200 kph and a range of 1,000 km. The version designed for use on Titan has a wingspan of 8 m and has a top speed of 200 kph and a range of 2,000 km. In all versions, the two occupants ride in an inflatable and insulated pressurized bubble with a life support system capable of providing clean air and comfortable temperatures for 20 hours on Mars and Venus, and 15 hours on Titan. [High]

Rocket Buggy: This vehicle is the most common form of medium to long distance personal transport on Luna, and is in common on most other moons and large asteroids. On these airless worlds, a rocket buggy can reach orbit and return or take a parabolic path to any destination on that moon in less than an hour. This vehicle is also regularly used to travel between habitats that are less than 30,000 km apart. The vehicle is pressurized, but is designed for short duration travel only. The seats are relatively small and the life support system contains no provisions for recycling food or water and can only support the passengers for an absolute maximum of 50 uncomfortable hours. Rockets buggies come equipped with headlights, radio boosters, and radar with a range of up to 250 km. A version of this vehicle is also used on both Mars and Titan, but here the frame has been modified to act as a lifting body, and it has a top speed in the thin Martian atmosphere of 2,500 km/hour and a range of 8,000 km on Mars. On Titan is has a top speed of 3,000 kph in the atmosphere, but it can also reach orbit. [Expensive] Small Jet: Methane-powered jet planes are one of the most common forms of fast transport on Mars and Venus. Similar planes are used on Titan, except that they carry both liquid methane and liquid oxygen. These jets range in size from huge vehicles the size of late 20th-century airliners to small planes designed to carry half a dozen passengers. All jets are made using smart materials, so that their wings and frames can adapt to a wide range of speeds and altitudes. One common small jet has similar versions in use on Venus, Mars, and Titan, has a single jet engine and has a life support system capable of providing air for up to 100 hours. The Venusian and Martian versions both have a top speed of 900 kph, a wingspan of 11 m, and a maximum range of 5,000 km. The version designed for Titan has a wingspan of 8 m, a top speed of 650 kph, and a range of 4,000 km. Jets are equipped with headlights, radio boosters, and radar with a range of up to 250 km. [Expensive] Flying Car: These highly-efficient, methane-powered, turbofan vectored-thrust vehicles are common on Mars, especially in the cities and larger settlements. The vehicle is the size of a small sedan, and the fans fold into the body when not in use, enabling it to also operate as a ground car. On the ground, they have a maximum velocity of 180 kph on roads, but only 60 kph off-road. Flying car cabins are pressurized, heated, equipped with radar and a radio booster, and provide life support for biomorphs unequipped to breath Martian atmosphere. [Expensive]

Security Model: Used by police and security forces, this model has higher speeds, a weapons turret, better armor, and off-road capabilities. [Expensive, Minimum 30,000] Backwing: The back wing is a wearable powered glider. Designed to be the smallest and most portable airplane possible, this device allows gatecrashers to fly with ease and without the necessity of spending time assembling a vehicle or having to carry a portable plane in a large and awkward container. The backwing is packaged as backpack-like garment made of smart fabric. When activated (usually via mesh command), it forms into a rigid wing with a span of 8 meters in 1 Action Turn. The back wing also includes a small metallic-hydrogen rocket as part of the pack that can produce 8 minutes of thrust. At 1 g, 6 Action Turns of thrust will lift the wearer 100 meters above the ground. The remaining thrust can be used in combination with the wing to keep the wearer airborne for as long as 8-10 hours, using brief bursts of rocket power whenever the vehicle goes below a certain altitude. The only disadvantage of this device is that it has a mass of 25 kilograms. [Moderate] Large Jet: This jet is powered by liquid hydrogen and is the size of a small 20th-century commercial airliner. It is designed for maximum fuel efficiency and can also take off and land on any relatively smooth solid surface. Its adaptive outer covering also allows it to land and take off from water. It has a cruising speed of 1,100 kph and a range of 40,000 km, allowing it to make a single 20,000 km round trip before it must refuel. It has a passenger capacity of 150. [Expensive, min. 50,000]

Passenger Airship: A major method of intra-aerostat transport on Venus, these huge vehicles are 250 meters long and 40 meters in diameter and can carry up to 100 passengers and 20 tons of cargo. Powered by small fusion reactors, these vehicles can operate for weeks at a time, but most journeys take less than 5 days. [Expensive] Passenger Balloon: These delicate constructions of lightweight polymers and aerogels are primarily used by tourists and the wealthy on Venus. The spherical balloon is both the vehicle’s source of lift and also the source of breathable air for those passengers that require it. The passenger cabin is a small room, 6 meters in diameter, with limited facilities, attached directly to the bottom of the balloon. [High]

Outsystem Hover: Most vehicles designed for use on airless worlds have limited ranges because they are rockets that must carry along all of their fuel. However, with the exception of Io, all of the large and medium-sized outer system moons have large amounts of ice and other frozen volatiles on their surface. This vehicle employs a small reactor to convert both stored water and any local frozen volatiles into hot gases that it uses to propel itself. Using steam from its water tank to become airborne, the vehicle’s underside contains powerful heating elements that flash frozen volatiles on the ground beneath it into warm gas that the vehicle then uses to move itself along. Because it is surrounded by a cloud of roiling gas, this vehicle uses radar and t-ray sensors for navigation. Except for brief periods where it relies on stored reaction mass and can reach an altitude of up to 30 meters, it flies at a maximum altitude of 3 meters above the ground, and it has a top speed of up to 150 kph over any terrain. On any moon with either a thick atmosphere or where the surface is mostly ice or other frozen volatiles like frozen carbon dioxide or nitrogen, it can fly indefinitely. These vehicles are pressurized and contain life support that functions as long as the vehicle is resupplied with ice or other oxygen-containing substances at least once a month. The most common version of this vehicle holds six passengers and a small amount of cargo, but larger and more expensive versions also exist. [Expensive] Enhancements: Access Jacks, Cryonic Protection, Laser Link, Radar, Radio Outsystem Skimmer: Powered by a small fusion reactor, this vehicle contains as a miniature plasma rocket that’s designed to produce up to 0.25 g thrust by lowering efficiency and increasing reaction mass use. Skimmers can use either hydrogen, methane, or water as reaction mass, allowing them to swiftly and easily refuel on almost any moon. They are also quite small, being lentil shaped disks eight meters in diameter and five meters thick. Skimmers can carry up to eight passengers and twelve tons of cargo. They can typically make a journey of up to one million kilometers in 10 hours, with fuel left to take off or land from any moon, asteroid, or other small body in the solar system. These vehicles are popular with couriers, smugglers, traders, and other residents of the outer system. Their life support functions for 30 days before it requires additional input, but they are rarely used for one-way journeys longer than five million kilometers, which take two full days. [Expensive, min 60,000] Enhancements: Access Jacks, Cryonic Protection, Laser Link, Radar, Radio Titanian Cargo Copter: This massive dual-rotor helicopter takes advantage of Titan’s thick atmosphere and low gravity. It is unable to fly anywhere else in the solar system, including Earth and Venus. It can carry 15 tons of cargo or 30 personnel. [Expensive, Minimum 40,000+] Enhancements: Access Jacks, Cryonic Protection, Laser Link, Radar, Radio Utility Helicopter: This is a standard helicopter design from Earth, deployed on Titan. It is commonly used for cargo and personnel transport, medevac, ground/air assault, and command/control. [Expensive] Enhancements: Access Jacks, Cryonic Protection, Laser Link, Radar, Radio

Aircraft Passenger Capacity Handling Movement Rate Max Velocity Armor Durability Wound Threshold Death Rating
Microlight 1 +20 8/40 100 --- 30 10 100
Portable Plane 2 +10 --- 200-250 10/6 50 10 100
Rocket Buggy 4 -10 8/32 2,500-3,000 24/16 100 20 200
Small Jet 6 +20 --- 650-900 30/20 200 30 300
Back Wing 1 --- 8/40 250 --- 30 6 60
Large Jet 21 +20 --- 800-1,200 30/20 200 40 400
Passenger Airship 100 -20 --- 100 5/5 300 10 100
Passenger Balloon 10 -30 --- 100 --- 20 5 50
Flying Car 4 --- 8/40 (ground) / --- (air) 180 (ground) / 200 (air) 20/10 150 30 300
Flying Car (Security Model) 4 +10 8/60 (ground) / --- (air) 200 (ground) / 220 (air) 20/20 200 40 400
Outsystem Hover 6 +10 8/40 200 20/10 150 30 300
Outsystem Skimmer 6 +20 12/200 NA 20 20 80 800
Titanian Cargo Copter 32 --- 4/40 150 20/20 250 50 500
Utility Helicopter 8 +10 8/40 200 20/10 150 30 300

