Personal Augmentations

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Personal Augmentations

Table of Contents

Standard Augmentations


Enhanced Senses

Mental Augmentations

Physical Augmentations

Sidebar: Synthmorphs and Bioware


Enhanced Senses

Mental Augmentation

Physical Augmentations


Cosmetic Mods

Robotic Enhancements


Mobility Systems

Physical Modifications


Unofficial Implants Almost all citizens of the solar system, whether human, AI, or uplifted animal, use various forms of biological, cybernetic, or nanotechnological augmentation. The following is a list of the most common types. Unless otherwise noted, any bonuses from personal augmentations are both compatible and cumulative with bonuses from other enhancements.

Standard Augmentations

Most morphs produced in the solar system include the following augmentations.

  • Basic Biomods: Almost universal in biomorphs, many habitats will not allow individuals to visit/immigrate if their biomorph does not possess these biomods in order to preserve public health. Basic biomods consists of a series of genetic tweaks, tailored virii, and bacteria that speed healing, greatly increase disease resistance, and impede aging. A morph with basic biomods heals twice as fast as an early 21st century human, gradually regrows lost body parts, is immune to all normal diseases (from cancer to the flu), and is largely immune to aging. In addition, the morph requires no more than 3-4 hours of sleep per night, is immune to ill-effects from long-term exposure to low or zero gravity, and does not naturally suffer from biological problems like depression, shock reactions after being injured, or allergies. [Moderate, but included for free in most biomorphs]
  • Basic Mesh Inserts: Mesh inserts are ubiquitous among modern morphs. This network of cybernetic brain implants is essential equipment for anyone who wants to stay connected and make full use of the wireless mesh. The interconnected components of this system include:
    • Cranial Computer: This computer serves as the hub for the character’s personal area network and is home to their muse. It has all of the functions of a smartphone and PDA, acting as a media player, meshbrowser, alarm clock/calendar, positioning and map system, address book, advanced calculator, file storage system, search engine, social networking client, messaging program, and note pad. It manages the user’s augmented reality input and can run any software the character desires. It also processes XP data, allowing the user to experience other people’s recorded memories, and also allowing the user to share their own XP sensory input with others in real-time. Facial/image recognition and encryption software are included by default.
    • Radio Transceiver: This transceiver connects the user to the mesh and other characters/devices within range. It has an effective range of 20 kilometers in deep space or other locations far from radio interference and 1 kilometer in crowded habitats.
    • Medical Sensors: This array of implants monitors the user’s medical status, including heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, temperature, neural activity, and much more. A sophisticated medical diagnostic system interprets the data and warns the user of any concerns or dangers.Using any of these functions is as easy as thinking. [Moderate, but included for free in most morphs]
  • Cortical Stack: A cortical stack is a tiny cyberware data storage unit protected within a synthdiamond case the size of a grape, implanted at the base of the skull where the brain stem and spinal cord connect. It contains a digital backup of that character’s ego. Part nanoware, the implant maintains a network of nanobots that monitor synaptic connections and brain architecture, noting any changes and updating the ego backup in real time, right up to the moment of death. If the character dies, the cortical stack can be recovered and they may be restored from the backup. Cortical stacks do not have external or wireless access (for security), they must be surgically removed. Cortical stacks are extremely durable, requiring special effort to damage or destroy. They are commonly recovered from bodies that have otherwise been pulped or mangled. Cortical stacks are intentionally isolated from mesh inserts and other implants, as a security measure to prevent hacking or external tampering. [Moderate, but included for free with most morphs]
  • Cyberbrain: Cybernetic brains are where the ego (or controlling AI) resides in synthmorphs and pods. Modeled on biological brains, cyberbrains have a holistic architecture and serve as the command node and central processing point for sensory input and decision-making. Only one ego or AI may “inhabit” a cyberbrain at a time; to accommodate extras, mesh inserts or a ghost-rider module must be used. Since cyberbrains store memories digitally, they have the equivalent of mnemonic augmentation. They also have a built-in puppet sock so that they may be remote-controlled, though this option may be removed by those who value their security. Cyberbrains are vulnerable to brainhacking and other forms of electronic infiltration/attack. Cyberbrains come equipped with two or more pairs of external access jacks, usually located at the base of the skull, which allow for direct wired connections. [Moderate, but included for free in all synthetic morphs and pods]


Bioware augmentations can be acquired either as a genemod when the morph is designed and grown or as a later modification to an existing morph, either by using nanomachines to modify the morph’s tissue or by externally growing the organ and implanting it. Bioware may be used to enhance biomorphs (including pods and uplifts), but not synthmorphs.

Enhanced Senses

The following are a list of the most common enhanced senses. Each is also available as a cybernetic implant, but bioware is much more common. Direction Sense: The character has an innate sense of direction and distance using advanced inertial navigation. The character can arbitrarily define any point as “north” and keep track of which direction that is, as well as knowing approximately how far they have come. Characters with this augmentation can always retrace any route they have taken, only experiencing difficulty with three-dimensional routes lacking navigational markers (such as deep space or undersea; apply a –30 modifier). Since positioning inside habitats by anyone with basic mesh inserts is an automatic affair, only characters venturing to remote locations require this augmentation. [Low] Echolocation: The character possesses sonar similar to that of a bat or dolphin. The character bounces brief ultrasonic pulses off their surroundings and uses them to form an image of these surroundings through the pattern of reflections of these pulses received by the character’s ears. For more details, see Using Enhanced Senses. This augmentation works in both air and water and has a range of 20 meters in air and 100 meters in water. [Low]

Enhanced Hearing: The morph’s ears are enhanced to hear both higher and lower frequency sounds—the range of sounds they can hear is twice that of normal human ears (see Using Enhanced Senses). In addition, their hearing is considerably more sensitive, allowing them to hear sounds as if they were five times closer than they are. A character with this augmentation can easily overhear even a softly spoken conversation at another table in a small restaurant. This augmentation provides a +20 modifier to all Perception Tests involving hearing. [Low] Enhanced Smell:The morph’s sense of smell is equal to that of a bloodhound. The user can identify both chemicals and individuals by smell, and can track people and chemically reactive objects by smell as long as the trail was made within the last several hours and has not been obscured. The character can also gain a general sense of the emotions and health of any character within 5 meters (+20 to Perception or Kinesics Tests to do so). [Low]

Enhanced Vision: The morph’s eyes have tetrachromatic vision capable of exceptional color differentiation. These eyes can also see the electromagnetic spectrum from terahertz wave frequencies to gamma rays, enabling them to see a total of several dozen colors, instead of the seven ordinary human eyes can perceive. In addition, these eyes have a variable focus equivalent to 5 power magnifiers or binoculars. This augmentation provides a +20 modifier to all Perception Tests involving vision. For further applications, see Using Enhances Senses. [Low] Lateral Line: A transgenic organ developed from aquatic creatures, a lateral line hears low-frequency sounds and can detect movement and vibrations through nearby liquids. Suryas use lateral lines to “hear” in the corona’s plasma atmosphere. [Low]

Polarization Vision: Characters capable of seeing polarized light can view an aspect of light most humans only see weakly. Polarization reveals visual characteristics much in the way that color does for normal vision: it enhances contrast, foils camouflage, and helps to detect patterns and objects, particularly in light that is reflected off a shiny surface or scattered through the atmosphere or water. One major use of polarization is easier orientation in relation to polarized light sources (such as navigating underwater by the direction of sunlight). It also allows better detection of water surfaces, reflective surfaces, and certain patterns made in the water or on skin (which can be created by chameleon skin). Polarization vision can discriminate watery surfaces from mirages and better detect transparent objects. In game terms, polarization vision allows the character to ignore negative visual Perception modifiers for camouflage, transparency, or viewing underwater. At the gamemaster’s discretion, it may provide a bonus modifier for Perception Tests to detect patterns and Navigation Tests where orientation to light sources is beneficial. Octomorphs have natural polarization vision by default. [Low] Scent Affinity: This modification may only be applied to smart animals. This particular animal has been modified to identify and trust a particular scent or pheromonal signature. Anyone giving off this particular olfactory signature receives a +30 modifier to Animal Handling Tests against this creature, assuming the critter can smell them. Trainers, smart animal handlers, and wealthy owners use this bioware to maintain better control over their pets/investments. [Trivial]

Ultraviolet Vision: This is a minor enhancement, simply adding perception of ultraviolet frequencies to the character’s visual capabilities. Neo-avians have natural ultraviolet vision by default. [Trivial]

Mental Augmentations

Mental augmentations are extremely common. Eidetic Memory: The character can remember everything that ever happened to them, in detail, with no long term memory loss. For example, they can recite a page they read in a book a month ago, recall a string of 200 random characters they viewed a year ago, or even tell you what they had for breakfast on a particular date a decade ago. However, they can only remember things they paid attention to. The character will not remember the contents of a note on someone’s desk if they merely glanced at it; they must specifically have read it. No effort is required to use this augmentation, the character merely needs to attempt to remember a specific fact. [Low] Hyper Linguist: The morph’s brain maintains the linguistic flexibility of a small child, allowing the character to learn languages with great ease. This functions as the Hyper Linguist trait. [Low]

