
From Chucks 1E Eclipse Phase Wiki
Revision as of 10:19, 2 June 2024 by MeshAdmin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " = Weapons = = Table of Contents = Melee Weapons Blades Clubs Exotic Melee Weapons Unarmed Kinetic Weapons Firearms Railguns Kinetic Ammunition Smart Ammo Beam Weapons Seekers Spray Weapons Grenades and Seekers Exotic Ranged Weapons Weapon Accessories Weapon Ranges A wide range of weapons are available in Eclipse Phase, from the primitive to the technologically advanced. = Melee Weapons = Melee weapons are those wielded by hand (or foot) in melee combat...")
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Weapons[edit | edit source]

Table of Contents[edit | edit source]

Melee Weapons



Exotic Melee Weapons


Kinetic Weapons



Kinetic Ammunition

Smart Ammo

Beam Weapons


Spray Weapons

Grenades and Seekers

Exotic Ranged Weapons

Weapon Accessories

Weapon Ranges A wide range of weapons are available in Eclipse Phase, from the primitive to the technologically advanced.

Melee Weapons[edit | edit source]

Melee weapons are those wielded by hand (or foot) in melee combat. They are divided by the skill be which they are used.

Blades[edit | edit source]

These weapons are wielded with Blades skill. Diamond Axe: Commonly found on many habitats for fire and emergency purposes, axes require two hands to wield. Their blades are diamond-coated for superior cutting ability. [Low] Flex Cutter: The blade of this machete-like weapon is made of a memory polymer. When deactivated, the blade is limp and flexible, and may even be rolled up or otherwise easily concealed. When activated, however, the blade stiffens and sharpens into a vicious slashing weapon. [Low]

Knife: A standard cutting implement, still carried by many. [Trivial] Monofilament Sword: Though swords are rather archaic in the time of Eclipse Phase, a few eccentrics take advantage of modern versions with a self-sharpening near-monomolecular edge, easily capable of slicing through metal or limbs. [Low]

Vibroblade: These buzzing electronic blades vibrate at a high frequency for extra cutting ability. This has little extra effect when stabbing or slashing, but provides an extra –3 AP and +2d10 damage when carefully sawing through something. [Low] Wasp Knife: Wasp knives are equipped with a canister in their handle. The common use is to fill these canisters with pressured air, which inflates inside the target. This is potentially lethal in vacuum or pressurized environments (like underwater), as the gas bursts out of the body cavity to escape (+2d10 damage in such situations). Wasp knives may also be loaded with chemicals, drugs, or nanobots. The target must be damaged for the canister’s contents to affect them. [Low]

Clubs[edit | edit source]

Characters use Clubs skill when using these weapons. Club: Clubs encompasses a wide range of one-handed blunt objects, from saps to sticks to pipes. [Trivial] Extendable Baton: This hardened composite baton retracts into its handle for easy carrying, storage, or concealment. Extending it simply requires a flick or an electronic signal. [Trivial]

Shock Baton: Shock batons are standard clubs used for policing duties, but when activated they also deliver an electric shock to struck targets. [Low]

Exotic Melee Weapons[edit | edit source]

Unusual weapons requires a specific Exotic Melee field skill to use. Monowire Garrote: This assassin’s weapon features a dangerous monomolecular wire wrapped around a contained spool with two handles. One handle grips the spool, while the other extends the wire so that it may be used to wrap around targets (typically necks or limbs) and slice through them when pulled. Monofilament tensile strength is weak, however, usually breaking after one use. [Moderate]

Unarmed[edit | edit source]

These weapons are wielded using Unarmed Combat skill. Densiplast Gloves: These gloves extra-harden when activated, for extra punch. [Trivial] Shock Gloves: When activated, these gloves deliver an incapacitating shock along with every punch or grab. Note that the effect is the same whether wearing one glove or two. [Low]