Exoskeletons[edit | edit source]

Exoskeletons are powered mechatronic skeleton frameworks worn by a person. Servo-hydraulic joints allow the exoskeleton to be maneuvered by mimicking the wearer’s own movements, as well as enhancing their strength. Exoskeletons may also be piloted electronically. A character wearing an exoskeleton (other than the trike or transporter) maneuvers as normal, because the exoskeleton is like an extension of their own body. A character jamming an exoskeleton remotely uses Pilot: Walker skill (except for the trike and transporter). Battlesuit: The battlesuit powered exoskeleton features a military-grade fullerene armor shell with flexible aerogel for thermal insulation and a diamond-hardened exterior designed to resist even potent ballistic and energy-based weapons. The suit also enhances the wearer’s strength and mobility, applying a +10 bonus to strength-based tests, inflicting an extra +1d10 damage and AP of –2 on melee attacks, and doubling the distance by which the character may jump. Battlesuits are completely sealed to protect the wearer from environmental factors and temperatures from -175 to 140 C. Battlesuit helmets are equipped with an ecto, a radio booster, and sensors equal to specs. They are fitted with life support features and a maker capable of recycling all wastes and producing air for up to 48 hours and food and water indefinitely. These suits have an Armor Value of 21/21. Occupants may only wear armor with an Armor rating (Energy or Kinetic) of 4 or less; this worn armor is cumulative without layering penalties. [Expensive] HOPLITE: HOPLITEs are an improved military version of the standard battlesuit. They have the same features as battlesuits with the additions noted below and otherwise follow battlesuit/exoskeleton rules. [Only Available At Gamemaster Discretion] Features: 360-Degree Vision, Guardian Nanoswarm, Micrograv Shoes, Tactical Network Software, Vacuum Sealing Mobility Systems: Thrust Vector, Walker Melee HOPLITE “Unarmed” (AP –2, DV 2d10 + 2) Ranged HOPLITE Railgun (AP –14, DV 4d10 + 8, Mode SA/BF/FA, Ammo 90) with AP ammo, Gyrostabilizers, Smartlink Ranged HOPLITE Seeker (AP –4, 3d10 + 6, Mode SA, Ammo 18) with Homing Frag Minimissiles, Smartlink Exowalker: Exowalkers are minimal framework exoskeletons, primarily designed to bolster the wearer’s strength and movement. They provide a an Armor Value of 2/4, a +10 modifier to strength-based tests, and double the distance by which the character may jump. [Moderate] Hyperdense Exoskeleton: These powered exoskeletons are larger (roughly twice human-sized) and built for heavy-use industrial purposes, such as handling heavy/large objects. The wearer is partially encapsulated to protect them from debris and industrial accidents. Hyperdense exoskeletons provide no movement bonus, but provide a +30 bonus to strength-based tests and inflict an extra +3d10 damage and –5 AP on physical attacks. They have an Armor Value of 6/12. [Expensive]

Transporter: This exoskeleton framework includes a pair of vector-thrust turbofan engines, giving the user flight capabilities in gravity and increased maneuverability in zero-G. It provides partial protection to the wearer with an Armor Value of 2/4. Piloted with Pilot: Aircraft skill. [High] Trike: The trike exoskeleton is a three-wheeled personal motorcycle design, rather than a walker. It provides partial protection to the wearer with an Armor Value of 2/4. Piloted with Pilot: Groundcraft skill. [Moderate]

Mobility Frame: To many gatecrashers, the most reliable form of movement is walking. This device is a lightweight partial exoskeleton consisting of a comfortably designed framework of narrow bars and tiny motors that straps onto the wearer’s waist, legs, and feet. It allows the wearer to run and walk both faster and with less effort. Characters wearing a mobility frame can walk or run for twice as long as normal without suffering any additional fatigue. Wearing a mobility frame also allows the wearer to add +4 meters per turn walking and +12 meters per turn running. Mobility frames include balance-enhancing software that adds +20 to any roll to avoid tripping, falling, or losing balance. This device is powered by a small nuclear battery that allow it to operate continuously for three years. The device weighs 11 kg. [Low] Powersuits: The powersuit is a sealed exoskeleton, ideal for exploring worlds with hostile atmospheres. Like other skeletons, the powersuit boosts the wearer’s strength, movement, and jumping abilities. It provides a +10 bonus to strength-based tests, doubles jumping distance, and inflicts +3 DV on unarmed attacks. The life support maker can provide food and water indefinitely and air for 48 hours (indefinitely if the wearer adds ice, water, or operates in an atmosphere from which oxygen can be extracted). Powersuits are equipped with a radio booster and specs. [High]

Neo-Cetacean Walker: This exoskeleton is designed for neo-cetaceans to move about in non-aquatic environments. It includes a set of arms for manipulating objects and can operate as a four-legged walker or as a thrust-vector sled. A cocoon-like wrapping keeps the neo-cetacean’s skin wet and cooled in warmer environments. [Moderate] Diving Exoskeleton: This hardsuit-like exoskeleton enables the wearer to swim in the high-pressure depths of subsurface oceans. The legs are equipped with swim fins that and enhances the user’s own leg movements. The arms are held into penguin-like swimming fans, but are mechanically powered and mentally controlled, as their flapping motion is not a natural form of swimming for humans. The built-in maker can provide food, water, and atmosphere for the wearer indefinitely. [Expensive]

Enhancements: Access Jacks, Cryonic Protection, Fixer Nanoswarm, Headlights, Hydrostatic Pressure Adaptation, Maker, Radio, Sonar, Utilitool

Exoskeleton Passenger Capacity Handling Movement Rate Max Velocity Armor Durability Wound Threshold
Battlesuit 1 --- 8/32 30 21/21 60 12
HOPLITE Battlesuit 1 --- 8/32 30 20/20 70 14
Exowalker 1 --- 8/40 40 2/4 30 6
Hyperdense Exoskeleton 1 --- 8/20 30 6/12 100 20
Transporter 1 +10 8/40 200 2/4 50 10
Trike 1 +10 8/40 120 2/4 50 10
Mobility Frame 1 +10 8/32 32 --- 25 5
Powersuits 1 --- 8/32 32 10/10 45 9
Neo-Cetacean Walker 1 --- 4/20 40 2-4 40 8
Diving Exoskeleton 4 --- 30 15/15 60 12 120

Groundcraft[edit | edit source]