Math Boost: This implants functions as the Math Wiz trait. [Low] Multiple Personalities:The character’s brain is intentionally partitioned to accommodate an extra personality. This multiplicity is not viewed as a disorder, but as a cognitive tool to help people deal with their hypercomplex environments. This extra personality can be an NPC run by the gamemaster, a separate character (in ego form only) made by the player, or the downloaded fork of another character. For all intents and purposes, the extra personality is treated as a separate ego (i.e., it may fork separately), except that both personalities are backed up in the same cortical stack and if downloaded they must be placed in separate morphs or in another morph with this implant. Only one ego may be in control of the morph at a time. The other resides in the background, still active, but not on a surface level. Each ego is completely aware of what the other is doing, thinking, etc. If for some reason the subsumed personality wants to come to the fore, but the other personality won’t relinquish control, make an Opposed WIL x 3 Test. Each ego has its own Lucidity and Trauma Threshold, and they track stress and trauma separately. Any psi attacks or social/mental influences only affect the personality at the fore. Having an extra ego in your head, working in the background, is helpful for multitasking. The character receives an extra Complex Action each turn that may only be used for mental or mesh actions. [High]

Physical Augmentations

Most physical bioware augmentations are derived from the capabilities of animals. Adrenal Boost:This adrenal gland enhancement supercharges the character’s adrenal response to situations that invoke stress, pain, or strong emotions (fear, anger, lust, hate). When activated, the concentrated burst of norepinephrine accelerates heart rate and blood flow and burns carbohydrates. In game terms, this allows the character to ignore the –10 modifier from 1 wound and temporarily increases REF by +10 (also boosting REF-linked skills and Initiative). These modifiers apply until the character has calmed down (if the character also has endocrine control, then adrenal boosts can be activated and deactivated at will, and the negated wounds are cumulative). [High] Bioweave Armor (Light): Bioweave armor involves lacing the morph’s skin with artificial spider silk biological fibers. This provides an Armor rating of 2/3 without changing the appearance, texture, or sensitivity of the morph’s skin. This armor is cumulative with worn armor, but not with heavy bioweave or carapace armor. [Low]

Bioweave Armor (Heavy): Heavy bioweave armor involves lacing the morph’s skin with a denser and thicker network of the same fibers. The morph’s skin becomes thicker and somewhat less flexible except at the joints. The morph’s skin also has an unusually smooth look, and a distinctively smooth and tough-feeling texture. This provides an Armor rating of 3/4 without decreasing the morph’s mobility. The character’s sense of touch, however, is significantly reduced (–20 modifier) except on their hands, feet, and face. This armor is cumulative with worn armor, but not with light bioweave or carapace armor. [Moderate] Carapace Armor:Carapace armor combines bioweave armor with hard but flexible plates of a chitin-ceramic hybrid material modeled on the microscopic structure and texture of arthropod exoskeletons. This armor is obvious and has a somewhat crocodilian or insectoid appearance (character’s choice). The morph is completely hairless as well. This provides an Armor rating of 11/11. This armor is not cumulative with worn armor or bioweave. [Moderate]

Chameleon Skin:The morph’s skin is augmented with complex chromatophores so that it changes color like the skin of a chameleon or an octopus. The morph can match the appearance of almost any color and most patterns. This provides a +20 modifier to Infiltration Tests to avoid being seen or noticed, as long as the character is stationary or not moving faster than a slow walk. The character must be nude or wearing smart clothing of the same color/pattern. If incompletely camouflaged, or if moving faster, reduce the modifier to +10. In addition to blending in, the character can also consciously change the color and pattern of their skin to deliberately stand out (+20 on Perception Tests to notice) or simply to produce attractive or interesting colors or patterns. [Low] Circadian Regulation: The morph only requires 2 hours of sleep to maintain health and function at peak mental capacity. The character dreams constantly while asleep and can both fall asleep and wake up almost instantly. In addition, the character can easily and with no ill-effects shift to a 2-day cycle, where they are awake for 44 hours and sleep for 4. [Moderate]

Claws: The morph has retractable claws like those of a cat. These claws do not interfere with the character’s manual dexterity and are razor sharp. However, they are relatively small and only do 1d10 + 1 + (SOM ÷ 10) damage, with an AP of –1. As a result, they are legal in almost all habitats and are considered tools as much as weapons. [Low] Clean Metabolism: The morph’s symbiotic bacteria, gut flora, and glands have been genetically engineered to keep the morph “clean.” The morph also produces smart antibiotics that prevent the growth of any bacteria or yeasts in it or on its skin. As a result, the morph is completely immune to infections, dental cavities, and bad breath, its sweat has no scent, and the morph’s efficient digestion produces somewhat less solid waste and less odorous chemicals. [Moderate]

Digging Claws: Adapted from the genetics of hole-digging creatures like moles and aardvarks, digging claws are lengthier, sturdier hands with hardy claws for loosening ground, cutting through hard surfaces, and shoveling dirt aside. Despite these changes, digging claws are still capable of grasping and fine manipulation like regular human hands. They can also be wielded offensively with Unarmed Combat skill, inflicting 1d10 + 2 + (SOM ÷ 10) DV with an AP of –1. [Low] Drug Glands: The morph has specially-tailored glands designed to produce specific hormones or chemicals and release them in the body. The character has control over these glands and can release the chemicals at will. Each type of drug gland is considered a separate enhancement. [One Category Higher Than Drug]

Eelware: Derived from electric eel genetics, a character can have eelware implanted so that it connects to a network of bioconductors in the hands and feet (or other limbs), allowing the character to generate stunning shocks with a touch. Eelware inflicts shock damage exactly like a pair of shock gloves. Eelware can also be used to power implants and specially designed handheld devices by touch. [Low] Efficient Digestion: The character uses food and water more efficiently, to approximately 20% of normal caloric expenditure. The character functions normally by eating and drinking only once every five days. They can survive forty days without food and twenty-five days without water, though the effects of starvation become noticeable after ten days without food or water. These modifications come at a price, though, as physical strength and coordination are reduced in order to improve caloric usage efficiency: the character takes a −5 penalty to SOM and COO. This augmentation is not compatible with the personal power plant implant. [High]

Emotional Dampers: This low-cost alternative to endocrine control allows the user to voluntarily damp their morph’s emotional responses and various non-verbal cues like pupil dilation, eye movement, or vocal tone. Using this augmentation allows the user to lie and conceal their emotions in such as way as to fool the keenest observer; apply a +30 modifier to Deception and Impersonation Tests. This modification does not affect methods of detecting lies and emotions that involve reading the character’s neural state, including psi-gamma sleights. However, this augmentation damps out all emotional responses and so causes the character to be less persuasive in real-time personal interactions, imposing a –10 modifier to other Social skill tests like Persuasion. Characters can turn this augmentation on or off at will. [Low] Endocrine Control: This augmentation modifies the morph’s endocrine system, giving the character fine control over their hormone output. This allows the character to completely control their appetite and emotions and to regulate pain. They receive a +30 modifier against the effects of hunger, fear, and any forms of emotional manipulation, such as the Drive Emotion sleight. This augmentation also allows character to lie with perfect conviction and to completely fool all methods of lie detection that do not rely on the target’s neural output; apply a +20 modifier to Deception Tests. It also allows the character to remain awake for 48 hours without penalty, but after this time the character begins experiencing normal fatigue. Finally, the ability to regulate pain reception allows the character to ignore the –10 modifier from 1 wound. [High]

Enhanced Pheromones: The morph’s biochemistry has been altered so that it produces enhanced pheromonal signals that subconsciously affect the behavior of other humans in the vicinity. These pheromones make the character more attractive and trustworthy to the target; apply a +10 modifier to appropriate Social skill tests, such as Persuasion. This augmentation only affects characters who can smell the pheromones, and it does not affect uplifts or xenomorphs. [Low] Enhanced Respiration: By boosting both lung efficiency and the blood’s oxygen-carrying capacity, the character can live comfortably in both high and low pressure environments, from 0.2 atmospheres to 5 atmospheres, with no dizziness or need for gradual decompression. In addition, the character can hold their breath for up to 30 minutes when performing minimal activity or for up to 10 minutes while performing highly strenuous activity. [Low]

Enhanced Respiration (Planet-Specific): The Enhanced Respiration bioware is partly what allows rusters to breathe the atmosphere of Mars. There are many exoplanets with atmospheres that are not breathable by normal transhumans, but that are close enough that they would be with a bit of modification. On some of these planets, rusters with standard enhanced respiration could breathe the air, but on others a different version of this biomod, specific to the atmosphere in question, may be called for. [Low] Fat Storage: This augmentation is based on traits displayed by camels to store and use fatty tissue as efficiently as possible. The character’s fat tissue stores water far more efficiently than normal, which allows the character to survive three times as long as normal without food or water. The effects of this implant stack with efficient digestion, but are not compatible with the personal power plant implant. The character’s fat tissue can be moved around the character’s body to a certain degree, which can help the character survive extreme temperatures. In high temperatures, the fat can be concentrated as back humps to minimize the insulation that fat provides, while in extremely cold environments, the fat can be spread around to maximize insulation. This extends the character’s maximum temperature tolerance by +10%, which stacks with the effect of temperature tolerance augmentations. [High]