Melee Weapons - Blades, Clubs, Exotic, Unarmed
Blades Armor Penetration (AP) Damage Value (DV) Average DV
Diamond Ax -3 2d10+3+(SOM/10) 14+(SOM/10)
Flex Cutter -1 1d10+3+(SOM/10) 8+(SOM/10)
Knife -1 1d10+2+(SOM/10) 7+(SOM/10)
Monofilament Sword -4 2d10+2+(SOM/10) 13+(SOM/10)
Vibroblade -2 2d10+(SOM/10) 11+(SOM/10)
Wasp Knife -1 1d10+2+(SOM/10) 7+(SOM/10)
Club --- 1d10+2+(SOM/10) 7+(SOM/10)
Extendable Baton --- 1d10+2+(SOM/10) 7+(SOM/10)
Shock Baton --- 1d10+2+(SOM/10)+Shock 7+(SOM/10)
Exotic Melee Weapons
Monowire Garrote -8 3d10 16
Bioware Claws -1 1d10+1+(SOM/10) 6+(SOM/10)
Cyberclaws -2 1d10+3+(SOM/10) 8+(SOM/10)
Densiplast Gloves --- 1d10+2+(SOM/10) 7+(SOM/10)
Eelware --- Shock ---
Shock Gloves --- 1d10+(SOM/10)+Shock 5+(SOM/10)
Unarmed --- 1d10+(SOM/10) 5+(SOM/10)

Kinetic Weapons[edit | edit source]

Kinetic weapons damage the target by firing a hard impact projectile at high-velocities. Slugthrowers have evolved from the mechanical firearms of the early 21st century, however, and now fall into two categories: chemical firearms and railguns. Though their mechanisms for firing are different, they are roughly similar in effect. Railguns have a higher penetration and inflict more damage, which is offset by more limited ammunition choices. While modern beam weapons have their uses, they rarely match the punch of kinetic weapons, therefore slugthrowers are still perceived as the most versatile and effective weapon system. Kinetic weapons are constructed from lightweight, reinforced plastoceramic materials, which are easily produced even without nanofabrication. By default, modern kinetic weapons are ambidextrous but more importantly feature safety and smartlink systems that automatically connect to the wielder’s mesh inserts for firing assistance, target recognition, and tactical networking. The wielder of a firearm or railgun uses Kinetic Weapons skill.

Firearms[edit | edit source]

Modern chemical firearms use caseless ammunition that is auto-loaded from a magazine. They are effectively recoilless (thanks to rheological smart fluid mechanisms) and electronically fired (an electric charge vaporizes the propellant, using the expanding steam and plasma to eject and accelerate the projectile). Note that older, pre-Fall firearms still exist and are traded by black marketeers, though they use outdated system such as liquid propellants or cased ammunition. At the gamemaster’s discretion, these relics may suffer shorter ranges, less penetration, fewer firing modes, or reduced damage. Pistols: Pistols are small-sized and designed for one-hand use. Light pistols sacrifice penetrating ability for concealability. Heavy pistols focus on stopping power, with medium pistols occupying a middle ground. All versions fire in semi-automatic, burst-fire, and full-auto modes. [Low]

Submachine Guns: SMGs use pistol ammunition, but are medium-sized and may fire in semi-auto, burst fire, or full auto modes. They typically are designed in a bullpup configuration for close quarters operations and are ideal for tactical and strike teams. [Moderate] Automatic Rifles: Automatic rifles use rifle ammunition and have greater range and penetration than SMGs. They fire in semi-auto, burst fire, or full auto modes. They are two-handed weapons. [Moderate]

Sniper Rifle: Sniper rifles are optimized for range, accuracy, penetration, and stopping power. They fire in semi-auto mode only and are two-handed weapons. [High] Machine Gun: Machine guns are heavy weapons, typically mounted, and intended to provide continuous fire for support or suppressive purposes. They fire in burst fire or full auto modes, and are two-handed weapons. [High]

Railguns[edit | edit source]

Railguns use a pair of electromagnetic rails to slide and accelerate a non-explosive conductive projectile at extremely high velocities (Mach 6+) to create an overwhelming, penetrating attack. The kinetic energy of the projectile exceeds that of an explosive-filled shell of greater mass and creates shock and heat waves upon impact that shatter and incinerate the target, or portions of it. While railguns are more potent than firearms, the ammunition choices are limited as the projectile must be conductive and able to survive both acceleration and heat created in the process due to friction. Nanofabrication allows railguns to be manufactured on the personal weapons scale while high-energy portable batteries provide the power to fire them. Railgun operation is silent except for the supersonic crack of the projectile. Railguns are available in the same models as firearms (pistols through machine guns), with the following modifications:

  • Increase AP by –3
  • Increase damage by +2
  • Increase the maximum for each range category by x1.5
  • Increase Cost category by one
  • Railguns may only use regular and armor-piercing ammunition
  • Railguns also require battery power for each shot.Standard railgun batteries hold enough power for 200 shots, after which they must be recharged at the rate of 20 points per hour.
Kinetic Weapons
Firearms Armor Penetration (AP) Damage Value (DV) Average DV Firing Modes Ammo SH MD LN XLN
Light Pistol --- 2d10 11 SA, BF, FA 16 10 25 40 60
Medium Pistol -2 2d10+2 13 SA, BF, FA 12 10 30 50 70
Heavy Pistol -4 2d10+4 15 SA, BF, FA 10 10 35 60 80
Submachine Gun -2 2d10+3 14 SA, BF, FA 20 30 80 125 230
Automatic Rifle -6 2d10+6 17 SA, BF, FA 30 150 250 500 900
Sniper Rifle -12 2d10+10 21 SA 12 180 400 1100 2300
Machine Gun -6 2d10+6 17 BF, FA 50 100 400 1000 2000
Railguns Armor Penetration (AP) Damage Value (DV) Average DV Firing Modes Ammo SH MD LN XLN
Light Pistol -3 2d10+2 13 SA, BF, FA 16 15 38 60 90
Medium Pistol -5 2d10+4 15 SA, BF, FA 12 15 45 75 105
Heavy Pistol -7 2d10+6 17 SA, BF, FA 10 15 53 90 120
Submachine Gun -5 2d10+5 16 SA, BF, FA 20 45 120 188 345
Automatic Rifle -9 2d10+8 19 SA, BF, FA 30 225 375 750 1350
Sniper Rifle -15 2d10+12 23 SA 12 270 600 1650 3450
Machine Gun -9 2d10+8 19 BF, FA 50 150 600 1500 3000

Kinetic Ammunition[edit | edit source]

Ammunition is defined by its various types (standard, gel, APDS, etc.) and by the class of gun (light pistol, heavy pistol, SMG, etc.). For simplicity, each gun can trade ammunition with another gun of its class, though ammunition for firearms and railguns is not exchangeable. For example, all railgun SMGs can share ammo. The ammunition’s Damage Value and Armor Penetration modifiers are added to the weapon’s base DV and AP. With the exception of regular and armor-piercing rounds, none of this ammunition may be used with railguns. Listed costs are per 100 rounds of ammunition. Armor-Piercing: This tungsten-carbide ammunition penetrates armor effectively. [Low]

Bug: Bug rounds are equipped with a microbug and medical sensor nanobots. They attempt to gather information on the target’s location (via standard mesh tracking), health (querying the target’s medichines), and surroundings (typically hindered by being inside the target’s body). They will transmit status reports in a pre-programmed manner via the mesh or a pre-chosen frequency band either continuously or in pre-set intervals. [Low] Capsule: Capsule ammo carries a payload (drug, toxin, nanobots) that is released inside the target after the round penetrates. [Trivial plus payload cost]

Flux: Flux ammo is made from rheological materials that allow each bullet to be “programmed” so that they may change from regular rounds to less-lethal soft plastic-like rounds. This allows the firer to choose the type of round (regular or plastic) made with each shot or burst, and then change with the next one. [Low] Hollow-Point: Hollow-point bullets are designed to deform and widen once they penetrate a target, thus inflicting more damage. [Trivial]

Jammer: Jammers stick to the target and pulse out jamming electromagnetic signals, jamming the target’s wireless communications. If an Opposed Test is called for, these devices have an Interface of 30. [Low] Plastic: Plastic ammo is designed to hurt but not wound targets, and is commonly used for crowd control purposes. [Trivial]

Reactive: The casing on these projectiles is made of reactive materials that release a large amount of energy when subjected to a sudden shock or impact—such as striking a target. In other words, they explode or superheat when they hit. [Low] Reactive Armor-Piercing (RAP): This is a tungsten-carbide armor-piercing round with a reactive casing, allowing the ammunition to penetrate even further. [Moderate]

Regular Ammo: This standard metal projectile is designed to put holes into morphs. [Trivial] Splash: Splash rounds carry a payload like capsule ammo, but are designed to break upon impact rather than penetrating, splashing their contents on the target’s exterior. Splash rounds are typically loaded with paint, taggant nanobots, tracker dye, and similar substances. [Trivial plus payload cost]

Zap: Zap rounds are rubber or gel bullets that create an electric charge upon firing in a piezoelectric like manner to stun the target effectively with both the bullet and the electric shock. [Trivial]

Smart Ammo[edit | edit source]

