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Revision as of 19:52, 11 June 2024 by MeshAdmin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " For information on using software, see the Mesh. == Programs == These programs can be run on any computerized device. '''AR Illusions:''' These databases of AR clips can be used to create realistic illusions in someone’s entoptic display. '''[Moderate]''' '''Cartography Package:''' This software is used to build detailed, high-resolution maps. It is ideally employed by flight-capable morphs with the mnemonic augmentation or life recorder augmentations. Whenever...")
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For information on using software, see the Mesh.

Programs[edit | edit source]

These programs can be run on any computerized device. AR Illusions: These databases of AR clips can be used to create realistic illusions in someone’s entoptic display. [Moderate] Cartography Package: This software is used to build detailed, high-resolution maps. It is ideally employed by flight-capable morphs with the mnemonic augmentation or life recorder augmentations. Whenever airborne at an altitude of 30 meters or more, the cartography package automatically maps the morph’s surroundings out to the limits of their vision. Map resolution is 1 meter, but this is improved to 10 cm if the character also has enhanced vision or lidar and is actively focused on performing recon (equivalent to a Task Action lasting the duration of the flight, though no test is needed). Input from other sensory systems is also included; e.g., radioactive hotspots noticed with radiation sense would be marked. [Moderate]

Encryption: Crypto software generates key pairs, encrypts messages using public keys, and decrypts with secret keys. See Encryption. [Low] Exploit: Exploits are hacker tools that take advantage of known vulnerabilities in other software. They are required for intrusion attempts. [High]

Facial/Image Recognition: This program can be used to take an image and run a pattern-matching search among public archives. Similar version of this program exist for other biometrics: gait recognition, vocal recognition, etc. [Low] Firewall: This program protects a device from hostile intrusion. Every system comes with a standard version of this software by default. [Low]

Sniffer: Sniffer programs collect all of the transmission that pass to, from, or through the device they are running on. [Moderate] Spoof: Spoof is a hacker tool used to fake commands and transmissions, making them seem as if they came from another source. [Moderate]

Tactical Networks: These programs allow people in the same squad to share tactical data in real-time. [Moderate] Tracking: This software is used to track people by their presence online. [Moderate]

XP: Experience playback recordings are clips of someone else’s experiences. Depending on the content, some XP (porn, snuff, crime, etc.) may be restricted in certain jurisdictions. Some XP clips are intentionally modified so that their emotive tracks are more intense, giving the viewer a greater thrill. [Low to High] Behavioral Psych: When provided with data on a particular person and their activities, this software can build a psychological profile. The larger the data set—sensor scans, mesh activity, public profile, relationship maps, location tracking, medical history, lifelogs—the deeper and more accurate the analysis. Treat this as an Academics: Psychology skill of 80 or apply a +20 modifier to a character using this software to aid a psychology or behavior-related analysis test. [High]

Event Reconstruction Software: The latest forensic method used by crime scene investigators, event reconstruction software takes sensor data and applies predictive algorithms to build a reconstruction of a past event. This combined data can be used to run a simulspace scenario of the event and its possible permutations. Apply a +20 modifier to Investigation Tests. [High] Fake Brainprint Plug-in: This software plug-in can be used by infomorphs or characters with cyberbrains to attempt to deceive brainprint scanners. Make a Variable Opposed Test between the Interfacing skill of the person or AI running the scan with a −30 modifier and the Infosec skill of the subject (or their muse). If the character being checked succeeds and the scanner fails, the fake brainprint passes. If both succeed, an anomaly has been detected, though the nature of the anomaly will be unclear. Further scans can be made to try and identify the problem (repeat the test). If the scanner succeeds and the fake brainprint user fails, the deception is detected. Another test can be made to identify the real print (without the −30 modifier this time), and the scanner will likely have some uncomfortable questions to ask. This software is considered contraband in most law-abiding habitats. [Expensive]