Gills: The morph’s lung tissue has been adapted to function as gills, allowing the morph to breathe both air and water, as long as the water is not toxic or too stagnant. Characters with this augmentation breathe in water and then expel the water through slits just underneath their lowest pair of ribs that seal when the character is not underwater. [Low] Gliding Membrane:Gliding membranes are thin, muscular sheets that stretch from wrist to ankle, that allow the character to glide through the air. For human-sized morphs in standard Earth or Venusian gravity (1 g), these gliding membranes allow the glider to maintain a glide ratio of 10:1, so it can glide 10 meters for every meter of altitude it loses. In low-gravity environments, this ratio doubles to 20:1 or more. Gliding membranes provide a +10 modifier to Free Fall Tests made to cross long distances. Gliding membranes can also be used to ride thermal updrafts, allowing the morph to ascend to higher altitudes. Use the Flight skill to make tests when using gliding membranes. Gliding membranes can be wrapped around the morph’s arms, legs, and torso when not being used, allowing the morph to move and wear clothes normally when not gliding. [Low] Grip Pads: The morph possesses specialized pads on its palms, lower arms, shins, and the bottoms of its feet. Designed to emulate the pads on gecko feet, characters can support themselves on a wall or ceiling by placing any two of these pads against any surface not made from a material specially designed to resist this augmentation. Characters can climb any surface and move easily across ceilings that can support their weight. Apply a +30 modifier to Climbing Tests. The pads must be free to touch the surface the character is climbing (no gloves). The nature of these pads is obvious to anyone looking at them, but they do not impair the character’s sense of touch or manual dexterity. If combined with the vacuum sealing augmentation, the character can even stick to surfaces in the vacuum of space. [Low]

Hibernation: The character can voluntarily reduce the morph’s metabolism to the point that the morph requires only 5% of the normal amount of food, water, and air. The character appears to sink into a deep sleep, but can maintain a dim awareness of both touch and sound and so can be easily awakened. Entering or leaving this state requires 3 minutes where the character is relatively helpless. With sufficient air, characters can safely hibernate for up to 40 days without food or water. [Low] High-G Augmentation: This augmentation is specifically designed to allow a morph to operate in environments where gravity is significantly greater than Earth’s. The morph’s heart and circulatory system are strengthened and its skeleton altered in composition and proportion to be harder, slightly thicker, and considerably more durable. The morph’s muscle density is also increased and tendons and ligaments bolstered for improved efficiency in higher gravity. Apply a +5 Durability and +5 SOM bonus. In addition, the character suffers no negative modifiers from gravities up to 2 g, and reduces all penalties for higher gravities by 1g. [Moderate]

Hydrostatic Pressure Adaptation:The morph is capable of operating under extreme pressure conditions. Biomorphs (including pods) with this mod can withstand up to 500 atmospheres; the synthmorph equivalent can handle up to 2,500 atmospheres. The morph can also acclimate to changing pressures more quickly and is immune to oxygen toxicity, nitrogen narcosis, and the bends. [Expensive] Low Pressure Tolerance: The morph can tolerate extremely low atmospheric pressures, such as those found at high altitudes on Mars, with no ill effects. Morphs with this mod are also somewhat more resistant to vacuum exposure and are able to spend up to five minutes in hard vacuum without incurring damage. However, morphs without respirocytes or an oxygen reserve still suffer asphyxiation. [Low]

Muscle Augmentation: The morph’s muscle mass has been enhanced and toned and myofibers strengthened. Apply a +5 modifier to SOM. [High] Neurachem:This bioware modification enhances the character’s chemical synapses and juices their neurotransmitters, drastically speeding up neural connections. Neurachem can be mentally activated or triggered by charged emotions. Level 1 neurachem increases the character’s Speed stat by +1, with no side effect. Level 2 raises the Speed stat by +2, but each time it is used the character suffers a nervous system fatigue hangover for 1 hour after the boost wears off (apply a –20 modifier to all actions). The speed boost lasts for 30 minutes, thought it may be triggered again. Level 2 may be used as Level 1 if desired. [High (Level 1), Expensive (Level 2)]

Poison Gland: Similar to the drug gland, this morph has special glands that produce poisons, like the venom glands of a snake. The morph has poison glands in its fingers and mouth, so that it can deliver either poison by scratching someone with a fingernail, biting them hard enough to draw blood, or even by sharing a beverage with someone or spitting into their drink. The morph is immune to the poisons it produces. These glands may not produce nanotoxins. [One Cost Category Higher than Toxin Cost] Prehensile Feet: The morph’s feet and leg joints are altered so that its toes are longer and more dexterous and the big toe is transformed into an opposable thumb. Physically, the morph’s feet resemble a longer narrower hand or a human foot with finger (and thumb)-like toes. The character can walk normally but must wear specially designed shoes. However, this morph runs somewhat slower than a morph with unmodified feet (–1 meter per Action Turn). In addition, the morph’s hips are slightly modified to allow greater mobility. In a properly constructed chair, or when floating in zero-G, the character can use both their hands and their feet to manipulate the same object. Most morphs used by characters who live in zero-G possess this augmentation. [Low]

Prehensile Tail: A long (1.5 meters) prehensile tail is added to the morph’s backside, extending out from the tailbone. This tail is prehensile and may be used to grab, hold, and even manipulate objects. The character can control the tail’s movements with concentration, but it otherwise tends to move on its own. The tail also improves the character’s balance; apply a +10 to any Physical skill tests where balance is a factor. [Low] Radiation Tolerance: This mod may only be installed in morphs with medichines. The biomorph’s DNA is redundantly encoded and vital tissues are actively replaced. Additionally, vital systems are protected with special shielding sleeves and blood filters, and many chemical processes are reinforced against disruption. The morph can survive radiation exposure thirty times as effectively as if unaugmented. [Expensive]

Sex Switch: A complex suite of alterations allows the character to switch their physical sex to male, female, hermaphrodite, or neuter. This change is mentally triggered but takes approximately 1 week to complete. [Moderate] Skin Pocket: The morph has a pocket within its skin layer, capable of holding and providing concealment (+30) for small items. [Trivial]

Swim Bladder: This transgenic organ is a series of gas-filled sacs that allow the character to control their buoyancy underwater. This bladder is also linked to the inner ear, enabling the character to accurately gauge water pressure/depth and also improving their hearing underwater (+10 to hearing based Perception underwater). [Low] Temperature Tolerance: The morph’s temperature regulation and circulation are both substantially enhanced allowing the character to survive in temperatures as low as –30 degrees Celsius and as high as 60 degrees Celsius without discomfort or ill effects. [Low]

Temperature Tolerance (Improved Cold): The morph is treated as having the Temperature Tolerance biomod, but with an even greater resistance to low temperatures. The morph can tolerate temperatures as low as –80 C without ill effects. [Moderate] Temperature Tolerance (Cryonic): The morph is treated as having the Temperature Tolerance bioware, but the addition of both an integral nuclear battery and specially bioformed insulation allows this morph to indefinitely tolerate temperatures as low as –200 C without harm as long as the morph is in an atmosphere with a pressure of less than 0.1 atmosphere. In a dense atmosphere, like that of Titan, the morph can endure temperatures as low as –120 C. [High]

Toxin Filters:The morph gains an improved liver and kidneys and biological filters in its lungs. Characters with this augmentation are immune to all chemical and biological toxins, including everything from recreational chemicals to nerve agents to spoiled food. In addition, the character can safely and comfortably breathe smoke and drink salt water. Unlike medichines, toxin immunity prevents the character from experiencing even brief harm or discomfort from a toxin (medichines merely rapidly repair damage caused by the toxin and then remove it from the morph). This augmentation provides no resistance to concentrated acid, nanotechnological attacks, or similar destructive agents. Some characters with this augmentation learn to enjoy the taste of various chemical toxins like cyanide or arsenic. [Moderate] Vacuum Sealing: To possess this augmentation, the character must also possess some form of bioware armor or carapace armor. The morph has been specially designed to survive the effects of vacuum. The character’s skin resists vacuum as well as protecting the wearer from temperatures from –75 to 100 C. In addition, the character’s mouth, nose, and other orifices can seal sufciently well to resist vacuum, and the morph possesses a special membrane that extends over their eyes, allowing the character to see in vacuum without risking any eye damage. This augmentation is usually combined with either the enhanced respiration or oxygen storage augmentation, or both together. [High]

Wings: Wings enable the morph to fly at Earth/Venusian gravities if small (child-sized) and light, or at low gravities if human-sized or larger. Tests made while flying use the Flight skill. Most wing designs are transgenic and based on bat-wing physiology, so they may be easily folded when not in use. Though the Movement Rate depends on the morph in question and the particular design, a standard Movement Rate is 8/40. Neo-avians have wings by default, as part of their physiology. [Moderate] Winterist: The character has the androgynous appearance and non-sexual erogenous zones common to inhabitants of Winter hab. The character has a monthly hormonal cycle driving their desire for erogenous contact. The character also produces fertile gametes once a month in accordance with this cycle, but these must be harvested through a medical procedure and placed in a Winterist exowomb in order to be fertilized. This augmentation can be added to any biomorph but may not be taken in combination with the sex switch augmentation or any other augmentation directly linked to the character’s sex. Characters with this augmentation are immune to the effects of tailored pheromones. [Low]

Sidebar: Synthmorphs and Bioware

Though bioware is preferred and more common, many types of bioware can be mimicked with cybernetics. This is especially useful for synthmorphs/robots, which cannot be enhanced with bioware. The following bioware items may be replicated as cybernetics for synthmorphs and robots:

  • Chameleon Skin
  • Drug Glands
  • Eelware
  • Emotional Dampers
  • Enhanced Senses (All)
  • Grip Pads
  • Mental Augmentations (All)
  • Muscle Augmentation
  • Neurachem
  • Poison Glands
  • Prehensile Feet
  • Prehensile Tail


Very little cyberware is physically implanted. Instead, the morph is placed in a healing vat and the vat’s nanobots construct the cyberware inside the biomorph’s body. Cyberware is rarely used for anything that can be accomplished using bioware. Synthmorphs and bots may also also use cyberware.