Smart ammunition takes advantage of nanotechnology to produce bullets that can alter their flight path, home in the target, and correct aim. Smart ammo may not be used with railguns. With the exception of biter, flayer, and proximity rounds, smart ammo may be combined with other ammo types (accushot armor-piercing, for example). Accushot: Accushot bullets change shape within flight to keep dead on course, countering the effects of wind, drag, and gravity over distance. Attacks made with accushot bullets ignore all range modifiers. [Low] Biter: Biters are specially-designed to fragment in opposite proportion to the hardness of the target they strike. For hard targets (synthmorphs), they fragment very little, blasting a big hole. For soft targets (biomorphs), they fragment and tumble in multiple directions within the body. [Low]

Flayer: Flayers have nanosensors to detect an oncoming impact, shooting out monomolecular barbs as they are about to strike a target. These monowires cut through the target along with the bullet, inflicting additional damage. [Low] Homing:When fired with a smartlink system, the bullet identifies the target and uses nanosensors to lock on, correcting the bullet’s trajectory with surface alterations and tiny vectored nozzles. Apply a +10 modifier to the Attack Test, cumulative with aiming and smartlink modifiers. Homing bullets may also be used for indirect fire. [Low]

Laser-Guided: These bullets function like homing smart rounds (apply the +10 attack modifier), except rather than requiring a smartlink system, they lock onto the reflection of the laser sight used to paint the target. Laser-guided bullets may also be used for indirect fire. [Low] Proximity: Proximity is an explosive ammunition that identifies the target when fired via smartlink. If the round determines that it will miss the target, it will still explode if it reaches the close proximity of the target. If the attack misses with an MoF of 10 or less, the round explodes 1d10 meters away from the target and inflicts 1d10 area effect damage in the proximity of the target. [Moderate]

Zero: Similar to homing smart rounds, zero bullets identify the target when fired via smartlink. Whether the round hits or misses, however, it sends telemetry data back to the next zero bullet, allowing it to course-correct and “zero in” to hit the target (or hit more accurately). Apply a +10 modifier to each shot (or burst) fired after the first against the same target in the same Action Turn. [Low]

Kinetic Ammunition
Ammo AP Modifier DV Modifier
Armor-Piercing -5 -2
Bug +1 -1d10
Capsule +1 -half
Flux as ammo type as ammo type
Hollow-Point +2 +1d10
Jammer --- no damage
Plastic (AP Doubled) -half
Reactive -2 +2
Reactive Armor-Piercing -6 -1
Regular --- ---
Splash --- No Damage
Zap +2 -half+Shock
Smart Ammo
Accushot --- ---
Biter --- +1d10
Flayer --- +2
Homing --- ---
Laser-Guided --- ---
Proximity -1 +2
Zero --- ---

Beam Weapons[edit | edit source]

Beam weapons is a broad category for a number of electromagnetic weapons with a wide range of effects. With a few exceptions, energy weapons are primarily used for less-than-lethal purposes, designed to impair the target rather than kill it. Their poor performance against armor, lesser ability to damage targets, and high power requirements make them less versatile than kinetic weapons. All beam weapons come equipped with safety and smartlink systems. The wielders of such weapons use Beam Weapons skill. Batteries: Beam weapons are equipped with both a standard and a nuclear battery. The standard battery is good for the listed number of shots before it is depleted. The nuclear battery will recharge the standard battery at the rate of 20 shots per hour. Standard batteries may be swapped out with a Quick Action. [Trivial (Standard) or Low (Nuclear)] Laser Pulsers: Laser weapons use focused beams of light to inflict damage on the target by burning into it and causing it’s outer surface to vaporize and expand, creating an explosive effect. The laser beam is pulsed in order to bite into the target before the beam is diffused. Pulsers are vulnerable to atmospheric effects like dust, mist, smoke, or rain, however—the gamemaster should reduce their effective range categories as appropriate. Note that laser pulses are invisible in the normal visual spectrum (but are visible to characters with enhanced vision). Pulsers are medium-sized and fire in semi-auto mode. [Moderate]