In Eclipse Phase, trains and bicycles remain the most common form of ground transportation, especially on habitats. In larger habitats and on moons and planets, cycles and cars are used as well. Cycle: Because of the high cost of enclosing a habitat and providing life support, space is at a premium in all cities except some of the newest cities on Mars. As a result, there is rarely room for large roads or the cars that once carpeted the roads of Earthly cities. Instead, the ubiquitous modern vehicle is the cycle, which is designed to drive down narrow streets only a little wider than sidewalks in Earth cities. There are many different varieties of cycle. Some have only a single wheel and are gyro-stabilized, but most have two wheels and resemble old Earth motorcycles. In some, the driver and passenger are enclosed by a streamlined pod. These vehicles are powered by superconducting batteries, have a range of 600 km and a top speed of 120 kph, but must usually drive more slowly in crowded streets. Cycles are all equipped with radio boosters, headlights, and a por- table radar sensor. Tires are solid state (not inflated), or in some cases smart spokes capable of handling stairs. Some luxury versions have limited life-support in the small cabin, capable of providing air for the passengers for up to 10 hours. [Moderate] Mars Buggy:One of the most ubiquitous vehicles on Mars is the so-called Mars buggy, a four-wheeled vehicle with large balloon tires that is designed for use both on roads and on almost any terrain. Mars buggies can travel at speed of up to 110 kph on roads, 90 kph over relatively at terrain, and up to 40 kph on jagged and rocky terrain. They can maintain these speeds because smart materials in both the suspension and the tires reshape themselves to adapt to uneven conditions and their nuclear batteries give them an effectively unlimited range. Most Mars buggies are enclosed but unpressurized. Similar vehicles are used on Luna and Titan, however, though the passenger compartments of these vehicles includes life support gear that provides the occupants with air for at least 100 hours. Buggies are powered by nuclear batteries and come in a variety of sizes, from small two-person buggies to large trucks. Mars buggies come equipped with headlights, radio boosters, and a vehicle radar system. [High] Crasher Truck: This vehicle is designed as a less expensive version of the GEV. It possesses all of the capabilities and equipment found on the GEV, except that it lacks the metallic-hydrogen rocket and thus is incapable of movement in space. However, its smart matter mobility system allows it to move over land with either wheels or legs and both on and under the water. It is designed to operate as long as its nuclear battery functions. For gatecrashers who cannot afford a GEV, a crasher truck is the safest and most well equipped option. A crasher truck’s life support system functions for three months without any external inputs and, like the GEV, this vehicle’s life support system functions indefinitely if the characters have access to any source of hydrogen and oxygen (including either ice or thin poisonous atmospheres).[Expensive, Min. 40,000] Go Cycle: This craft is a more robust version of a common cycle that is designed for extended use on uneven terrain and in inhospitable environments. The tires are made of advanced smart materials that can adapt to conditions including open water, swamps, mountainous terrain, and sandy deserts. Go cycles are designed so that even on the worst terrain they can maintain speeds of at least 40 kph. In addition, this vehicle is powered by a nuclear battery that can power both the vehicle and its life support system for at least 2 years. The driver and passenger are enclosed in an airtight streamlined pod. The vehicle has a single large wide wheel in front of this pod and another immediately behind the pod. Go cycles are equipped with a headlight, viewer, radar, and radio booster. The go cycle’s maker can supply the passenger and driver with air, food, and water indefinitely, as long as the users add a few liters of additional water or some other source of hydrogen and oxygen every month. Go cycles are built to comfortably hold a driver, a single passenger, and 60 kilograms of cargo. The smart material rear seat can accommodate up to two passengers, though both will be slightly cramped. [Moderate] Inflatable Boat: One of the truths of gatecrashing is that it’s literally impossible to know what sort of problems or obstacles gatecrashers may encounter. While water travel is not usually necessary on most worlds, sometimes gatecrashers can only get to their destination by boat. An easily portable boat is an invaluable resource for gatecrashers. This vehicle is made from flexible but highly durable fullerenes. When inflated (which takes 1 minute), it is 4 meters long, 2 meters wide, and half a meter deep. It floats easily and can hold 750 kg of passengers and cargo. These boats are propelled by either a powerful electric motor that can power the boat for 4 hours or by smart material oars that fold up with the boat. Complete with motor and batteries, the boat weighs only 18 kg. When folded up (which takes 5 minutes), the boat fits into a medium-sized portable cube, half a meter to a side. [Moderate]

Mobile Base: A shelter dome fits in a backpack and is perfectly suitable for short-term expeditions. If gatecrashers wish to establish a long-term base at some location, however, they will want something considerably larger as well as more comfortable and more durable. The mobile base is a relatively small and boxy vehicle with eight large smart material tires that are designed to work on almost any terrain. This vehicle is 4 meters long, 2 meters wide and high, holds a driver and one passenger in the air-sealed cabin, and can move between 15 and 35 km/hour (depending upon the terrain). It is powered by nuclear batteries that can power either the vehicle or the operational base for three full years. When this vehicle arrives at its destination, it automatically unfolds and unpacks so that it becomes a large and comfortable semi-permanent base capable of housing up to 12 transhumans. This base is 25 meters on a side and includes a mobile lab, sleeping facilities, and everything else the residents will need, including several large and high quality makers. If empty of all personnel and their gear, this base can be packed back into its mobile form within two hours. Unpacking it takes the same time. The base is fully pressurized and includes an air lock. It can be covered with rock or earth to provide radiation shielding. [Expensive] Cargo Hauler: These freight-hauling trucks are commonly used to carry goods to isolated rural habitats and terraforming operations on Mars. Powerful and rugged, they are equipped with smart tires for handling tricky off-road situations. Their interiors are pressurized, heated, and provide life support for biomorphs unequipped to breath Martian atmosphere. [Expensive] Ground Car: Mars is one of the few places in the solar system where actual cars can be found, reminiscent of pre-Fall Earth. Martian cars are small and economical, however, made for inner-city travel, and are rarely used outside of major habitats. [Expensive]

Martian Maglev Trains: These trains use magnetic levitation systems for propulsion. Passenger and sleeper cars are airlocked, pressurized, and heated, whereas cargo cars are not, except for cars handling sensitive cargo. While basic systems (doors, windows, entertainment systems, makers) are meshed and may be controlled or exploited per standard mesh rules, control systems (life support, brakes, acceleration, magnetic dynamos, security doors) are on an air-gapped hardwired network and require physical access to hack. [Not Available] Martian Rover: The rover is a mobile living unit used by Martian nomads and terraforming work teams. This large vehicle features eight large smart wheels and cramped living quarters to accommodate up to six people, with bunk beds, a kitchen, and bathroom. Rovers are also equipped with a fabber, mobile lab, headlights, radar system, external cameras, radio booster, cargo trailer hitch, drone-launching rack, and a two-person airlock to protect the internal pressurized environment. Barsoomians are known to decorate and mod their rovers in creative fashions. [Expensive]

Martian Trike: This three-wheeled motorcycle is used for travel in the Martian wilds. An unpressurized pod protects the passengers from Martian storms, while smart wheels allow the bike to traverse difficult terrain. The trike is equipped with a headlight, radio booster, and radar. [Moderate] Siftrunner: Similar to the Martian rover, this mobile habitat is designed for use by sifters and other surface miners on Mercury. It has the same features as the rover, except that it is also designed to withstand the extreme temperatures on Mercury’s surface and carries extra radiation shielding. [Expensive]

Venusian Hauler: This tungsten-tracked flatbed cargo hauler is designed to transport Q-morphs, mining equipment, and mined goods across the harsh Venusian surface. It is built from materials designed to withstand the heat and temperature, equivalent to the High-Temperature Operation trait. It has no passenger compartment or life support; Q-morphs and mining bots ride like cargo along with everything else. [Expensive] Flux Car: Flux cars are black market vehicles optimized for countersurveillance and tracking. Equipped with chameleon coating and constructed with smart materials, they can change their exterior appearance and even reconfigure their chassis on command. Both flying and ground car versions are available; flying car models come equipped with radar absorbent modifications. Most jurisdictions outlaw these designs. [Expensive, Minimum 30,000 for ground, 40,000 for flying]

Flux Cycle: This is an enclosed cycle with the same features as a flux ground car. [Expensive] Deep Sea Submarine: This mini-submersible is capable of carrying four passengers and a small amount of cargo all of the way to sea floor on Europa. Moving on propellers powered by a small reactor, it can provide life support for the crew for 1 week. [Expensive]

Enhancements: Access Jacks, Cryonic Protection, Headlights, Hydrostatic Pressure Adaptation, Maker, Radio, Sonar Methane Skiff: Essentially sailboats, methane skiffs usually come in a catamaran configuration, with two sleek, flat hulls for stability. Since only hulder morphs can survive prolonged immersion in Titan’s methane lakes, stability is key. Hazers and other morph types generally wear vacsuits when sailing methane skiffs. Piloting a methane skiff requires a special skill, Pilot: Sailboat. [High] Enhancements: Access Jacks, Cryonic Protection, Radio