Kinesics software: Kinesics software measures voice stress patterns or analyzes other sensory input to monitor for deception, hostile intent, and other emotional states. It functions with a Kinesics skill of 40 or provides a +10 modifier to a Kinesics Test made by someone using it. [Moderate] Probability Mapping: Though most effective with massive data sets and quantum computers, a standard user and their muse can still benefit from using probability mapping software to predict things like traffic, peak travel times, crime rates, and other periodic and habitual events. When supplied with data on a particular person, this software can make a guess as to their likely current whereabouts, activities, and possibly even moods and other factors. [High]

Radio Motion Detection: Technically known as variance-based radio tomographic imaging, this sensing technique can be used with any wireless radio devices. It is especially useful in urban areas, where wireless devices are everywhere. Because this system is passive, using existing signals, it does not alert the target. To detect motion in a target area, the software measures and analyzes the transmission and reception of radio signals originating on opposing sides of the target area. Variations in these signals detect movement in the area, which can be overlaid on a map of the area to pinpoint target locations. Since wireless radio signals penetrate walls and other obstructions, this can be used to identify unseen movement inside a structure, without giving away the scanning as t-rays or radar would. This method is roughly accurate to within 5 meters, −1 meter per 10 points of MoS on an Interfacing Test. Resolution is poor, with few details on the target provided. [Low] Relationship Mapping: This software uses publicly available data, as well as any other information supplied, to build a relationship map marking a specific target’s known and likely associates and interactions. Aside from analyzing public profiles and online interactions, it also accesses mesh tracking logs to pinpoint incidents of physical proximity. It is useful for identifying a person’s social relationships, including friends, relatives, lovers, co-workers, conspirators, and so on. At the gamemaster’s discretion, this may provide a modifier for Investigation or Networking Tests. [Moderate]

AIs and Muses[edit | edit source]

Every character starts with a personal muse for free. Many devices also come with pre-installed AIs, capable of helping the user, responding to commands, or even operating the device on their own. Below are some commonly available AI programs. Unless otherwise noted, these AIs have aptitudes of 10. These AIs may also be equipped with skillsofts. All AIs have one free Language skill at 80. Bot/Vehicle AI: These AIs are designed to be capable of piloting the robot/vehicle without transhuman assistance. REF 20. Skills: Hardware: Electronics 20, Infosec 20, Interests: [Bot/Vehicle] Specs 80, Interface 40, Research 20, Perception 40, Pilot: [appropriate field] 40. [High]

Device AI: These AIs are designed to operate a particular device without transhuman assistance. Skills: Infosec 20, Interests: [Device] Specs 80, Interface 30 (Device Specialization), Programming 20, Research 20, Perception 20. [Moderate] Kaos AI: Kaos AIs are used by hackers and covert ops teams to create distractions and sabotage systems. REF 20. Skills: Hardware: Electronics 40, Infosec 40, Interface 40, Professional: Security System 80, Programming 40, Research 20, Perception 30 plus one weapon skill at 40. [Expensive]

Security AI: Security AIs provide overwatch for electronic systems. Skills: Hardware: Electronics 30, Infosec 40, Interface 40, Professional: Security Systems 80, Programming 40, Research 20, Perception 30, plus one weapon skill at 40. [High] Standard Muse: Muses are digital entities that have been designed as personal assistants and lifelong companions for transhumans. INT 20. Skills: Academics: Psychology 60, Hardware: Electronics 30, Infosec 30, Interface 40, Professional: Accounting 60, Programming 20, Research 30, Perception 30, plus three other Knowledge skills at 40. [High]