One advantage to the pulser is that it can be placed in less-lethal mode. In this case, it first fires a pulse at the target to create a ball of plasma, quickly fired by a second pulse that strikes the plasma and creates a flash-bang shockwave to stun and disorient the target. This blast has an area of effect with a 1-meter radius. Anyone caught in the blast must make a SOM x 2 Test (SOM x 3 for synthmorphs or biomorphs with any form of pain tolerance). Failure means the target is temporarily stunned and disoriented and loses their next action. A critical failure means the target is knocked down and paralyzed for 1 Action Turn per 10 points of MoF. In this stun setting, the pulser fires only in single-shot mode. Microwave Agonizer: The agonizer fires millimeter-wave beams that create an unpleasant burning sensation in skin (even through armor) and to metals. Agonizers have two settings. The first is an active denial setting that causes extreme burning pain in the target, inflicting –20 to the target’s actions and forcing them to move away from the beam on their next action unless they succeed in a WIL Test (targets with Level 1 Pain Tolerance or the equivalent only suffer a –10 modifier and roll WIL x 2). Synthetic morphs and biomorphs with Level 2 Pain Tolerance (or the equivalent) are immune to this weapon. The second setting (colloquially known as the “roast” setting) has the same effect of the first, but also actually burns the target, inflicting the listed damage. Originally developed for crowd control, the agonizer is also useful for repelling animals. The agonizer is small-sized and fires in semi-auto mode. [Moderate]

Particle Beam Bolter: This weapon shoots a bolt of accelerated particles at near light speed that transfer massive amounts of kinetic energy to the target, superheating and creating an explosion when striking. The bolter’s beam is not diffused by the cloud that occurs when it strikes, and so it has greater penetration than the laser pulser. Likewise, the bolter is not affected by smoke, fog, or rain. The bolter’s beam is invisible (but visible in infrared). Bolters must be set for either atmospheric or exoatmospheric (vacuum) operation, and will not function in the opposite environment, though it only takes a Complex Action to switch. Bolters fire in semi-auto mode and are rifle-sized two-handed weapons. [High] Plasma Rifle:This bulky, heavy, two-handed weapon blasts a stream of nova-hot plasma at the target, inflicting severe burns and thermal damage, possibly melting or evaporating the target entirely. Plasma rifles are perhaps the deadliest man-portable weapons in use. Plasma rifles only fire in single shot mode. Any hit that is an Excellent Success (MoS 30+) sets the target on fire(see Fire); they will continue to take 2d10 damage per Action Turn until extinguised. Plasma guns suffer from dangerous overheating in vacuum and require 1 full Action Turn of cool-down time after every 2 shots. [Expensive] Stunner: The stunner is an electrolaser that creates an electrically-conductive plasma channel to the target, down which it transmits a powerful electric current, shocking the target. Stunners do not work in vacuum. Stunners fire in semi-auto mode. [Moderate]

Beam Weapons
Armor Penetration (AP) Damage Value (DV) Average DV Firing Modes Ammo
Cybernetic Hand Laser --- 2d10 11 SA 50
Laser Pulser --- 2d10 11 SA 100
LP Stun Mode --- 1d10 5 SS ---
Microwave Agonizer --- Pain (See description) --- SS 100
MA Roast Mode -5 2d10 11 SA 50
Particle Beam Bolter -2 2d10+4 15 SA 50
Plasma Rifle -8 3d10+20 36 SS 10
Stunner --- 1d10 / 2 +Shock 2+shock SA 200

Seekers[edit | edit source]

Seekers are a combination of automatic grenade launcher, micromissile, coilgun, and smart munitions technology. Unlike traditional launchers of the past, miniaturization allows the manufacture of seeker micromissile launchers in personal weapon sizes. Seeker rounds are gired at high-velocity via rings of magnetic coils, after which the micromissile or minimissile uses scramjet technology to propel itself and maintain high velocities over great distances. Seekers are wielded using Seeker Weapons skill. Like grenades, seekers may be programmed for a variety of trigger events. All seeker weapons are safety- and smartlink-equipped. Disposable Launcher (Standard Missile): This launcher is pre-packed with one standard missile. [Moderate (includes missile)]

Seeker Armband (Micromissile): This weapons unit is worn on the arm, allowing the user to point and fire using an entoptic smartlink system. Though highly portable, the armband’s micromissile supply is low. It fires in single-shot mode. [Moderate] Seeker Pistol (Micromissile): This pistol-sized seeker launcher fires micromissiles in semi-auto mode. [Moderate]

Seeker Rifle (Micromissile/Minimissile): The seeker rifle comes in a bullpup configuration and fires either micromissiles or minimissiles in semi-auto mode. It is a two-handed weapons. [High] Underbarrel Seeker (Micromissile): This seeker micromissile launcher is commonly attached to the underbarrel of SMGs or assault rifles. It fires in semi-auto mode. [Moderate]

Seeker Weapons
Firing Mode Ammo
Disposable Launcher SS 1
Seeker Armband SS 4
Seeker Pistol SA 8
Seeker Rifle SA 12 Micromissle / 6 Minimissile
Underbarrel Seeker SA 6

Spray Weapons[edit | edit source]