Groundcraft Passenger Capacity Handling Movement Rate Max Velocity Armor Durability Wound Threshold Death Rating
Cycle 1-3 +20 4/40 120 12/10 50 10 100
Mars Buggy 2-6 +10 8/32 40/90/110 30/20 150 30 300
Crasher Truck 6 -10 8/40 200 16/16 200 40 400
Go Cycle 2 +20 8/40 140 14/12 60 12 120
Inflatable Boat 5 +10 4/16 40 8/5 30 6 60
Mobile Base 2 -10 4/20 15-35 30/20 150 30 300
Cargo Hauler 2 (more as cargo) --- 4/32 120 20/15 250 50 500
Ground Car 2 +10 8/40 180 20/10 150 30 300
Martian Maglev Trains 30-60 --- 8/40 500 20/15 150 30 300
Martian Rover 6 --- 8/32 100 20/15 200 40 400
Martian Trike 3 --- 4/40 100 15/10 60 12 120
Siftrunner 6 --- 8/32 80 30/15 200 40 400
Venusian Hauler --- -10 2/16 80 30/20 200 40 400
Flux Car (Flying) 4 --- 8/60 180 20/10 150 30 300
Flux Car (Ground) 2 +10 8/40 180 20/10 150 30 300
Flux Cycle 1-3 +20 4/40 110 12/10 50 10 100
Deep Sea Submarine 4 -20 4/20 30 30/30 50 500 5000
Methane Skiff 6 -10 4/40 60 5/5 125 25 250

Personal VehiclesThese one-person movement aids primarily are used in space, but do not count as spacecraft per se. EVA Sled: This small sled uses air impellers to maneuver in zero-G. It is commonly used to carry attached gear, but may also pull along 1 human-sized morph. [Low] Rocket Pack: This is a miniature metallic hydrogen rocket that the wearer straps to their back, with two rocket exhausts extending out to either side, away from the wearer’s body or legs. Biomorphs and pod morphs can only safely use this vehicle when wearing a vacuum suit or some garment that is similarly heat resistant. Also, to prevent harm to the wearer, the thrust must be kept sufficiently low that it can only take off on Mars or moons with even lower gravity. A rocket pack can keep the wearer airborne for up to 15 minutes in Mars gravity, or 30 minutes on Luna, Titan, or any of the four large Jovian moons. On Mars, it has a maximum speed of 700 kph. It can be used to reach orbit and land again on Luna, Titan, and other similarly small bodies like the Jovian moons. Rocket packs are equipped with radio boosters but no other sensors or communication devices. [Low]

Thruster Pack: Worn for EVA duties, this thruster pack uses vectored thrust nozzles, allowing a character to maneuver in open space. This is not a jetpack and does not produce enough thrust for atmospheric movement. [Low] Diving Sled: This deep sea sled can pull along 2 passengers or 1 passenger with cargo. [Low]

Enhancements: Access Jacks, CryonicProtection, Headlights, Hydrostatic Pressure Adaptation, Sonar

Personal Vehicles Passenger Capacity Handling Movement Rate Max Velocity Armor Durability Wound Threshold Death Rating
EVA Sled 1 -30 4/16 16 5 40 8 80
Rocket Pack 1 -20 --- 700 +5/+5 40 8 80
Thruster Pack 1 -10 4/20 40 +4/+4 30 6 60
Diving Sled 2 -20 4/16 20 5 40 8 80

Robots[edit | edit source]

Robots are a common sight and accepted fact of daily life within Eclipse Phase. Numerous varieties exist, from robo-pets to mechanical workers to warbots. If a job can be done more cheaply (and sometimes safely) by a bot, it usually is. The robots listed here are not generally used as synthetic shells by transhuman egos, often for cultural reasons (sleeving a case is bad enough, sleeving a creepy is just ... wrong), and they are not equipped to be sleeved into (though the may be jammed). Any of these bots may be modi ed for use as a synthetic morph, however, by adding a cyberbrain system. Automech: Automechs are general purpose repair drones, found just about everywhere. Each particular automech tends to specialize in a particular type of repair work and so carries the appropriate tools and AI skills, whether it be habitat waste recyclers, outer hull integrity, or servitor systems. Standard automechs are wheeled cubes with articulated limbs, though they are also equipped with vectored-thrust drives for zero-G work. [Moderate] Creepy: Creepies are small crawler bots that come in an eclectic variety of shapes and forms, from robosquirrels to insectoids to bizarre and artsy mechanical creatures. Creepies were originally designed as a sort of robotic pet, but they are commonly used as a general purpose household minion, like a more beloved servitor. Many people in fact wear a creepy on their person, dropping it to handle small tasks for them and letting it crawl up and down and over their body. [Low]

Dr. Bot: These wheeled medical robots are designed to tend to and transport injured or sick people. They carry a healing vat, a specialized pharmaceuticals maker, miscellaneous medical gear, and articulated arms for conducting remote surgery. [High] Dwarf: These large industrial bots are named not just for their primary use—mining, excavation, tunneling, and construction—but because the default AIs they shipped with had a programmed tendency to happily whistle as they worked. Dwarfs are quadrapedal walkers, equipped with massive modular industrial tools like boring drills, shovels, hydraulic jacks, jackhammers, scooping arms, acid sprays, and so on. [Expensive]

Gnat: Gnats are small rotorcraft camera/surveillance drones. Many people use gnats for personal lifelogging, while socialites and media use them to capture the glamor or hottest news. [Low] Guardian Angel: Similar to gnats, guardian angel rotorcraft hover around their charges, keeping a watchful eye out to protect them from threats. [Moderate]

Saucer: These disc-shaped drones are lightweight and quiet. They are typically launched by throwing them like a frisbee, after which they propel themselves with an ionic drive. Saucers make excellent “eye in the sky” monitors and scouts. [Low] Servitor: Servitors are the most common robot, acting as cooks, janitors, universal helpers, movers, and personal aides. Every home has one, if not several. Servitors are intentionally built in non-humanoid forms so as not to confuse them with common synthmorphs and in order to defuse bad feelings at ordering them around. However, they all have some form of “face” to interact with, so as not to be too machine-like. [Low]

Speck: Specks are tiny insectoid spy drones, 2.5 mm long and 2 mm wide, about the size of a small fruit fly. They fly with tiny wings, carry a microbug, and are excellent for surveillance purposes or otherwise being a “speck on a wall.” Specks are difficult to notice (–30 Perception modifier) and almost impossible to distinguish from an actual insect. [Low] Explorenaut: These bots are specifically designed for the second phase of exploring a new extrasolar location, right after the initial Gate Probe has been deployed. Explorenauts are dog-sized wheeled bots that remain tethered (both for safety and to maintain a communications link) back through the gate. They are equipped with audiovisual and infrared cameras, radar, lidar, t-ray emitters, chem sniffers, and radio receivers. If the area seems clear (no signs of sapient life or threats), its primary task is to move around and map and scan the immediate gate environment, using thrust-vector jets to get a few meters up for a better look around. It will also scan for radio signals, analyze the soil, regolith, or whatever constitutes ground, test for biological samples, and use a telescope to try and identify pulsars or other recognizable features that might help determine its galactic location. Beyond initial first-in proceedings, explorenauts are considered useful for general exploration duties, and so are often brought along by gatecrashing teams. The robot AI has Academics: Astronomy 60, Academics: Chemistry 60, and Perception 40. [Moderate]

Manipulator Cuff: Manipulator cuffs are common tools among xenoarcheologists. This robot is primarily designed to be worn as a forearm cuff on the outside of a vacsuit. It carries a utilitool and a mobile lab, and so is useful for a variety of technical, repair, and research tasks. It can be controlled by a combination of arm movements or standard wireless mesh signals. It can also protrude a telescoping manipulator with a 2-meter reach, allowing the cuff or the wearer to lift, move, and work with objects from a small distance. This extension is shape-adjusting and can bend, flex, and squeeze through openings only 2 millimeters wide. The primary body of the robot can also detach from the forearm cuff and move on its own power, maneuvering on a pair of flexible treads. Using haptic signals, the remote mobile feels like an extension of the user’s hand and can be manipulated with hand movements (or via standard mesh commands or jamming). [Moderate] Recon Flyer: Micro-sized recon flyers are equipped with hydrogen-filled balloons for lift while small turbofans provide propulsion. They are packaged with their gas bags deflated, but when activated fill up and take off quickly. Like other recon bots they are equipped with image recognition software and are useful for locating lost or hidden items. They are typically deployed as an airborne microswarm. [Trivial (single bot)/Moderate (swarm of 50)] Recon Hopper: These mini-sized bots are used to scout surface terrain, particularly in environments without atmospheres where recon flyers are no use. Their light weight and hopping movement enable them to cover even rough terrain quickly, especially in low-gravity environments. They are also small enough to walk into small holes or explore crevasses or ice fractures. They are typically deployed in swarms to cover a large area thoroughly. Like other recon bots they are equipped with image recognition software and are useful for locating lost or hidden items. [Low (single bot)/Moderate (swarm of 20)]