Animal Keeper AI: Like a muse for smart animals, this AI overwatches a critter’s activities, directs it as needed, and alerts the owners to any emergencies or other problems. If the animal is equipped with a puppet sock, it can also jam it like a biodrone. COO 20. Skills: Animal Handling (Animal Type) 40, Interests: [Animal Type] 80, Interfacing 20, Perception 30, Research 20. [Moderate] Sensor AI: Sensor AIs are equipped in most off-the-shelf sensor systems. Skills: Hardware: Electronics 30, Infosec 20, Interests: [Sensor] Specs 80, Interfacing (Sensor) 40, Perception (Sensor) 40, Programming 20, Research 20. [Moderate]

Technician AI: Technician AIs are used on habitats and aboard ships to direct the work of repair drones. Skills: Hardware: Electronics 40, Hardware: Industrial 40, Hardware: Robotics 40, Infosec 20, Interfacing 40, Research 20, Perception 20, Profession: Habitat Ops 60. [Moderate] Monitor AI: These AIs are designed to surveil their subject and keep them from engaging in any proscribed activities. Skills: Academics: Psychology 60, Infosec 40, Interfacing 30, Perception 30, Profession: Surveillance 60, Research 30. [High]

Scorchers[edit | edit source]

Scorchers are damaging neurofeedback programs used to torment hacked cyberbrains. Bedlam: Bedlam programs assault the ego with traumatic mental input, inflicting mental stress. Victims are overwhelmed with horrific, monstrous, sanity-ripping sensory and emotional input. Each attack inflicts 1d10 SV. [High] Cauterizer: This scorch program rips into the ego with destructive neurofeedback routines. Each attack with a cauterizer inflicts 1d10 + 5 DV on the target ego. This damage is reflected as digitized neurological damage. [High]

Nightmare: Nightmare programs trigger anxiety and panic attacks within the victim by stimulating the neural circuitry representing the amygdala and hippocampus. The target ego must make a WIL x 2 Test. If they succeed, they are shaken but otherwise unaffected, suffering a –10 modifier to all actions until the end of the next Action Turn. If they fail, they suffers 1d10 ÷ 2 stress damage and are overcome with panic. This causes them either to blindly flee, have a nervous breakdown, or cower in frozen shock (gamemaster’s discretion). This panic episode lasts for 1 Action Turn per 10 points of MoF. [High] Shutter: Shutters target the victim’s sensory cortices, inflicting a –30 modifier to one chosen sense. Double this modifier if the attacking hacker scored an Excellent Success. This modifier reduces at the rate of 10 points per Action Turn. [High]

Spasm: Spasm programs are design to incapacitate the ego with excruciating pain. Affected targets must immediately make a WIL x 2 Test. If they fail, they immediately convulse, are disabled, and writhe in agony for 1 Action Turns per 10 full points of MoF. If they succeed, they still suffer a –30 modifier to all actions, which reduces at the rate of 10 points per Action Turn. Due to the nature of the delivery, pain tolerance of any sort has no effect. [High]

Skillsofts[edit | edit source]

Skillsofts are used with skillware implants. Standard Skillsoft: These programs provide the character with a rating of up to 40 in a single Active skill. [High]

Infomorph Software[edit | edit source]

Infomorphs lack bodies and so obviously cannot benefit from any augmentations designed for physical morphs. Many augmentations, however, are at least as valuable to an infomorph as they are to individuals sleeved in physical morphs. Also, there are a number of specialized software routines that are only or primarily useful to infomorphs, such as one that helps the infomorph make better use of the sensors and robots that are accessible from their server. There are three types of software useful to infomorphs: Software plug-ins, upgrades, and eidolons. Software plug-ins are programs that anyone can use, they are simply “plugged in” to the infomorph so that the infomorph “carries” them along if they move. Upgrades are embedded routines that must be optimized and formatted for the infomorph’s particular mind-state in order to function; they are the equivalent of augmentations for infomorphs. Eidolons are shell programs that the ego runs in and which function as virtual morphs (essentially variant infomorphs). Eidolons can be found on the Morphs page. Especially crowded, cheap, or poorly maintained devices may not be able to run some of the more expensive plug-ins, upgrades, or eidolons.