Enhanced Senses

In addition to being able to duplicate the affects of all bioware enhanced senses, there are a few enhanced senses that can only be produced using cyberware. Anti-Glare: This visual mod eliminates penalties for glare. [Low] Electrical Sense: The character can sense electric fields. Within 5 meters, the character can instantly tell if an electrical device is on or off and can see the precise location of electrical wiring behind a wall or inside a device. This sense gives the character a +10 modifier on any test involving analyzing, repairing, or modifying electrical equipment. [Low]

Radiation sense: The character can sense the presence and approximate source of all forms of dangerous radiation, including neutrons, charged particles, and cosmic rays. [Low] Sense Filter: This implant enables a character with a biological hyperspectral enhanced sense (enhanced hearing, smell, or vision) to filter out certain wavelengths and inputs like an equivalent technological sensor device. Normally a person with enhanced vision would experience terahertz, infrared, standard visual, ultraviolet, and gamma ray frequencies all at once. With this implant, however, they can tune out some wavelengths, ignoring them while still seeing the others. The same effect applies to audio or olfactory input, and the filter also allows the user to isolate specific noises or smells, canceling out sensory clutter or focusing on a specific source. This implant must be acquired separately for each sense. [Low]

T-Ray Emitter: Mounted under the skin of the user’s forehead, this implant generates low-powered beams of terahertz radiation (T-rays) that allow the character to see using reflected T-rays. As discussed in Using Enhanced Senses, this implant combined with the enhanced vision enhancement (or a terahertz sensor) allows the user to effectively see through cloth, plastic, wood, masonry, composites, and ceramics as well as being able to determine the composition of various materials. This implant allows the user to see using reflected T-rays for 20 meters in a normal atmosphere and for 100 meters in vacuum. [Low]

Mental Augmentation

These cybernetic augmentations enhance the brain and mental functions. Access Jacks: Usually located in the base of the skull or neck, this implant is an external socket with a direct neural interface. It allows the character to establish a direct wired connection using a fiber optic cable to external devices or other characters, which can be useful in places where wireless links are unreliable or complete privacy is required. Two characters linked via access jack can “speak” mind-to-mind and transfer information between their mesh inserts and other implants. All synthmorphs have these by default. [Low] Cybercortex: Similar but less sophisticated than a cyberbrain, a cybercortex is a limited artificial version of the neo-cortex for smart animals. A cybercortex is not sufficient to raise an animal to sapience, but it does boost the animal’s ability to learn, comprehend instructions/commands, and reason. Apply a +10 modifier to Animal Handling Tests with this animal. The cybercortex also overrides many instinctive behaviors that would be undesirable in a service animal. [Low]

Dead Switch: This cortical stack accessory is designed to keep the stack from falling into the wrong hands. If the morph is killed, the dead switch wipes and melts the cortical stack completely, so that the ego cannot be recovered. This option is generally only used by covert operatives with recent backups. [Low] Emergency Farcaster:Only characters with cortical stacks can possess this augmentation. The morph has an implanted quantum farcaster linked to a highly secure storage facility. The high cost of this implant also covers the cost of this storage. Using standard radio and quantum encryption, the farcaster broadcasts full backups of the character’s ego (pulled from the cortical stack) once every 48 hours. At the gamemaster’s discretion, the backup interval may be scheduled more or less frequently, keeping in mind that ego broadcasts are generally limited for security purposes and because they hog bandwidth. These broadcasts only work when the character is in radio contact with the storage facility and is typically only used inside a habitat to broadcast backups back to a nearby space ship. If the radio broadcasts are blocked or jammed, this device cannot make backups. In the event of a farcaster failure, this augmentation also includes a single-use emergency neutrino broadcaster as well. This broadcaster contains approximately 10 nanograms of antimatter stored in an orange-sized triply-redundant magnetic containment vessel. If the character is dying or urgently wishes to depart the morph, this tiny amount of antimatter is brought into contact with a similarly tiny amount of matter in a controlled fashion that generates a single brief and carefully coded neutrino pulse of the ego’s most recent backup. However, the heat generated by this process literally cooks the entire morph, killing it and destroying all implants and electronics in or on it. This entire process takes less than 0.1 second and the broadcast can be received as long as the neutrino receiver is within 100 astronomical units of the character. Within the solar system, this implant effectively guarantees the character’s backup. It is less useful on exoplanets where the character is out of neutrino range of their backup facility. The amount of antimatter carried by this implant is sufficiently small enough that it does not produce an explosion and will not damage any surrounding objects. Most habitats carefully scan all visitors to determine if they have this implant and if the amounts of antimatter involved are sufficiently low as not to pose a danger to the habitat and its inhabitants, and some ban this implant entirely. [Expensive]

Ghostrider Module: This implant allows the character to carry another infomorph inside their head. This infomorph could be another muse, an AI, a backed-up ego, or a fork. The module is linked to the character’s mesh inserts, so the ghostrider can access the mesh. The character may limit the ghostrider’s access, or may allow them direct access to their sensory information, thoughts, communications, and other implants. [Low] Life Recorder: Not everyone wants to broadcast their lifelog, whether for public viewing or for private storage elsewhere on the mesh. Some people want to retain a lifelog, but prefer to avoid possible interception of the contents online. Certain security, spy, political, and diplomatic professions may mandate this. Others may commonly find themselves in situations where they are cut off from regular mesh access (such as gatecrashers or remote asteroid herders). Most people also don’t want to be bothered with carrying a storage device on their person at all time. In these cases, a life recorder serves the purpose. The life recorder is a micro-sized memory diamond storage device, typically implanted in the head (though occasionally elsewhere in the body). This implant records all sensory input as experienced by the brain to which it is linked. Life recorders are designed as one-way information receivers, simply storing data until they are removed; they are not meant to be accessed, much like cortical stacks. [Low]

Memory Lock: This implant, when activated, prevents information from being stored in the subject’s long-term memory or from being recorded via lifelog, mnemonic augmentation, or other sensory link. It also temporarily blocks up-to-the second cortical stack backups. The individual will retain short-term memories, but for no more than a few minutes. This implant is usually a requirement for personal aides, consultants, and other underlings of powerful people. The implants can be remotely activated by the superior during confidential meetings or other secret affairs to ensure privacy and deniability. This implant is also a popular option among some personal couriers who intentionally retain no memories of the party that hired them in case they are intercepted. [Low] Mnemonic Augmentation:A character with this augmentation and a cortical stack can access digital recordings of all of the sensory data they have experienced in XP format (and they may share these recordings with others). Mnemonic augmentation differs from the eidetic memory bioware because it allows characters to digitally share all of their sensory data with others. It also allows them to closely examine sensory data they did not initially look at. For example, If the character glanced at a note but did not read it, they can later use image enhancement software to enhance this image and in most cases actually read what the note said. Mnemonic augmentation allows the character to clearly hear all background noises, like a conversation at a nearby table that the character only initially heard a few words of. Using mnemonic augmentation to retrieve a specific piece of information is quite easy, but usually requires between 2 and 20 minutes of concentration. [Low]

Monitor Module: A variant ghostrider module, the monitor module houses an observer ego (usually a monitor AI) that keeps tabs on the character’s movements, activities, and mesh traffic. Some monitor modules are installed discreetly, without the bearer being aware of the spy in their head; others are more overt about their presence, purpose, and activity. Monitors can access the mesh without the character’s knowledge. If the morph is equipped with a puppet sock, the monitor ego can seize control of the morph. This implant is designed to be difficult to detect and identify; impose a −10 penalty on appropriate skill tests. Attempts to hack into the Monitor Module suffer a −20 modifier and can be actively countered by the monitor ego. [Moderate] Multi-Tasking: Only characters with cortical stacks can possess this augmentation. The character has an advanced computer installed in their brain that uses the data in the cortical stack to create several simultaneous short-term forks to handle various mental tasks. By design, this computer automatically reintegrates all of these forks into the character’s core personality after a maximum of 4 hours, earlier if desired. This augmentation allows the character to both plan a speech and engage in intensive mesh-browsing while simultaneously fighting a gun battle or running from pursuit, since each of the forks operates independently. However, these forks can only perform purely mental or online interactions. This augmentation can produce a maximum of two forks at a time, giving the character an extra two Complex Actions on every Action Phase for mental or online actions. This implant cannot be used simultaneously with any other augmentation that allows for extra actions, or with the mental speed augmentation. [High]