Recon Snake: This meter-long synthetic snake is ideal for exploring cracks, holes, and similar tight spots. It can narrow its shape to squeeze through thin openings. It can also climb rough surfaces, trees, and poles by wrapping parts of its body around the object in order to reach higher points or spy from the treetops. Like other recon bots, recon snakes are equipped with image recognition software. [Moderate] Retriever: Retrievers are small car-sized search-and-rescue robots. Sent in when gatecrashers have failed to check in at their gate on time, retrievers specialize in tracking down survivors, helping injured or broken-down transhumans, and rescuing them from danger. Retrievers are quintapedal walkers, with each sturdy leg doubling as an excavation shovel if necessary or as an inclined treadmill to pull injured persons into a built-in healing vat. Retrievers also feature a pair of manipulative arms which can be used to grasp objects, remove debris, or pull injured people to safety. Retrievers also carry fire-fighting gear and a small array of medical equipment for dealing with multiple injuries. They can also carry smaller bots such as recon hoppers or snakes, should the situation require smaller units for scouting out survivors. If necessary, retrievers are equipped with weaponry to defend gatecrashers from hostile life or other threats. They are programmed to use themselves as shields in order to protect transhumans from further harm. Standard retriever AIs have Academics: Engineering 40, Beam Weapons 40, Fray 40, Investigation 40, Medicine: Paramedic 40, Navigation 40, Perception 40, and Spray Weapons 40. [Expensive] Robomule: Many experienced gatecrashers agree that this is one of the single most useful devices they could take along. Robomules are simple drones that are designed to carry up to 250 kg of cargo over almost any terrain. Roughly human-sized, but horizontal and equipped with 6 legs, robomules are powered by nuclear batteries that allow them to operate for 3 years. Its legs are made from advanced smart materials that change form depending upon the terrain. As a result, it can move as easily over thick mud or dry sand as it can along a well paved road. The legs can also transform into flippers that allow the robomule to swim. When swimming or moving over thick mud, robomules can also deploy reusable flotation bladders that allow it to float even when stationary. The upper surface of the robomule is made of smart materials that can produce straps and webbing to hold almost any cargo. It can even create a large sealed pod that can hold up to 2 cubic meters of cargo and protect it from the external environment, including vacuum. A robomule can move at a speed of 35 km/hour on solid unbroken terrain, 25 km/hour over rough and uneven terrain, and 15 km/hour when swimming or moving over thick mud or dry sand. Robomules are equipped with a radio booster and a maker that can provide sufficient food and pure water to supply up to four transhuman biomorphs indefinitely, as long as sufficient raw materials are available. More than one badly injured gatecrasher has climbed on top of their robomule and instructed it to hold onto them and move at top speed back to the gate. [Low] Sentry Bot: Sentry bots come in many makes and models; the version described here is typical of its kind. Maneuvering on four multi-directional smart treads, this transhuman-sized bot is armored and loaded with weaponry. Used throughout the solar system for security and defensive purposes, gatecrashers often bring sentry bots along as a line of defense against hostile life or other threats. This line of bots is equipped with four weapon mounts, carrying by default a laser pulser, agonizer, shredder, and seeker rifle. The beam weapons are continuously powered by the robot’s nuclear battery, while the ammo bins have enough capacity for 1,000 shredder flechettes and 20 minimissiles. Sentry AIs have Beam Weapons 40, Fray 40, Perception 40, Seeker weapons 40, and Spray Weapons 40. [Expensive] Sky Motes: Sky motes are mini-sized aerostats designed to keep position over an area and act as a relay point for a mote mesh. They are typically deployed over areas where high terrain, bodies of water, or other environmental factors impede a mote network’s coverage or to link two distant mote networks together. Sky motes are also equipped with laser links for line-of-sight communication or in case of radio interference. [Trivial (single bot)/Moderate (swarm of 50)]

Thumper: Thumpers are mobile tools used for geological and archeological surveying. Thumpers carry dense weights and a payload of hundreds of micro-sized geophone wireless seismic sensors. When a position is chosen, the thumper distributes the geophones around the area (either manually or with an airburst “grenade” over an area up to 200 meters in diameter). The robot then repeatedly drops its heavy weight into the ground so that the geophones can measure the seismic waves. The collected data can be analyzed by characters or processed by the robot AI’s Academics: Geology 60 and Profession: Seismic Surveys 60. If the thumper or its operators have access to satellite scans of the survey operation, apply a +30 to their test. [Moderate] Zephyr: Zephyrs are medium-sized, long-range, high-altitude winged flyers, capable of reconnoitering over long distances quickly. They are essentially small planes and may be launched by throwing them into the air. [Low]

Interceptor: Interceptors are robotic spacecraft that are used as part of the cordon around Earth. Clearly of cutting-edge design, interceptors have no external markings to indicate their manufacturer, which suggests that they are deployed by a Planetary Consortium military-tech project. Interceptors are extremely fast, extremely agile, very well armored, and heavily armed. They carry multiple lasers and railguns on swivel-mounts to fire in any direction and are equipped with a missile launcher and explosive missiles. Attempts by scavengers and other parties to capture interceptors have so far failed due to a built-in self-destruction system—the magnitude of the blast suggesting an anti-matter charge. [Not Available] Enhancements: +10 COO, +10 SOM, 360-degree Vision, Enhanced Vision, Lidar, Heavy Combat Armor, Medichines, Neurachem (Level 2), Oracles, Radar, Structural Reinforcement, T-Ray Emitter, Weapon Mounts with railgun machine guns with armor-piercing ammo, 2 particle beam bolters, and a missile launcher loaded with HEAP missiles. Scorcher: Scorchers are a tank-like mining shell used by both corporate mining operations and nomadic sifters on Mercury. Scorchers are designed to operate on Mercury’s terminus and night-side, but they can also survive the planet’s day-side extreme heat conditions. Due to their extensive heat and radiation shielding and cooling systems, scorchers are heavy and slow. Four sturdy legs carry their bulky 3-meter frames, while two manipulator arms allow the morph to carry and manipulate tools. Four additional tool-arm sockets allow for customized equipment such as shovels, drills, pneumatic hammers, and similar mining/construction tools to be attached. [Expensive] Enhancements: +10 SOM, Access Jacks, Enhanced Vision, Extra Limbs (6–10), Extreme Heat Shielding, Industrial Armor, Radar, Radiation Shielding, Sonar, Wrist-Mounted Tools Bughunters: These airborne drones are designed to descend on a targeted area to find and eliminate all sensors. They are often used to clear a path for those wishing to move without leaving a record. Bugunter bot AIs have Interfacing 40, Investigation 40, Perception 40, and Seeker Weapons 40. [Moderate] Caretaker: Caretaker bots look after smart animals so the owner doesn’t have to. They feed and water them, take them for walks, play games, encourage exercise, and clean up their messes. They also keep in touch with the animals’ keeper AIs (if they have them) and otherwise track and monitor their activities and health. Caretakers can also teach animals from a repertoire of common commands and skills. Caretakers tend to be boxy and wheeled, with two arms and various attachments for cleaning, grooming, leashing, etc. Each caretaker is customized for a specific animal species. Caretakers have Animal Handling 40, Interests: [Animal Species] 80, and Profession: Animal Care 80. [Moderate]