Acquiring Software[edit | edit source]

Infomorph software may be purchased and downloaded just like other pieces of software, or acquired via rep and favors. Most commercially produced software comes loaded with digital protection schemes that prevents it from being fileshared with others. These digital locks might included a limited number of installations, anti-copying measures, or persistent online authentication. These digital restrictions may be defeated with a Programming Task Action with a timeframe of 60 days. In some areas, monitoring AIs will scan for software that show signs of piracy or tampering to enforce copyright legalities. Hacked software is also sometimes remotely deleted or disabled by its copyright owners. At the gamemaster’s discretion, open source or pirated versions of this software may be available online, if one knows where to look (requiring a Research or Networking Test). Characters must be cautious with free versions, however, as they may be glitchy or loaded with malware.

Restricted Software[edit | edit source]

Certain controlled jurisdictions, like the Planetary Consortium or many hypercorps, outlaw particular software without special authorization. In these areas, it is not uncommon for monitoring AIs on public and private servers to periodically scan any active infomorphs for this software. In other areas, only AGIs and/or forks are restricted from this software; human-ego infomorphs may use them freely. No security is ever perfect, however. Characters can use a digital veil (below) to evade these filters.

Programming Software[edit | edit source]

Skilled programmers can write their own software. The character must succeed in a Programming Test with a base timeframe of one week for plug-ins, one month for upgrades, and 6 months for eidolons, per cost level of the software. A Trivial plug-in has a timeframe of 1 week, for example, a Low upgrade takes 2 months, and a Moderate eidolon requires 18 months.

Detecting, Hiding, and Removing Plug-Ins and Upgrades[edit | edit source]

Anyone with security or admin access to the device on which an infomorph is running may attempt to scan the infomorph’s shell for plug-ins and upgrades. The digital veil (below) conceals plug-ins and upgrades so that they will not show on standard scans. Detected plug-ins and upgrades may be forcibly removed from an infomorph by someone who has completed a successful cyberbrain hack on the target with a Complex Action. Infomorphs may of course remove plug-ins and upgrades from their code, unless they are trapped within a lockbox or similar server; follow the same rules for installation to remove.

Software Plug-Ins[edit | edit source]