Spray weapons blast their ammunition outwards in a widening cone, allowing them to strike several targets at once. These weapons are wielded with the Spray Weapons skill. Spray weapon ammunition has a flat cost of Low per 100 shots (with the exception of buzzers, which use nanoswarms). Spray weapons come equipped with safety and smartlink systems. Buzzer: Equipped with a specialized nanobot hive, Buzzers are used to spray a nanoswarm on a target or area. They have a limited capacity of swarms, though the nanohive can construct one new swarm each hour. This weapon is two-handed. [Moderate] Freezer: Freezers spew out a fast-hardening foam that immediately begins to harden. They are primarily used as a non-lethal method of immobilizing or securing a target. Struck characters must immediately make a REF x 3 Test or become trapped. Apply a –30 modifier to this test if the attacker scored an Excellent Success (MoS 30+). The foam allows characters to breath even if their mouth and nose are covered, but it may impede sight. Freezer foam can be spiked with contact toxins or drugs to additionally sedate the target. It can also be used to construct temporary barricades or cover. Hardened foam has an Armor of 10 and Durability of 20. It slowly breaks down and degrades over a 12 hour period. Freezers are two-handed. [Moderate]

Shard Pistol: The shard pistol is a flechette weapon, firing a stream of of diamondoid monomolecular shards at high velocities. These micro flechettes are very good at penetrating armor, but they do not disperse kinetic energy well and so do not cause as much tissue damage as kinetic weapons. Shard ammunition is often coated with drugs or toxins for extra efficiency. [Low] Shredder: A heavier version of the shard pistol, the shredder fires a larger cloud of lethal flechettes, enough to shred a portion of the target into a fine mist. [Moderate]

Sprayer: This is a general-purpose two-handed squirtgun, loaded with tanks filled with the chemical or drug of the wielder’s choice. [Low] Torch: This modern flamethrower uses condensed ammunition capsules rather than fuel tanks, scorching targets and setting them on fire. Any hit that is an Excellent Success (MoS 30+) sets the target on fire, where they will continue to take 2d10 damage per Action Turn. These chemical fires are particularly difficult to put out unless they are deprived of oxygen. Torches are two-handed. [Moderate]

Spray Weapons
Armor Penetration (AP) Damage Value (DV) Average DV Firing Modes Ammo
Buzzer --- Nanoswarm --- SS 3
Freezer --- Incapacitation --- SA 20
Shard Pistol -10 1d10+6 11 SA, BF, FA 100
Shredder -10 2d10+5 16 SA, BF, FA 100
Sprayer As Chemical/Drug As Chemical/Drug As Chemical/Drug SA 20
Torch -4 3d10 16 SS 20

Grenades and Seekers[edit | edit source]

Grenades and seeker missiles come in similar munitions packages and with similar trigger mechanisms, though their packaging, physical form, and methods of application differ. Seeker missiles are fired from a seeker launcher using Seeker Weapons skill. Grenades are thrown at targets using Throwing Weapons skill. If a grenade or seeker misses, use the rules for scatter. Grenades are available in standard form or as microgrenades. Similarly, missiles are available in standard, minimissile, or micromissile sizes. Standard grenades and minimissiles are the baseline standard for listed effects. All are area effect weapons. Minigrenades and micromissiles inflict –1d10 damage (or have another decreased effect as noted). Standard missiles double the listed DV. For weapons with a uniform blast effect or other static blast area, divide the base listed radius in half for minigrenades and micromissiles and double it for standard missiles. Listed costs are for 10 grenades/missiles. Each seeker has one smart ammo option other than biter or flayer. Concussion: These devices emit a concussive blast designed to knock opponents off their feet and stun them. Any character caught within a base blast radius of 10 meters must make a SOM x 2 Test. If they fail, they are knocked down. If their MoF is 30+, they are additionally stunned until the end of the next Action Turn. Anyone caught in the blast radius suffers a –10 action modifier for the rest of that Action Turn. [Moderate]

EMP:EMP munitions fire off a strong electromagnetic pulse when they “detonate.” Since most electronics in Eclipse Phase are built with optical technology, and power supplies and sensitive microcircuits are shielded and surge-protected, this has no major damaging effect. Antennas, however, are vulnerable, especially finer wires like those used with mesh inserts. As a result, the primary effect of EMP is to disable radio communications—every radio within range of the blast is reduced to 1/10th the normal range. The base blast radius for EMP is 50 meters. [High] Frag: Fragmentation explosives spread a cloud of lethal flechettes over the area of effect. They are resisted with kinetic armor. [Moderate]