Optogenetics Module: This implant is designed to be used in biomorphs like the freeman that are genetically modified to make their neurons sensitive to light. This module establishes a network within the brain to manipulate these neurons with selective pulses of light. Whomever controls the optogenetics module (usually a monitor module muse or remote overseer) can trigger neuronal activity as desired. In game terms, the module can activate one of the following effects:

  • It can compel one specific behavior in the same manner as behavioral control, emotional control, or tasping psychosurgery.
  • The module can impede or even cut off one specific source of sensory input as desired, thus the character can be made blind or deaf, for example, with a command.
  • Selective activation or inhibition of certain neurons can also aid or deter the treatment of either addiction or mental stress and disorders: apply a modifier between +20 or −20 as desired by the module’s controller to psychotherapy and addiction tests.
  • The module can trigger unconsciousness in the target ego (requiring a WIL x 3 Test at −30 to resist).Each module can only trigger one effect. Multiple modules can be installed within a morph. Installation of this module includes the genetic modification to make the targeted neurons sensitive to light. [Low]

Parallel Processor: A modified derivative of the neo-syngergist hypermesh link, this augmentation allows users to link their minds together together in a manner similar to parallel processing computers, allowing them to borrow processing power from other linked egos to solve intellectual problems. In addition to automatically providing the appropriate teamwork bonus for the problem (to a maximum of +30) without the others needing to take any actions, as long as three or more users are linked together, each user also gains a +5 COG bonus for the duration of the linkage. These bonuses only apply when the users are linked. Users must possess the mental speed augmentation to use this implant. While the implant is active, the character’s Trauma Threshold is reduced by 1. To avoid possible personality bleedover, users are advised to use this augmentation for no more than six hours per day. [High] Possum Cache: This augmentation may only be applied to morphs with a cyberbrain, ghostrider module, or monitor module. It enables an ego therein to continue using its access jacks, cyberbrain/module, and mesh inserts while hibernating or dead. It includes a backup power unit that kicks in when the cyberbrain or module stops receiving sufficient power from the morph’s body. The access jacks, cyberbrain/module, and mesh inserts may continue to operate for 48 hours after the morph hibernates or dies. If the morph has the multitasking augmentation, it continues to function, but all other augmentations are inactive and cannot be used. Egos active in a dead/hibernating morph via a possum cache retain the morph’s aptitude modifiers but do not suffer from the morph’s wound penalties. Operating in this mode is stressful due to sensory deprivation. Every 24 hours the ego runs on a possum cache, it must make a WIL x 3 Test. Failure inflicts 1d10 SV. If the morph was killed/destroyed by head trauma, or if it takes more than 5 DV of damage to its head after death, the cyberbrain is considered destroyed, or at least too damaged to function properly. Note that damage from popping a stack does not count toward this total, but damage from intentionally burning a stack out (e.g., with an agonizer) does. Death or voluntary entry into hibernation are the only circumstances under which this augmentation functions. In case of any other game effect that would render the morph unconscious, this augmentation has no benefit. If the morph contains multiple cyberbrains or modules, the augmentation must be bought separately for each. [High] Puppet Sock: This implanted computer allows the biomorph’s body (the “puppet”) to be controlled by another character (the “puppeteer”). While active, the puppet has no control over their body and is simply along for the ride (at the gamemaster’s discretion, puppets who are tormented by repeated or extensive loss of control may suffer mental stress). The puppeteer may directly “jam” the puppet or remote control it in the same way that robots and pods are teleoperated. The puppeteer must either be ghostriding the puppet (see the Ghostrider Module) or have a direct communications link (via mesh, radio, laser, etc.). [Moderate]

Physical Augmentations

This implants enhance the morph’s physical body. Cyberclaws: The bones on the back of the morph’s hand are bonded to smart material claws. These claws can extend through concealed ports in the morph’s skin and extend 6 inches past the morph’s knuckles. These razor-sharp weapons inflict 1d10 + 3 + (SOM ÷ 10) damage and have an AP of –2. If combined with eelware, they can also inflict electric shocks. Likewise, cyberclaws can also deliver poison or nanotoxins secreted from a poison gland or implanted nanotoxins. [Low] Cyberlimb: In an age when arms and legs can easily be regrown, many people consider cybernetic prostheses to be vulgar and distasteful. The Scum and others, however, treat them as iconic symbols of self-expression. Standard replacement cyberlimbs function the same as their biological equivalents, though that particular limb receives a +3/+3 Armor bonus when targeted specifically (this bonus does not apply to synthmorphs). Cyberlimbs may be masked to look real (see Synthetic Mask), and may also feature small compartments for hiding/storing small objects. [Moderate]

Cyberlimb Plus: More extravagant cyberlimb models are also available, though they require more severe body alteration to accommodate. These limbs apply a +5 SOM bonus per limb (maximum +10). They may be replacement limbs or “extra” limbs anchored in the body’s skeletal frame. These cyberlimbs may not be masked. [High] Failsafe: This augmentation must be used in combination with the nanophages nanoware and cortical stack. This implant is specifically designed for users who regularly risk exsurgent infection and do not want to be a danger to others. If a strain of the exsurgent virus manages to overcome the nanophages, the failsafe goes into action. As soon as the nanophage defenses reach a point where they are certain to be overwhelmed, the failsafe disconnects the user’s cortical stack and isolates it, keeping it free from any exsurgent infection. It then physically ejects the cortical stack from the user’s body for easy retrieval (ejected stacks typically fall 1d10 ÷ 2 meters away). The failsafe also immediately triggers a swift and potent neurotoxin, killing the user’s body and destroying their brain. The synthmorph equivalent shuts down the body and securely erases the cyberbrain. In either case, the result is a swift and painless death. If the user has the emergency farcaster augmentation installed in this morph, the failsafe triggers it instead of ejecting the stack and activating the neurotoxin/cyberbrain erasure. [Low] Gas Jet System: This cybernetic system implants nozzles in the morph’s chest, back, and limbs, allowing it to maneuver in microgravity using vectored bursts of gas. It either inputs atmospheric gases through implanted intakes or draws gas from an oxygen reserve implant. This mod applies a +10 modifier to Free Fall Tests. [Moderate]

Hand Laser: The morph has a weapon-grade laser implanted in its forearm, with a flexible waveguide leading to a lens located between the first two knuckles on the morph’s dominant hand. The laser fires from this waveguide, inflicting 2d10 damage with 0 AP. The laser is powered by a small nuclear battery located in the morph’s torso, good for 50 shots before it must be recharged like other beam weapon batteries. [Moderate] Hardened Skeleton: The morph’s skeleton has been laced with strengthening materials. Apply a +5 DUR and +5 SOM bonus. [High]

Implant Masking: Implant masking is not a separate implant, but a modification to an existing one. Masked cybernetic implants are composed of electromagnetic- and acoustic-absorbent smart materials that are less likely to be detected by surveillance and security systems using radar, x-rays, or ultrasound. Apply a −30 modifier to any attempts to detect the implant. [Increase the masked implant’s cost by one category] Oxygen Reserve: The morph has a miniature oxygen tank and rebreather installed in its torso. This implant provides the equivalent of the life support system in a light vacsuit, allowing the character to breathe comfortably for up to 3 hours. It feeds oxygen directly to the morph’s blood stream, avoiding problems with pressure changes. Implanted sensors automatically cause the character to use the stored oxygen if they detect poisonous or insufficient atmosphere. Without vacuum sealing, the character can only survive in vacuum for 5 minutes, but remains conscious and active for the entire time, giving them far more time to find shelter or a vacsuit than characters without this implant. For every hour the character is in a breathable atmosphere, this implant recovers one hour of oxygen storage. The implant can be fully recharged within 15 minutes if the character is in a high-pressure mostly oxygen atmosphere. [Low]

Plasma Sail Implant: This augmentation installs a miniature plasma sail in the morph. This implant includes a potent battery-powered superconducting magnet and a tank holding sufficient compressed hydrogen to allow the plasma sail to operate for three months. This implant allows the user to fly through space with an acceleration of up to 0.01 g, though beyond the orbit of Saturn the solar wind becomes too faint to provide any acceleration. In open space, this sail can achieve a maximum velocity of 80 kilometers per second, but can only be used to accelerate away from the sun (tacking can be used to sail toward the sun, but at a maximum of 10 kps). It can be used to maneuver in any direction, however, as long as the user is within a planet’s strong magnetic field. Within 70,000 km of Earth, 3,000,000 km of Jupiter, 1,500,000 km of Saturn, 450,000 km of Uranus, or 500,000 km from Neptune, the plasma sail allows the user to maneuver freely and to land on and take off from any moon with a surface gravity of less than 0.05 g. Using it requires Flight skill. This is a relatively large implant and produces a characteristic humpback shape on almost all morphs. [Expensive] QE Comm: This is an implanted version of the portable QE comm with a low-capacity qubit reservor. Due to the size of the qubit reservoir, it must usually be implanted in the thoracic cavity. Though uncommon, this implant is sometimes used by moles that require a covert method of communication. [Expensive]