Plug-ins are simply programs attached to the mindstate emulation software, so that the ego may access them immediately. A plug-in requires a Complex Action to install; once installed, it is “carried” by the infomorph, so that if the infomorph moves to another device, the plug-in moves with it. Plug-ins may be deleted with a Quick Action. Almost any software can be installed as a plug-in, including standard programs, scorchers, and skillsofts (the latter require virtual skillware to run). Other active infomorphs (including AIs and muses) cannot be attached as plug-ins, as they require their own mind-emulation suite. An inactive infomorph, however, could be attached, just like any other electronic data. The following are some of the most common and widely used plug-ins. Autodelete: Though infomorphs can voluntarily delete themselves, there are some cases where a device’s permissions may not allow it or the infomorph may be trapped on a lockbox. To prevent capture, interrogation, or slavery, the infomorph can activate the autodelete plug-in as a Quick Action, which then attempts to delete the ego, even if it is running on a device that would not ordinarily permit it to do so. Auto-delete plug-ins may also be programmed to activate in response to certain inputs: for example, a perceived code phrase, a detected cyberbrain hack attack attempt, a designated time period, or upon failure to receive a periodic message. To successfully delete the ego on a system where deletion privileges are denied, the installer of the plug-in must make a successful Infosec Test. If the system is actively monitored, this is a Variable Opposed Infosec Test against the monitor. If only the installer succeeds, the infomorph is deleted immediately. If both the installer and monitor succeed, the infomorph is corrupted but not fully deleted. At the gamemaster’s discretion, the ego may still be treated as a gamma fork or its digital remains prodded and analyzed via Psychosurgery with a –30 modifier. If the monitor alone succeeds, the auto-deletion fails and will not work again on that device. If both fail, continue to make the test again each Action Phase until one or both succeed. Forknappers and interrogators routinely check their victims for this plug-in, so it is usually concealed with a digital veil (below). A detected plug-in may be eliminated via standard brainhacking. This plug-in is commonly used on forks—often without their knowledge. Some polities, in fact, legally require forks to be equipped with this plug-in. [Low] Copylock: This plug-in has two uses. The first prevents an infomorph from voluntarily copying/forking itself. This also prevents the ego from resleeving into a physical morph. This is a common plug-in used on forks, indentures, or people that really don’t trust themselves. This feature can be disabled with the proper passcode used by the installer. The second use is to make it more difficult for an active infomorph to be involuntarily copied. This is a common precaution infomorphs take when running on untrusted devices against the threat of forknapping. Anyone that brainhacks this infomorph and attempts to make an involuntary copy suffers a –30 penalty to the Infosec Test needed to accomplish this task (in addition to the normal –30 modifier for brainhacking). Either of these features can be disabled with the proper passcode used by the installer. [Low] Digital Veil: This code masks the presence of any installed plug-ins and upgrades (including itself). The character must choose which are hidden (any installed after the veil is installed are not hidden unless the veil is re-installed). Anyone attempting a standard scan on the infomorph for plug-ins and upgrades will fail to detect the concealed software. At the gamemaster’s discretion, an Excellent Success on the scan may pick up an anomaly to warrant deeper analysis. A more thorough and lengthy scan (an Infosec or Programming Task Action with a –30 modifier and a base time of 60 minutes) will reveal the presence of 1 plug-in or upgrade, plus 1 per 10 points of MoS. This plug-in also applies a –20 modifier to psych scans performed on the infomorph. It is illegal in many habitats and polities. [Expensive] Emergency Backup: This plug-in automatically broadcasts a copy of the infomorph’s ego through the mesh to a predetermined secure storage site every 48 hours. This interval may be voluntarily modified, keeping in mind that ego broadcasts tend to be intentionally limited as a precaution against interception/forknapping and that such transmissions hog bandwidth. To use this upgrade, characters must either purchase backup insurance or arrange for a private server to store the backup copies of their ego. To prevent ego theft, the backup copies are transmitted using quantum cryptography. To intercept and make use of an ego backup sent in this fashion, the would-be thief must somehow gain access to one of the quantum keys used in the exchange. [Moderate]

Hacking Alert: This plug-in launches a suite of running processes running that monitor the simulated mind-state and keep track of any lost time, inconsistencies in events, or other evidence of involuntary brainhacking or psychosurgery. If the character is mind hacked or subjected to involuntary psychosurgery, the hidden/ covert intruder or psychosurgeon must make an Infosec or Psychosurgery Test at –30. Cyberbrain hackers suffer the usual –30 subversion modifier, but a hidden intruder receives their standard +30 bonus. If the test does not score an Excellent Success (MoS 30+), the victim is alerted immediately (or when they next awake). Alerted infomorphs do not receive information on what has been changed (beyond the obvious), they are only informed that their mind was involuntarily altered. Note that psychosurgery or memory hacking can be used to make a victim forget the hacking alert warnings. Unless the hacking alert plug-in is also disabled or hacked, however, it will retain a log of the warnings. [Low] Persistence: This software makes it more difficult for the ego to be forcibly shut down when brainhacked. Apply an additional –10 modifier to the intruder’s Infosec Test (in addition to the standard –30 modifier for brainhacking). [Low]

Upgrades[edit | edit source]