Gas/Smoke: Gas/smoke munitions emit a cloud of their contained substance. Smoke impedes sight by releasing thick fumes upon ignition of the seeker. The smoke can be of any color and is often heated (called thermal smoke) to obfuscate heat signatures moving through the smoke as cover. Note that gases dissipate much more quickly under certain environmental conditions (wind, rain, etc.) [Low] High-Explosive: High-explosive seekers and grenades are designed to create a very destructive shock and heat wave. This damage is resisted with energy armor. [Moderate]

High-Explosive Armor-Piercing (HEAP): A design only available for seekers (not grenades), HEAP warheads use high explosives to blast a path for a penetrating round. HEAPs lose –4 damage per meter distance from the blast, as opposed to the usual –2. [Moderate] Overload:Overload grenades and seekers launch an all-out assault on the target’s sensory spectrum. This attack includes blinding by intense flashing light, a deafening thunderclap followed by intense ultrasonic screaming, nausea-inducing malodorants, and infra-sonic frequencies that can trigger unpleasant emotional responses (anxiety, uneasiness, extreme sorrow, nervous feelings of revulsion or fear). For an extra kick, overloads are also packed with “stingballs”—rubber pellets that inflict pain when detonated near an under-armored target. Anyone caught in the base 10-meter blast radius must make a SOM + WIL Test. If they fail, they must immediately leave the area of effect. If they fail with an MoF of 30+, they are incapacitated for 3 Action Turns with disorientation and/or vomiting, after which they must roll again. Overload munitions remain in effect for 1 full minute. Anyone in the area of effect suffers a –30 action modifier, which reduces by 10 per Action Turn after they leave the area. Additionally, anyone facing the direction of the overload round suffers a –10 glare modifier (neutralized by anti-glare systems). [Moderate]

Plasmaburst: Also called “hellballs,” these munitions release a burst of plasma upon detonation that causes searing heat and fire damage across the area of effect without the devastating shockwaves of explosions that might rebound in an enclosed environment and/or breach a habitat’s infrastructure. [High] Splash: Splash rounds spread a contained substance (drug, chemical, nanoswarm, paint) over a base 10-meter blast radius when they detonate. [Low plus payload cost]

Thermobaric: Thermobaric grenades and seekers utilize a more deadly form of explosion. When they detonate, they disperse a cloud of aerosol explosive over an area and then ignite, literally setting the air on fire, generating a devastating pressure wave, and sucking the oxygen out of the area. Thermobarics use the rules for uniform blast, with a blast radius of 10 meters. [High] Sticky Grenades: Sticky grenades have a special coating that when triggered becomes a sticky adhesive, allowing the grenade to be stuck to almost any surface. Sticky grenades can even be wielded in melee combat, smacking them on an opponent to be detonated later. [Trivial]

Grenades and Seekers
AP DV Average DV Armor Used To Resist
Concussion --- 1d10/2 5 E
Frag -4 3d10+6 22 K
EMP --- --- --- ---
Gas/Smoke --- --- --- ---
High Explosive --- 3d10+10 26 E
HEAP -8 3d10+12 28 K
Overload (AVx2) 1d10/2 5 K
Plasmaburst -6 3d10+10 26 E
Splash --- --- --- ---
Thermobaric -10 3d10+5 21 E

Exotic Ranged Weapons[edit | edit source]

These weapons are either rare or distinctly separate from other weapons types. These weapons are wielded with an Exotic Ranged Weapon skill of the appropriate field. Vortex Ring Gun:This less-lethal two-handed weapon detonates a blank cartridge and accelerates the explosive pressure down a widening barrel so that it develops into a high-speed vortex ring—a spinning, donut-shaped blast vortex. This concussive blast is used to knock down and incapacitate close-range targets. Struck targets suffer a –10 action modifier for the rest of that Action Turn and must must succeed in a SOM x 2 Test or fall down. If their MoF is 30+, they are additionally stunned and unable to act until the end of the next Action Turn. Drugs, chemicals, and similar agents may be loaded into the charge as well. [Moderate]

Weapon Accessories[edit | edit source]

The following accessories are available for various weapons. Arm Slide: This slide-mount can hold a pistol-sized weapon under a character’s sleeve, pushing the weapon into the character’s hand with an electronic signal or specific sequence of arm movements. [Low] Extended Magazine: This ammunition case has an increased capacity. Increase the weapon’s ammo capacity by +50%. Only available for firearms and seekers. [Low]