Hab Repair Bots: To cut costs, most habitat repair bots are standardized and versatile, used for purposes as diverse as conducting repairs in vacuum on a station’s exterior hull to clearing blocked sewage pipes or repainting a colony corridor. They are equipped with interchangeable tools and reservoirs for carrying stock materials. Most repair bots have a crab-like robotic frame. Repair bot AIs have Hardware: Industrial 40, Hardware: Robotics 40, and Perception 30. [Moderate] Harvester Drones: Many microgravity habitats employ harvester bots to bring in outside materials, such as rock and ice, for processing into useful materials. Dense fields like Saturn’s rings or trojan or orbiting debris clumps are relatively easy to mine because there are so many particles and chunks of material that can literally be grabbed with a drone’s robot arms and propelled back to the station. These capture drones are disc-shaped to give a 360-degree reach from the main body and allow the plasma thruster in the center to be pointed through the center-of-gravity of any object. Most are no larger than 1.5 meters in diameter, with six to eight articulated appendages that can reach another four meters each. [Moderate]

Skimmers: Habitats in orbit around the gas giants—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune—operate craft specifically designed to fill their tanks with atmospheric gases, like hydrogen and helium, and rocket back to the habitat for offloading. This is the primary method for collecting helium-3 for fusion reactors. Atmospheric mining craft—skimmers—must be adapted for their particular environment to safely operate. For example, Jovian skimmers require larger engines to overcome the planet’s gravity well and heavier shielding for electronics. Even virtual crew operating the skimmer require some protection for their digital systems. Saturnian skimmers must deploy retractable stabilizers to maintain control in the high winds. Nuclear thermal rockets are common amongst all skimmers because of their high thrust-to-weight ratio and ability to use the ambient atmosphere as reaction mass. [Expensive] Spider Hand: Named for the way it scurries and jumps like a spider, this robotic hand is normally used by neo-avians, neooctopi, and neo-cetaceans who need a human hand design and/or some additional strength to handle certain tasks. It should be noted that the hand does not possess the leverage of a body behind it, so there are limitations to what it can do, though it can extend a meter-long brace for stabilization and support. They have an effective SOM of 10. [Moderate]

Stealth Drone: This stealth plane is designed to covertly penetrate airspace and monitor targets from overhead without detection. It can be used in vacuum as well as atmosphere. Its AI is equipped with Flight 40 and Perception 40. [Expensive] Wobblycat: These fast-moving, cat-like bots are about 50 centimeters long (less the tail) and made of stealth materials. They fulfill a surveillance and occasionally antipersonnel role in urban operations. Wobblycats can run, jump, or climb unseen into areas where a human-sized infiltrator would never be able to go, but with much greater speed than nanoswarms. The normal loadout for a Wobblycat is a suite of surveillance gear, but in an urban warfare or counterterrorism role, they can be loaded with explosives or non-lethal grenades instead. The Explosive loadout (below) destroys the bot when detonated. [Expensive]

Aerostats: These balloon platforms are used on planets or moons with atmospheres. They rely on buoyant gases for lift, but are propelled with turbofans. Research aerostats are loaded with sensors and scientific analysis equipment, usually to analyze atmosphericconditions. Surveillance aerostats are equipped with sensors and surveillance packages, serving as an eye in the sky. They are also used for exploration and surface terrain mapping. Mining aerostats are deployed on the gas giant planets, loaded with equipment to extract specificvolatiles from the atmosphere, which are then stored in pressurized tanks. These tanks are either picked up periodically or equipped with a rocket to launch into orbit for collection when full. [High]

Defense Platform: This robotic weapons platform is designed as a defensive system for small habitats, mining claims, brinker colonies, and similar small settlements. They are often placed in orbit around an asteroid or small moon to guard against encroaching intruders. They are also sometimes entrenched in physical perimeter locations. Defense platforms are equipped with two AIs with Beam Weapons 40, Fray 40, Kinetic Weapons 40, Perception 40, and Seeker Weapons 40. The beam weapons are continuously powered by the platform’s nuclear battery, while the ammo bins hold up to 1,000 rounds of ammo and 50 minimissiles. [Expensive]

Robot Movement Rate Max Velocity Armor Durability Wound Threshold Mobility System Enhancements
Automech 4/8 8 4/4 30 6 Wheeled/Vector-Thrust Access Jacks, Electrical Sense, Extra Limbs (4), Headlights, Magnetic System, Radiation Sense, Utilitool, misc. tools
Creepy 4/12 12 2/2 25 5 Walker or Hopper +5 COO, Access Jacks, Chameleon Skin, Extra Limbs (2-8), Grip Pads
Dr. Bot 4/16 16 --- 40 8 Wheeled Access Jacks, Enhanced Smell, Fabber, Fractal Digits, Healing Vat, Nanoscopic Vision
Dwarf 4/12 20 16/12 150 30 Walker +10 SOM, Access Jacks, Extra Limbs (4), Industrial Armor, Radar, Sonar, misc. tools
Gnat 8/40 60 2/2 25 5 Rotor 360-degree vision, Access Jacks, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Vision, Radar
Guardian Angel 8/40 200 14/12 40 8 Rotor +5 REF, 360-Degree Vision, Access Jacks, Chameleon Skin, Eelware, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Smell, Enhanced Vision, Lidar, Light Combat Armor, Neurachem, T-Ray Emitter
Saucer 8/40 200 2/2 25 5 Ionic 360-Degree Vision, Access Jacks, Chameleon Skin, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Vision, Radar
Servitor 4/20 20 4/4 30 6 Walker or Wheeled Access Jacks, Extra Limbs (2-6)
Speck 1/5 5 --- 5 1 Winged/Hopper +5 REF, +5 COO, -10 SOM, Access Jacks, Grip Pads, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Vision, Synthetic Mask
Explorenaut 4/20 60 8/8 35 7 Thrust Vector/Wheeled Access Jacks, Chem Sniffer, Electrical Sense, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Vision, Headlights, Image Recognition Software, Lidar, Mobile Lab, Radar, Radiation Sense, Specimen Container, Telescope, T-Ray Emitter, Utilitool
Manipulator Cuff 2/8 8 --- 5 1 Tracked Access Jacks, Electrical Sense, Enhanced Vision, Fractal Digits, Grip Pads, Mobile Lab, Nanoscopic Vision, Shape Adjusting, Telescoping Limb, Utilitool
Recon Flyer 4/20 20 --- 5 1 Microlight 360-Degree Vision, Access Jacks, Chem Sniffer, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Vision, Image Recognition Software, Radiation Sense
Recon Hopper 4/20 20 --- 10 2 Walker/Hopper +10 Freerunning, Access Jacks, Electrical Sense, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Vision, Grip Pads, Headlights, Image Recognition Software, Radiation Sense
Recon Snake 4/8 12 2/2 25 5 Snake +5 COO, Access Jacks, Chameleon Skin, Eelware, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Vision, Headlights, Image Recognition Software, Magnetic System, Shape Adjusting, Sonar
Retriever 4/20 30 14/12 60 12 Walker 360-Degree Vision, Access Jacks, Diamond Axe, Disassembly Tools, Eelware, Enhanced Smell, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Vision, Headlights, Healing Vat, Image Recognition Software, Lidar, Light Combat Armor, Maker, Nanobandages (2), Repair Spray (2), Shelter Dome, 4 Weapon Mounts (Swivel with Agonizer, Shredder, Sprayer with NotWater and Slip, and Stunner)
Robomule 4/20 35 4/4 40 8 Walker Access Jacks, Extra Limbs (6), Headlights, Maker
Sentry Bot 4/16 35 14/12 75 15 Tracked +5 REF, 360-Degree Vision, Access Jacks, Anti-Glare, Eelware, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Vision, Headlights, Image Recognition Software, Lidar, Light Combat Armor, Neurachem, T-Ray Emitter, 4 Weapon Mounts (2 Fixed with Agonizer and Seeker Rifle, 2 Swivel with Laser Pulser and Shredder)
Sky Mote 4/20 20 --- 5 1 Microlight 360-Degree Vision, Access Jacks, Enhanced Vision, Laser Link
Thumper 4/20 20 4/4 30 6 Tracked Access Jacks, Enhanced Hearing, Geophone Sensors, Headlights, Radar, Weight
Zephyr 8/40 200 4/4 40 8 Winged Access Jacks, Enhanced Vision, Image Recognition Software, Laser Link, Lidar, Radar, T-Ray Emitter
Interceptor 12/200 NA 20/20 150 50 Thrust Vector +10 COO, +10 SOM, 360-Degree Vision, Enhanced Vision, Lidar, Heavy Combat Armor, Medichines, Neurachem (Level 2), Oracles, Radar, Structural Reinforcement, T-Ray Emitter, Weapon Mounts with railgun machine guns with armor-piercing ammo, 2 particle beam bolters, and a missile launcher loaded with HEAP missiles
Scorcher 2/4 12 25/20 200 40 Walker +10 SOM, Access Jacks, Enhanced Vision, Extra Limbs (6-10), Extreme Heat Shielding, Industrial Armor, Radar, Radiation Shielding, Sonar, Wrist-Mounted Tools
Bughunter 4/20 40 2/2 30 6 Rotor 360-Degree Vision, Access Jacks, Disassembly Tools, Electrical Sense, Enhanced Vision, Headlights, Image Recognition Software, Lens Crazer, Lens Spotter, Lidar, Radar, Specialized Hive with Guardian Nanoswarm, T-Ray Emitter, Utilitool, Weapon Mount with Seeker Pistol with EMP and HE seekers.
Caretaker 4/20 30 4/4 25 5 Wheeled Access Jacks, Chem Sniffer, Image Recognition Software, Lidar
Hab Repair Bot 4/16 20 4/4 40 8 Walker Access Jacks, Chem Sniffer, Electrical Sense, Enhanced Vision, Extra Limbs (6-8), Grip Pads, Headlights, Maker, Nanoscopic Vision, Repair Spray, Tool Kit, Utilitool
Harvester 12/200 NA 4/4 50 10 Thrust Vector 360-Degree Vision, Access Jacks, Extra Limbs (4), Enhanced Vision, Headlights, Radar, Radiation Sense, Tool Kit
Skimmer 12/200 NA 12/12 100 20 Thrust Vector 360-Degree Vision, Access Jacks, Chem Sniffer, Enhanced Vision, Lidar, Radar, Radiation Sense
Spider Hand 2/8 12 2/2 10 2 Walker Access Jacks, Cyberclaws, Grip Pads, Pneumatic Limbs
Stealth Drone 12/200 200 (air) / NA (Space) 10/10 60 12 Winged, Thrust Vector +10 COO, 360-degree Vision, Access Jacks, Chameleon Skin, Enhanced Vision, Lidar, Quantum Radar, Radar Absorbent, Radiation Sense, Reduced Signature, Super-Wide Camera
Wobblycat 12/60 60 4/4 15 3 Walker, Hopper Surveillence Loadout360-Degree Vision, Access Jacks, Chameleon Coating, COT Tool, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Vision, Grip Pads, Lidar, Radar, Radar Absorbent T-Ray Emitter, Wobblycat AI