Reflex Boosters: The morph’s spinal column and nervous system is rewired with superconducting materials, boosting transmission speed. This raises the character’s REF by +10 and improves Speed by +1. [Expensive] Truth Filters: Truth filters can only be used with a cyberbrain or mesh inserts. This module scrambles the signals read from subject’s brain in such a way as to make digital deception scanners worthless. A character with this implant will automatically succeed on Deception Tests against such scanners. Truth filters offer no protection against analog deception scanners. [Trivial]


All augmentation nanoware is advanced nanotechnology, consisting of a grape-sized nanobot generator that produces specialized nanomachines. Nanoware is available for synthmorphs and bots in addition to biomorphs. Digestive Symbiotes: The morph can survive on virtually any organic matter, be it grass, sawdust, or the sludge from a habitat’s recycling system. Digestive symbiotes also allow the consumption of rotten or spoiled food; in combination with basic biomods, they prevent normal food-borne illnesses. The symbiotes don’t eliminate toxins, however, nor do they make the stuff taste any better. At the gamemaster’s discretion, certain substances may requires a WIL x 3 Test to eat. [Low] Gait masking nanosystems alter the bone density, muscle tone, and shape of the user’s feet and legs in minute but effective ways, altering their gait pattern just enough to avoid detection. The process of reconfiguration takes 20 minutes. Gait masking is illegal in many habitats. Gait masking can also be used to mimic an existing gait profile; apply a +30 modifier on Disguise Tests to fool gait biometric scanners. [Expensive]

Implanted Nanotoxins: The morph has an implanted nanobot hive that produces nanotoxins. This implant is designed so that the character can deploy these nanobots instantly via a scratch with claws, spraying with saliva, or simply making continuous bare-skin contact. Characters can choose whether or not to deploy these nanobots. Each nanotoxin generator only produces a single variety of nanobots, with the most common types being ones designed to kill or incapacitate almost any living target or ones designed to destroy delicate machinery. Characters are immune to their own nanotoxins. Nanotoxins are highly restricted and many habitats will not allow anyone with this implant on board. [One Cost Category Higher than Toxin Cost] Long-Term Life Support:​ The biomorph is adapted for harsh environmental conditions and can survive for long periods of time as a closed system thanks to symbiotic bacteria and nanomachines. This augmentation allows any biomorph or pod to recycle air, food, and water for up to one year. This augmentation’s implanted miniature maker allows the morph to process ice and various simple organic chemicals into air, water, and food. The morph need not eat or breathe but must ingest about five kilograms of ice and carbon grit per day. It must also balance out or replenish chemical reserves once a month, either by exchanging with other similarly augmented morphs or applying a Low-cost chemical reserve pack. [Expensive]

Medichines: This is the most common form of nanoware. These nanobots monitor the user’s body at a cellular level and fix any problems that arise. Medichines eliminate most diseases, drugs, and toxins (but not nanodrugs or nanotoxins) before they can do more than minor harm to the host (see Drug Effects). If desired, the user can temporarily override this protection to permit intoxication or other effects, but unless the character activates a second specially labeled override, medichines prevent the toxins from accumulating to lethal or permanently harmful levels. In this case, they can also be activated at a later point to reduce a drug or toxin’s remaining duration by half. Medichines allow the character to ignore the effects of 1 wound. They also speed normal healing as noted under Biomorph Healing. If the user suffers 5 or more wounds at once, or more than 6 wounds in an hour, the damage has exceeded the medichines’ ability to repair. In this case, the medichines place the character into a medical stasis, where their mind and body are perfectly preserved, but where the character cannot act in any way. Under these circumstances the medichines also send out a priority call for emergency services via the character’s mesh inserts. Medichines for synthmorphs and bots consist of nanobots that monitor and repair the shell’s integrity and internal system functions. Note that the synthmorph version of medichines allows the synthmorph to self-repair in the same manner by which a biomorph with medichines would naturally heal. [Low] Mental Speed: With this nanoware system, nanobots alter the character’s neural architecture and augment the functioning of their neurons. The character can deliberately speed up their mind to think and also receive and process sensory information far faster than ordinary humans. Time seems to subjectively slow down for the character, allowing them to carefully plan their next action, even if they only have a split second to do so. With this system active, the character can discern things occurring too fast for a normal human to perceive, such as the individual frames of an old analog film or understanding sounds that were accelerated to many times their normal speed. The character can also read 10 times faster than normal and can track the paths of bullets and similar fast-moving objects with a successful Perception Test. When using this augmentation, the character gains two extra Complex Actions during each Action Phase that may only be used for mental actions. The character also receives a +3 Initiative bonus. The character thinks at normal speed whenever this nanoware is inactive. This nanoware is incompatible with any other augmentation that provides any form of extra actions, such as multi-tasking. This augmentation can be used as often as desired, but actively using it renders ordinary conversation and social interactions difficult and requires concentration to maintain. [High] Nanophages: These nanobots patrol the body, alert for signs of intrusive nanodrugs or -toxins and destroying them before they have more than a minor effect. Nanophages provide automatic immunity against nanodrugs and nanotoxins unless they are specifically commanded to stand down by the user, via their mesh implants. [Moderate]

Nanotat ID Flux: This highly illegal system is a programmable version of the nanotat ID. Any new (fake) ID may be programmed in, and the nanotat may be reconfigured in seconds (1 Action Turn) to switch to another ID pattern in storage. This nanoware may not be configured for legal IDs unless they are actually legal or their encryption has been cracked. [Expensive] Neural Enhancers:This active nanotechnology bonds with the morph’s neural structures, creating a series of specialized cognitive subprocessors that enhance the user’s intelligence. It provides users with a +5 modifier to COG. However, enhancing intelligence is a difficult process and this enhancement is based on techniques used on existing morphs. It has no effect if used on a morph that has a COG modifier of +10 or more. This augmentation can be used on biomorphs, pods, and synthmorphs. [Expensive]

Oracles: These neural macrosensing nanobots pay attention to the sensory input on which the character is not focusing, alerting them about important things they might otherwise overlook. Oracles also act as a sort of memory buffer and search aid, extending short term memory, helping the character recall memories and details, and crosschecking them with other memories. Oracles negate Perception modifiers for distraction, apply a +10 modifier to Investigation Tests, and add a +30 bonus to memory-related tests. [Moderate] Personal Power Plant: For gatecrashers worried about being trapped on an exoplanet with no source of food, this nanoware system provides a solution. The nanobots in this system are powered by the isotope gadolinium-148. They transfer this nuclear energy to the body so that it is absorbed in a safe and consistent manner. This effectively fuels the body without the need to eat. With a half life of 78 years, the character can go for a century and possibly longer without regularly eating. A tiny bit of food consumption is still necessary to replace cells, though a small food stash could literally be stretched out for years. Likewise, vitamin and protein supplements would be necessary for long-term health, but as an alternative to starving to death, the personal power plant cannot be beat. [Expensive]

Respirocytes: These nanobots act as highly-efficient artificial red blood cells, increasing the ability to transfer oxygen and carbon dioxide. This increases the morph’s ability to hold their breath to 4 hours and increases DUR by +5. [Moderate] Skeletal Disguise: This implanted nanobot system is designed to disguise a subject’s skeletal structure and create false sensor readings, either to avoid identification or to mimic an existing skeletal pattern. An existing pattern can only be mimicked if the character is of equivalent body mass and size. Altering the skeletal signature takes 20 minutes. Apply a −30 modifier to the scanner system’s Perception Test. [Expensive]

Skillware: The morph’s brain is laced with a network of artificial neurons that may be formatted with downloaded information. This allows the user to download skillsofts into their brains, gaining the use of those programmed skills until the skillsoft is erased or replaced. Skillware systems are only capable of handling 100 total skill points worth of skillsofts at a time. [High] Skinflex:This disguise implant allows the user to restructure their facial features and musculature and alter skin tone and hair color. The entire process takes a mere 20 minutes. Skinflex adds +30 to Disguise Tests. [Moderate]

Skinlink: Skinlink nanobots live on the morph’s external skin or shell, automatically swarming over and creating a physical connection with any electronics the user touches. They also take advantage of the electrical field in a biomorph’s skin for communication. They allow the user to communicate and mesh with any devices merely by touching them. This is considered a wired link, and so is not subject to wireless interception or interference. Two skinlinked characters can also communicate and mesh simply by touching. [Moderate] Wrist-Mounted Tools: The morph has a 6 centimeter-wide metal band containing nanobot generators implanted around each wrist. These nanobots link together to duplicate the function of a utilitool, creating narrow, highly flexible arms that each ends in a specialized tool. These nanobots can also produce tiny fiber optics to allow the character to see through small openings, as well as being able to create small weapons equal to bioware claws. The fact that these tool are mentally controlled gives the character a +20 modifier to skills involving repairing or modifying devices with mechanical parts, opening locks or disarming alarm systems, or performing first aid. [Moderate]