Gyromount: This weapon harness features a gyrostabilized weapon mount that keeps the weapon steady. Negates all modifiers from movement. [Moderate] Imaging Scope: Imaging scopes attach to the top of the weapon and act like specs. Scopes may also bend like a periscope, along a character to point the weapon and target around corners without leaving cover. [Low]

Flash Suppressor: This device obscures the muzzle flash on firearms, applying a –10 modifier on Perception Tests to locate a ring weapon by its flash. [Low] Laser Sight:This underbarrel laser emits a beam that places a glowing red dot on the target to assist targeting. Apply a +10 modifier to Attack Tests (not cumulative with a smartlink modifier). Laser sights may also be used to paint a target for laser-guided smart ammo or seekers. Infrared and ultraviolet lasers are also available, so that the dot is only visible to characters able to see in those spectrums. [Low]

Safety System: A biometric (palmprint or voiceprint) or ego ID sensor is embedded in the weapon, disabling it if anyone other than an authorized user attempts to fire it. [Low] Shock Safety: Just like a safety system, except that an unauthorized user is zapped with an electric shock. Treat as a shock baton. [Moderate]

Silencer/Sound Suppressor: This barrel-mounted accessory reduces the sound of a firearm’s discharge. Apply a –10 modifier on hearing-based Perception Tests to hear or locate the gun’s firing. [Moderate] Smartlink: A smartlink system connects the weapon to the user’s mesh inserts, placing a targeting bracket in the character’s field of vision and providing range and targeting information. Apply a +10 modifier to the Attack Test. Smartlinks also incorporate a microcamera that allows the user to see what the weapon is pointed at, fire around corners, etc. Smartlinks also allow certain other types of weapon system control, such as changing flux ammo or programming seeker trigger conditions. [Moderate]

Smart Magazine: A smart magazine allows the character to pick and choose what ammo round will be fired with each shot. This system leaves less room for bullets, however, so reduce the weapon’s ammunition capacity by half (round up). Smart magazines may be combined with extended magazines, in which case ammo capacity is normal. [Moderate]

Weapon Ranges[edit | edit source]

Weapon Ranges
Weapon (Type) Short Range Medium Range (-10) Long Range (-20) Extreme Range (-30)
Light Pistol 0-10 11-25 26-40 41-60
Medium Pistol 0-10 11-30 31-50 51-70
Heavy Pistol 0-10 11-35 36-60 61-80
SMG 0-30 31-80 81-125 126-230
Assault Rifle 0-150 151-250 251-500 501-900
Sniper Rifle 0-180 181-400 401-1,100 1,101-2,300
Machine Gun 0-100 101-400 401-1,000 1,001-2,000
As Firearms, but increase the effective range in each category by 50%
Light Pistol 0-15 16-37 38-60 61-90
Medium Pistol 0-15 16-45 46-75 76-105
Heavy Pistol 0-15 16-52 53-90 91-120
SMG 0-45 46-120 121-187 188-345
Assault Rifle 0-225 226-375 376-750 751-1350
Sniper Rifle 0-270 271-600 601-1650 1651-3450
Machine Gun 0-150 151-600 601-1500 1501-3000
Beam Weapons
Cybernetic Hand Laser 0-30 31-80 81-125 126-230
Laser Pulser 0-30 31-100 101-150 151-250
Microwave Agonizer 0-5 6-15 16-30 31-50
Particle Beam Bolter 0-30 31-100 101-150 151-300
Plasma Rifle 0-20 21-50 51-100 101-300
Stunner 0-10 11-25 26-40 41-60
Seeker Micromissile 5-70 71-180 181-600 601-2,000
Seeker Minimissile 5-150 151-300 301-1,000 1,001-3,000
Seeker Standard Missile 5-300 301-1,000 1,001-3,000 3,001-10,000
Spray Weapons
Buzzer 0-5 6-15 16-30 31-50
Freezer 0-5 6-15 16-30 31-50
Shard Pistol 0-10 11-30 31-50 51-70
Shredder 0-10 11-40 41-70 71-100
Sprayer 0-5 6-15 16-30 31-50
Torch 0-5 6-15 16-30 31-50
Vortex Ring Gun 0-5 6-15 16-30 31-50
Thrown Weapons
Blades To SOM / 5 To SOM / 2 To SOM To SOM x 2
Minigrenades To SOM / 2 To SOM To SOM x 2 To SOM x 3
Standard Grenades To SOM / 5 To SOM / 2 To SOM To SOM x 3