Explosive Loadout Superthermite Charge, Thermobaric Warhead (as Missile, detonates inside bot), Wobblycat AI Nonlethal Loadout Seeker Pistol (Micromissile) with Gas, Overload, or Splash Micromissiles (10), Wobblycat AI

Aerostat 4/20 100 --- 20 5 Microlight passengers: 0-4, Handling: -0Research aerostatAccess Jacks, Chem Sniffer, Laser Link, Lidar, Radar, Radiation Sense, Telescope

Surveillance aerostat Access Jacks, 360-Degree Vision, Enhanced Vision, Image Recognition Software, Laser Link, Radar, T-Ray Emitter Mining aerostat Access Jacks, Chem Sniffer, Gas Collection Gear, Laser Link, Storage Tanks

Defense Platform 8/40 NA 16/16 250 50 Thrust Vector Handling: -20360-Degree Vision, Access Jacks, Anti-Glare, Chameleon Skin, Cryonic Protection, Ego Sharing, Heavy Combat Armor, Hyperspectral Imager (p. 153, Panopticon), Radar, Radar Absorbent (p. 149, Panopticon), Super-Wide Cameras (p. 153, Panopticon), 6 Weapon Mounts with 2 Exoatmospheric Particle Beam Bolters, 2 Seeker Rifles (HEAP and Plasmaburst), 2 Railgun Machine Guns

Spacecraft[edit | edit source]

Though egocasting is a common method of personal transport and it’s often easier to simply transmit the specifications for various goods and to allow nanofactories to create duplicates, spacecraft play an important role in the solar system, carrying both passengers and valuable cargo. Both in terms of materials and propulsion, spacecraft in the post-Fall era are far superior to the primitive vessels used in the 20th and early 21st centuries, but they are still based on the same principles. Spacecraft have few stats in Eclipse Phase, as they are primarily handled as setting rather than vehicles. Note also that no stats are given for spacecraft weaponry. It is highly recommended that space combat be handled as a plot device rather than a combat scene, given the extreme lethality and danger involved. If you absolutely must know the DV of a spacecraft weapon, treat it as a a standard weapon with a DV multiplier of x3 for small craft (fighters and shuttles), x5 for medium craft, and x10 for larger craft.

Spacecraft Propulsion[edit | edit source]

The most important part of any spacecraft is its engine, and the most important features of any engine are the exhaust velocity, which determines how much fuel the rocket requires to reach a given speed, and the engine’s thrust, which determines how high the acceleration can be. Any rocket that has a thrust of less than approximately twice the gravity of a planet or moon cannot take off from that planet or moon. Sample thrusts and gravities are listed on the Escaping Gravity Wells table. Hydrogen-Oxygen Rocket (HO): Though optimized with improved engine design and light-weight materials, these are essentially the same primitive rockets that humanity used to first reach the moon in the 20th century. These are rarely used and only common with groups too poor or primitive to safely manufacture metallic hydrogen. Metallic Hydrogen Rocket (MH): Metallic hydrogen is a solid form of hydrogen created using exceedingly high pressures. Although naturally unstable, it can be stabilized with carefully controlled electrical and magnetic fields, and these field generators are an integral part of every metallic hydrogen fuel tank. By selectively reducing these fields near the exhaust nozzle, small amounts of metallic hydrogen can be made to swiftly and explosively revert to conventional hydrogen gas, propelling the rocket with great force in an easily controlled fashion. Metallic hydrogen engines are used in most planetary landers and short range vehicles. Plasma Rocket (P): This drive heats hydrogen into plasma and accelerates it using a powerful electrical field. This type of rocket was very common in the mid 21st century, but has been superseded by fusion rockets and is only used in older and more primitive spacecraft, notably scum barges. Fusion Rocket (F): Similar to a plasma rockets, fusion rockets require significantly higher temperatures and pressures, and the rocket also produces large amounts of power for the spacecraft. Fusion rockets are now the most common form of propulsion for spacecraft designed for long-distance voyages. Anti-Matter Rocket (AM): Anti-matter rockets work mixing small amounts of anti-matter into the hydrogen fuel, producing enormous amounts of energy and an exceptionally fast and powerful exhaust. These rockets typically carry a heavily shielded magnetically contained anti-matter storage vessel carrying a mass of anti-matter equal to 1% of the mass of the hydrogen fuel used by the rocket. The magnetic containment vessels needed to safely contain antimatter usually weight at least 10 times the mass of the antimatter used. Though anti-matter storage is exceptionally safe, the vast energy release possible if there was an accident means that anti-matter rockets are forbidden from coming closer than 25,000 km from any inhabited planet or moon. Also, very few habitats will allow an anti-matter rocket to dock with them, and instead require the spacecraft to remain at least 10,000 km away and for all cargo and passengers to be transferred using a small craft like a small LOTV. Anti-matter is exceedingly expensive to produce and so anti-matter rockets are only used in military vessels and in fast couriers designed to carry critical cargoes across the solar system in short periods of time.