Cosmetic Mods

In an age of universal beauty, artistic cosmetic modification of your body is commonly pursued by many transhumans. Body mods once considered dangerous or edgy are now safe and commonplace, especially among factions like the anarchists, scum, or brinkers. Bodysculpting: If your morph’s enhanced physique isn’t enough, you can take it further with custom bodysculpting such as as elongated ears or fingers, nose alteration, hair addition/removal, feathers, exotic eyes, snakeskin, endowed genitalia, and more unusual physical alterations. [Low] Nanotats: Tattoos created with nanobots can move around the body, change shape/color/brightness, texture, alternate text and images, and/or even create minor holographic effects on the skin’s surface, all controllable via mesh inserts. [Low]

Piercings: Name any part of the body and someone’s figured out a way to pierce it, probably multiple times. Hoops, barbells, plugs, and chains are extremely common, often made of shapechanging smart materials. [Trivial] Scarification: Given modern medical abilities, scars of any sort are purely an affectation. [Trivial]

Scent Alteration: Minor changes to a body’s biochemistry can alter a character’s natural smell or constantly perfume them. [Low] Skindyes: Dye jobs are available in all conceivable colors and patterns. [Trivial]

Subdermal Implants: Adding small implants under the skin can create bumps, ridges, piercing anchors, and similar textures and alterations. [Trivial]

Robotic Enhancements

The following modifications are only available to synthmorphs/robots.


These armor modifications add to the synthmorph’s built-in Armor rating. They are not compatible with worn armor. Heavy Combat Armor: The synthmorph’s frame is loaded with armor that offers protection from heavy weapons for serious combat operations. This modification is bulky and noticeable; the bot frame is encased in a heavy-duty carapace. It increases the bot’s built-in Armor by +16/+16. The shell’s mobility systems and power output are also enhanced to deal with the extra load. [High] Industrial Armor: The shell is equipped with protection against collisions, extreme weather, industrial accidents, and similar wear-and-tear. Increase the bot’s built-in Armor rating by +10/+10. [Moderate]

Light Combat Armor: The synthmorph’s frame is protected by armor designed for policing and security duties. This increases the bot’s built-in Armor by +14/+12. [Moderate]

Mobility Systems

Shells are designed with a wide-range of propulsion systems, and are sometimes built for a specific environment/gravity. Some synthmorphs may have multiple mobility systems. Many such systems are retractable, meaning they can be folded away into the shell’s frame. Hopper: Hoppers have two or more legs designed to propel the morph forward or up, much like a frog or grasshopper. [Moderate] Hovercraft:The shell uses an impeller to blast a cushion of high-pressure air off the surface below, repelling the frame off the ground (modern hovercraft do not use rubber skirts). Most hovercraft travel a meter or so above the ground, but can temporarily levitate themselves higher for short periods. [Low]

Internal Rocket: This miniature metallic hydrogen rocket is specifically designed for low thrust. It provides an acceleration of up to 0.25 g, allowing the morph to take off and land on all moons and other small bodies in the solar system. This engine can operate for a total of one and a half hours before it requires refueling. Both the sundiver and courier are considered to have this enhancement. [Moderate] Ionic: The shell uses principles of magnetohydrodynamics to levitate and fly, by ionizing surrounding air into plasma to create lift and momentum. The shell is also spun for stability. This system does not work in vacuum, but an underwater version uses the same mechanics for propulsion in liquid environments. [High]

Microlight: Popular in low-grav and microgravity environments, microlights encompass several types of ultralight or lighter-than-air systems, such as powered paragliders, autogyros, balloons, aerostats, and blimps. These systems do not work in vacuum. [Low] Roller: Only for circular shells, this system allows the synthmorph to roll like a ball. The shell rolls around an interior axle, propelled by a motor-driven pendulum. [Moderate]

Rotorcraft: Rotating blades create lift, allowing the shell to move and hover like a helicopter. Most models use tilt-rotors or tilt-wings so that the rotor blades may be moved forward (for faster propeller-like propulsion) and for better maneuverability in zero-G. This system does not work in vacuum. [Low] Snake: Commonly used by slitheroids, these shells use lateral undulation, flexing their body from left to right and waving their frame forward. Such shells may also use sidewinding or a concertina motion (straightening forward, then retracting the rear) to move. They also featured gyroscope stabilization so that they may circle into a hoop and roll like a wheel. [Moderate]

Submarine: Designed for undersea mobility, submarine shells use propellers or pumpjets to push through water. [Moderate] Tracked: Tracked shells use smart rotating treads to work their way across surfaces that would bog down other ground vehicles. They can prop themselves up in order to overcome taller obstacles or to lay themselves down to bridge across a ditch or crevice. [Low]

Thrust Vector: These shells use either turbofans or turbojets to create atmospheric lift with a set of wings. The engines may be maneuvered to point and generate thrust in different directions for vertical takeoffs/landings and better maneuverability in zero-G. [Moderate] Walker: Walkers use two or more limbs to walk or crawl across a surface. Many use grip pads or magnetic systems to stick to surfaces. [Low]

Wheeled: Most wheeled shells feature smart spokes that allow the wheels to conform their shape to obstacles and even climb stairs. Some low-grav shells feature puncture-resistant and self-repairing compressed-gas tires. [Low] Winged: Primarily used by smaller shells, this system of four independently-controlled wings allows the shell to hover or move rapidly in any direction. [Low]

Physical Modifications

These mods are applied to the shell’s physical frame. Brain Box: Just as some people in the outer system prefer biomorphs with cyberbrains because of the speed and ease of both forking and resleeving, others prefer the durability and utility of synthmorphs, but do not wish to give up having an organic brain. Some have aesthetic objections, while others worry about a cyberbrain’s vulnerability to hacking. Though they are unlikely to discuss this fact in public, asyncs need biological brains to remain sane. Any pod and any synthmorph that does not use either modular design or swarm composition can house a brain box. Choosing this modification removes the following enhancements from the morph: cyberbrain, mnemonic augmentation, and puppet sock. The CP and credit cost of the morph remains unchanged. Users can add mnemonic augmentation and puppet sock augmentations back in, but must purchase them normally. A brain box consists of a living human brain and a sturdy, well-padded, miniature life-support system for this brain. Brain boxes require the addition of a small amount of concentrated nutrients once every month. To avoid the necessity of these nutrients, users can also install a smaller, cheaper, and more limited version of the long-term life support augmentation that is designed specifically for use with a brain box. This augmentation has a cost of High and recycles the necessary nutrients as long as the morph has sufficient electricity and can gain access to small amounts of water and carbon twice a year. Brain boxes are normally hidden from standard visual detection, but a few eccentrics show them off with a transparent aluminum casing, allowing observers to see that their morph contains a biological brain. The brains with brain boxes must be specifically customized to the morph (a process requiring 3 days and a healing vat). The morph’s aptitude modifiers do not change. [Moderate] Cryonic Protection: Even synthmorphs can have difficulty with the cryonic temperatures found in the outer system. While almost any synthmorph can operate normally for at least an hour at these temperatures, longer exposure can cause materials to get brittle and joints to lock up, especially in an atmosphere thick enough to conduct heat away from the morph. This augmentation uses the morph’s nuclear battery to slightly warm its surface, while also coating the morph with a thin layer of insulation. Cryonic protection allows synthmorphs to operate indefinitely in the coldest temperatures found in the solar system. [Low]

Ego Sharing: This enhancement allows more than one ego to access the internal systems and controlling functions of a single synthmorph, bot, or vehicle at one time. Each ego requires its own cyberbrain. Command responsibilities are usually divided into appropriate sectors of control. For example, one ego is responsible for physical movement, another handles data analysis, a third operates weapon controls, and so on. Each ego acts on its own Initiative; the morph may only move on one ego’s action and each weapon system and enhancement may only be actively used by one ego per Combat Turn, though other egos may passively access data from enhancements and systems used by others. Morph aptitude modifiers and bonuses from enhancements apply to all egos equally. No Speed-boosting enhancements may be used with this morph. [Expensive] Extra Limbs:The shell is equipped with one or more extra limbs. A character using these limbs suffers an off-hand modifier. These limbs may be arms (with hand/grippers/etc.), legs, tentacle-like, or otherwise articulated and/or prehensile. Some shells have rotational frames that allow them to move limbs around their body. [Low]

Extreme Heat Shielding: This enhancement bolsters the synthmorph’s tolerance to extremely high temperatures with heat-resistant materials, heat sinks, and bulky coolant systems. This modification increases the morph’s Durability by 25% while reducing its Movement Rate by half and modifying COO by –10. Morphs with his augmentation can withstand temperatures up to 500 C. [Expensive] Extreme Pressure Adaptation: Morphs with this mod undergo serious structural reinforcement, enabling them to withstand pressure of up to 5,000 atmospheres. This modification increases the morph’s Durability by 50% while reducing its Movement Rate by half and modifying COO by –10. [Expensive]

Fractal Digits: The synthmorph has “bush robot” digits that are capable of splitting into smaller digits, and those smaller digits into micro digits, and so on down to the micrometer scale, allowing for ultra-fine manipulation. Apply a +20 COO modifier where such fine manipulation is a factor (such as detailed repair work). The bot must have functioning nanoscopic vision to get this bonus. [Moderate] Hidden Compartment: The shell has a concealed aperture for a shielded interior compartment, ideal for storing valuables or smuggling contraband. Apply a –30 modifier to detect this compartment either manually or with sensor scans. [Low]

Holographic Projector: The morph has embedded and concealable projectors capable of projecting high-definition, ultrarealistic three-dimensional images and movies. From a distance (20+ meters), such holograms can be difficult to distinguish as fake, but up close they are easier to see for what they are (+20 Perception Test modifier). Holograms do not appear in wavelengths other than visual light, and so are easily identified by anyone with enhanced vision. [Low] Invisibility: This enhancement works much like the invisibility cloak. The shell is completely sealed within a layer of metamaterials with a negative refractive index, making it invisible to the microwave and ultraviolet wavelengths and everything in between. This modification can only be applied to shells on which the entire outer surface can be coated (ionic, roller, snake, thrust vector, walker, wheeled, winged). At the gamemaster’s discretion, this enhancement may not be applied to certain shells due to their configuration. Shells with this enhancement are effectively blinded, as they cannot use visual sensors (though they can view via meshed remote sensors), though they can also create temporary “windows” as with invisibility cloaks. This mod is not compatible with the radar absorbent, reduced signature, or radar invisibility mods. [Expensive] Magnetic System: A magnetic system allows the shell to cling to most ferrous materials. This enables the character to walk in zero-G situations by magnetically adhering surfaces, hang upside down, and hold onto devices without letting them drop or drift away. The shell receives a +30 modifier whenever maintaining a magnetic hold on something. [Low]

Modular Design: This shell is designed to lock together with similar modular morphs in different architectural patterns to create larger gestalt forms. When united with other modules, the group is treated as a single unit/morph, with shared capabilities. If damaged and then separated, damage and wounds are distributed evenly between modules; uneven amounts are allocated randomly. The exact capabilities of different shapes depends on the composition, and is largely left in the gamemaster’s hands. [High] Pneumatic Limbs: The limbs are equipped with pneumatic cylinder systems that can generate up to 1,500 pounds of thrust. This allows the shell to push off and make impressive jumps (a synth of human size/weight can leap over 2 meters up). Apply a +20 to Freerunning Tests. A pneumatic limb used to strike an opponent in unarmed combat inflicts an extra 1d10 damage. [Low]

Radiation Shielding: This enhancement hardens the morph to exposure from electromagnetic and ionizing radiation. This will protect the morph in most situations that would be harmful to others, but at the gamemaster’s discretion is only of limited effectiveness against extremely powerful sources of radiation (such as Jupiter’s electromagnetic field) over prolonged periods. [High] Radar Absorbent: The shell is constructed with materials that either pass, absorb, or trap radar and terahertz waves, reducing its sensor signature. Though sensor processing has improved significantly, radar absorbent materials can still provide some protection from detection. Apply a −20 modifier to detect the shell with radar and terahertz frequencies. This mod is compatible with the reduced signature mod. [Moderate]

Radar Invisibility: This shell is coated with a layer of radar-transparent metamaterials with a negative refractive index. It is effectively invisible to radar waves; they simply bend around the shell as if it were not there. The shell cannot be detected by radar, but is visible at other frequencies. This mod is not compatible with the invisibility, radar absorbent, or reduced signature mods, nor may it be used in conjunction with an invisibility cloak. Shells with this mod cannot detect radar themselves. [Expensive] Reduced Signature: This shell has been structurally modified to provide a much smaller radar cross-section. Shells with this modification have a very obvious streamlined, rounded and/or angular look, with no bulky pods or modules. External engines are instead incorporated into the frame. This enhancement is normally only applied to winged, rotorcraft, ionic, or thrust vector shells; apply a −30 modifier to detect these shells with radar and terahertz frequencies. For all other shells, a −10 modifier is applied. This modifier may not be applied to hoppers, tracked shells, or walkers while they are moving, as their mobility systems negate the advantage. The modifier from this enhancement is cumulative with the radar absorbent enhancement. [High]

Retracting/Telescoping Limbs: The shell’s limbs can either be retracted completely inside it’s frame and/or extended for extra length (usually up to 1 or 2 meters extra). Telescoping limbs may give the shell a reach advantage in melee combat. [Low] Shape Adjusting: This shell is made from smart materials that allow it to alter its shape, altering its height, width, circumference, and external features, while retaining the same mass. This modification is typically employed to reshape the morph into special configurations adapted to specific tasks (for example, lengthening to crawl through a tunnel, widening its base for stability, expanding to reach out and attach to multiple access point simultaneously, and so on). This mod also allows the morph to change its features for disguise purposes; apply a +30 modifier to Disguise Tests. [High]

Smart Swarm: The modular drones in this swarm are capable of forming shapes. A standard swarm can form a 1-meter tall body or base with up to 4 half-meter limbs. These limbs can engage in very limited physical activity and tool use. They are considered to have an aptitude maximum of 5 for COO, REF, and SOM. For strength/size-related options, their Durability is halved. Any skill use involving leverage, strength, or fine dexterity suffers a −30 modifier or may not be possible (gamemaster discretion). Shaped swarms can manipulate gear that is small in size (see Gear Sizes) or smaller without penalty. They suffer a −30 modifier for manipulating medium-sized gear and cannot use larger gear. Shapes can be targeted in combat, though they usually gain the Small Size advantage. A shaped swarm takes normal physical damage rather than following the combat rules for nanoswarms. [High] Smart Wings: This augmentation consists of a smart material coating on the morph’s arms. With a Quick Action, the synthmorph can extend or retract smart-material wings with a wingspan of 8 meters. In normal atmospheric pressure, the synthmorph can fly at speeds of up to 100 kph as long as the surface gravity is less than 0.15 g. They may also be used for gliding (see Gliding Membranes, above). When retracted, this augmentation is hidden. This mod is very common for synthmorphs on Titan and in various large low gravity habitats throughout the outer system. Large or heavy morphs may not use it. [Low] Sound System: The character can emit sound through several concealed speakers in the morph. The sound system can go up to 200 decibels and reach a much wider frequency than standard transhuman hearing can pick up. [Trivial]

Structural Enhancement: This modification bolsters the shell’s structural integrity, boosting its ability to take damage. Increase Durability by 10 and Wound Threshold by 2. [Moderate] Swarm Composition: The shell is not a single unit but a swarm of hundreds of insect-sized robotic microdrones. Each individual “bug” is capable of crawling, rolling, hopping several meters, or using nanocopter fan blades for airlift. The cyberbrain, sensor systems, and implants are distributed throughout the swarm. Though the swarm can “meld” together into a roughly child-sized shape, the swarm is incapable of tackling physical tasks like grabbing, lifting, or holding as a unit. Individual bugs, however, are quite capable of interfacing with electronics. Swarms cannot carry most gear or wear armor, and may not make strength-based SOM-linked skill tests. For combat purposes, use the same rules as given for nanoswarms. Damage and wounds are reflected as damaged/massacred bugs. The swarm may be “healed” by manufacturing more bugs.[High]

Synthetic Mask: The synthmorph is equipped with a realistic outer casing of faux-skin and carefully sculpted to pass as a biomorph (perhaps even a particular person). The morph can cry, spit, have sex, and will even bleed if cut. Only a detailed physical examination or a radar, teraherz, or x-ray scan will detect the synthmorph’s true nature, and even then such exams/scans suffer a –30 modifier. [Moderate] Weapon Mount: The shell carries a built-in (or built-on) weapon. This weapon mount may be either internal (concealed, only weapons small in relation to the shell may fit, –30 to Perception Tests to detect) or external (visible). It may be fixed (one direction only), swiveling (limited field of fire), or on an articulated mount (all directions). [Low; Moderate for concealed/articulated]


360° Vision: The shell’s visual sensors are situated for a 360-degree field of vision. [Low]

Chemical Sniffer: This sensor detects molecules in the air and analyzes their chemical composition. It enables Chemistry Tests to determine the presence of gases, including toxins and other fumes. It can also detect the presence of explosives and firearms. [Moderate] Lidar: This sensor emits laser light and measures the reflections to judge range, speed, and image the target. See Using Enhanced Senses. [Low]

Nanoscopic Vision: The shell’s visual sensors can focus like a microscope, using advanced superlens techniques to beat the optical diffraction limit and image objects as small as a nanometer. This allows the character to view and analyze objects as small as blood cells and even individual nanobots. The synthmorph must stay relatively steady to view objects at this scale. [Moderate] Radar: This sensor system bounces radio or microwaves off targets and measures the reflected waves to judge size, composition, and motion. See Using Enhanced Senses. [Low]

Unofficial Implants

Unofficial Implants