Escaping Gravity Wells
Spacecraft Engine Thrust (in Gs)
Hydrogen-Oxygen Rocket 4+
Metallic Hydrogen 3
Plasma Rocket 0.01
Fusion Rocket 0.05
Antimatter 0.2
Rocket Buggy 0.5
Planets, Moons, Etc. Gravity
Earth 1
Europa 0.13
Jupiter 2.53
Luna 0.17
Mars 0.38
Mercury 0.38
Neptune 1.14
Pluto 0.06
Saturn 0.91
Titan 0.14
Uranus 0.89
Venus 0.9

Sample Spacecraft[edit | edit source]

The following is a representative sample of the most common type of spacecraft used in the solar system today. Bulk Carrier: This vessel is simply a standard transport refitted to carry large amounts of cargo in external cargo grapples. Used for carrying refined ores, ice, and similar forms of large, useful, but low priority cargos, bulk carriers transport large cargos at relatively low velocities. They also offer an inexpensive, reliable, and slow method for passengers to travel from one habitat to another and are not infrequently used by individuals who wish to disappear for a while. Unlike the standard transport, the bulk carrier lacks the rotating habitat pods. Courier:In a standard transport, a typical journey from Luna to Mars requires approximately three weeks, while a journey from Mars to Jupiter requires approximately four months. This is sufficient for most purposes, but occasionally characters need to take themselves or sufficiently valuable cargoes across the solar system in a matter of days or weeks, instead of weeks or months. Anti-matter drive fast couriers are vessels designed for this specific purpose. This vessel can travel from Venus to Mars in a week and from Mars to Jupiter in a month. The fast courier is the swiftest vessels currently made and is able to reach at much as one half of one percent of the speed of light. To manage this, this spacecraft must also carry 6 tons of antimatter in a 100 ton magnetic containment vessel. In an emergency, this containment facility can be jettisoned. Destroyer: One of the largest military spacecraft in common use, destroyers use an antimatter drive holding 150 tons of antimatter in a 2,000-ton magnetic containment vessel. This antimatter can also be used to provide the spacecraft’s missiles with anti-matter for devastatingly powerful anti-matter warheads. This spacecraft is also armed with railguns, nuclear and high explosive missiles, and point defense lasers. In addition, all destroyers carry a contingent of 20 fighters. Fighter: This small, short range military vessel is designed to be crewed by an infomorph or AI. If needed, however, it can hold a single synthmorph or vaccum-adapted biomorph as a pilot. It carries 3 lasers and 2 railguns mounted on small pods placed around the middle of ship that can fire in any direction. A single missile launcher is located in the nose of the fighter and typically holds 6 small high explosive missiles or tactical nuclear missiles (or even anti-matter missiles if facing high-threat targets). General Exploration Vehicle (GEV): A GEV is one of the standard vehicles used for exploration beyond the Pandora Gates. It is specifically designed to handle almost any environment. It is a boxy vehicle, 6 meters long, 2.2 meters wide, and 2 meters high. It makes extensive use of smart matter in the lower part of the chassis, and can create wheels or short legs (primarily useful for exceedingly rough terrain). It can even produce limited hull streamlining and propulsion suitable for travel both on and underwater. In addition, it contains a small metallic hydrogen engine that allow it to maneuver in space with an acceleration of up to 0.1 G. GEVs have a Maximum Velocity of 200 (wheeled)/40 (walker)/60 (sea)/40 (submerged). The GEV also has a closed cycle life support system that can support up to 6 (fairly cramped) living occupants for up to one month and limited electromagnetic shielding against charged particle radiation. All models are fitted with advanced AI piloting and navigation as well as limited self-repair capacity. In addition, GEV’s have an extensible airlock, a single healing vat, several desktop CMs, and a variety of sensors, including both radar and telescopic full spectrum cameras. Large Lander and Orbit Transfer Vehicle (LLOTV): This common vehicle is used for transporting passengers and cargo between a planet or moon and orbit and for short distance transfers between habitats less than 100,000 km apart. This conical vehicle has a curved heat shield on the base and smart material landing legs and grapples so that it can rest securely on any stable terrain and link up with all forms of docking clamps. It comes in variants designed to use either a hydrogen-oxygen chemical rocket or a metallic hydrogen rocket. The use of light-weight smart materials allows the interior to be easily and rapidly reconfigured to accommodate different amounts of fuel, passenger seats, and cargo space. LLOTVs that are not designed for planetary landing or which are designed only to land on airless moons are unstreamlined and look considerably blockier. LLOTVs come in two configurations: high or low velocity. High velocity configuration allows the vehicle to land and take off again on Venus or Earth without refueling and for rapid transport between nearby habitats. Low velocity con guration is designed to land and take off again on Mars or various large moons without refueling and for slower and more fuel efficient transport between nearby habitats. The extensive use of smart materials in this vehicle means that LLOTVs that use metallic hydrogen engines can be easily converted between the high and low velocity configurations, requiring less than a day in a well-equipped maintenance facility. However, vessels using hydrogen oxygen engines cannot be converted. Since metallic hydrogen is a much more efficient propellant, landers using it always include significant amounts of extra propellant for emergencies. Scum Barge: These huge craft were originally designed for use during the first stages of the evacuation of Earth. They were built to carry up to 20,000 people and to allow them to survive for months or even years, in relatively cramped conditions, until more suitable habitats could be constructed. A number of these vessels are still in service, primarily used as mobile habitats by various anarchic subcultures. The best have had their plasma rockets replaced by modern fusion rockets and carry 5-10,000 in relative comfort. The worst use aging plasma rockets and stretch their life support systems and living spaces to the limit, carrying up to 25,000 poor and desperate residents. Small Lander and Orbit Transfer Vehicle (SLOTV): This vehicle is identical in use and design to the LLOTV, except that it is one third the total mass and correspondingly less expensive to build and refuel. Some exceptionally wealthy individuals own private small LOTVs. Using a small LOTV with a hydrogen-oxygen engine to take off and land on Venus or for other high velocity uses is exceptionally cramped and allows for absolutely no room for error. Like the LLOTV, this vehicle can be easily converted between low and high velocity configurations and is made in both streamlined and non-streamlined versions. Standard Transport: This vessel is one of the most common freighter and passenger vessel in the solar system. While egocasting is by far the most common form of inter-habitat transport, some people prefer to travel by ship and others do not wish to leave their current morph behind. In addition, some goods are easier or cheaper to physically transport rather than duplicating their templates. As a result, standard transports regularly travel to and from every large habitat and inhabited planet and moon in the solar system. These are modern fusion-drive ships that offer fast and comfortable travel for passengers as well as relatively swift transport for small cargoes. One of the additional benefits of the standard transport is the fact that it contains four separate passenger compartments, each of which is mounted on a 90 meter-long booms that can extend and rotate to simulate gravity. When rotating at a comfortable 2 rpm, passengers experience Mars level gravity. Typically, the gravity maintained in these pods starts at the local gravity (or Mars gravity, if the local gravity is higher) and over the course of the journey gradually increases or decreases to the gravity of the destination. However, these pods cannot rotate to produce gravity higher than that found on Mars. Lifeboat: Habitat lifeboats are designed to carry up to 100 people with food and water for 8 days. They are not designed for long-term or long-distance travel and have only very small metallic hydrogen rockets with limited range and poor maneuverability. [Expensive]

Fast Transport: These are ordinary standard transports (p. 349, EP) with smart material hulls that restructure to double the amount of hydrogen carried, allowing the ship to make the journey twice as fast. The downside of reconfiguring a standard transport in this fashion is that it can only carry 120 passengers instead of the normal 200.

Spacecraft Passenger Capacity Handling Armor Durability Wound Threshold Death Rating
Bulk Carrier 110 --- 20 750 150 1500
Courier 13 --- 15 500 100 1000
Destroyer 90 --- 30 2,000 500 5000
Fighter 1 +30 20 240 60 600
GEV 6 -10 15 200 40 400
LLOTV (HO) 20 (high-velocity)/100 (low velocity) -10 20 800 160 1600
LLOTV (MH) 250 (high-velocity)/250 (low-velocity) -10 20 800 160 1600
Scum Barge 20,000 --- 20 1,500 150 1500
SLOTV (HO) 3 (high-velocity)/30 (low-velocity) -10 20 400 80 800
SLOTV (MH) 70 (high-velocity)/100 (low-velocity) -10 20 400 80 800
Standard Transport 200 --- 20 750 150 1500
Lifeboat 100 -20 20 200 20 200
Fast Transport 120/120 -- 20 750 150 1500

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