Upgrades are infomorph enhancements that are sufficiently integrated into the user’s simulated mindstate that they must be personalized for that ego. As a result, it is next to impossible for infomorphs to share the code for an upgrade once it is integrated into their shell; each upgrade is customized for that particular ego. Upgrades may be included when generating alpha or beta forks, but not with delta or gamma forks, as their mind-states are too different for the same upgrade to function. Gamemasters that wish to keep upgrades simple can allow them to be integrated into an infomorph without a test, much like implants and physical morphs in the core book. For gamemasters that want to highlight the process, however, or in situations where the characters are doing it themselves, upgrades require a procedure involving mapping of mind-state functions, customizing and formatting software patches, and careful installation. Treat this as a Programming Task Action with a time frame of 1 day per cost level of the upgrade (1 day for Trivial, 2 days for Low, and so on). Lack of access to a standard software suite (Cost: High) for integrating upgrades results in a –20 modifier. Most upgrades are installed in a simulspace environment using time dilation. The following upgrades are used by infomorphs all across the solar system. Active Countermeasures: This code helps an infomorph resist brainhacking by installing additional firewalls and layers of security applications within the infomorph’s digital mind. The infomorph (or anything else serve as active security for its mind-state) receives a +10 modifier on attempts to zero in on spotted intruders. Defensive Mode: The countermeasures may also be triggered into a more secure defensive mode with a Quick Action. While defensive mode is activated, the infomorph and its active security receive a +10 modifier on attempts to lockout intruders or resist entrapment, puppeteering, or scorching. The defenses provided by this mode are sufficiently intensive, however, that they cause minor delays to any mesh actions undertaken by the user. As a result, the infomorph suffers a –1 reduction to Initiative. [High] Impersonate: This upgrade provides the user with a library of mannerisms, vocal patterns, and other social cues. This aids Impersonation Tests, even when communicating verbally or via avatars, providing a +10 bonus. The processor in this upgrade can also help analyze a target’s mannerisms and duplicate them more effectively. To duplicate someone’s patterns, the character must first observe their interactions and make a Kinesics Task Action Test with a timeframe of 1 hour. Success allows them to accumulate a sufficient quantity of data to allow this upgrade to duplicate this person’s phrasing and patterns of digital activity; increase the modifier for Impersonation Tests to +30 to impersonate the target. Note that this upgrade does not provide the character with the skills, memories, or other traits of the ego they are impersonating. This upgrade can also be set to randomize the emotive patterns exhibited by the user, so their phrasing and mannerisms do not identify them as anyone. This applies a +30 modifier to the Deception or Impersonation rolls in Opposed Tests when someone else is trying to use Kinesics to identify the character’s true identity. [High] Increased Speed: Infomorphs already have a higher innate speed than physical morphs, but some individuals need even more speed, and specially optimized code makes that possible. This upgrade increases the user’s Speed by +1. Since even basic infomorphs possess a Speed of 3, this upgrade increases the infomorph’s Speed to the maximum of 4. No other Speed modifiers may be used in conjunction with this upgrade. This upgrade does not provide extra Speed for cyberbrained characters. [Expensive]

Mental Repair: This upgrade continuously monitors and analyzes the user’s mental patterns, then corrects and adjusts the user’s mental processes to counter psychological stress. In effect, the character’s mind benefits from continuous unconscious psychotherapy and heals mental stress far more rapidly and easily than normal. The character automatically makes a Willpower x 3 Test once a day. Every success eliminates one point of stress. If the character has already benefited from psychotherapy that day or any other effect that healed stress, trauma, or disorders, the test is not made. This upgrade has no effect on trauma or disorders. [High] Mental Stability: This upgrade bolsters the mind’s capacity to handle mental shocks and makes it less vulnerable to emotional distress. The user’s Lucidity increases by +5, which also increases Trauma Threshold by +1 and Insanity Rating by +10. This upgrade has no effect on the user’s WIL or their rolls to resist stress. The user is no more likely than before to be able to resist mental stress. However, they can now handle more mental stress before suffering any form of instability. [Expensive]

Panopticon: The ubiquity of sensor system found in almost all habitats and spaceships means that any transhuman could theoretically monitor a dozen or more different locations to see what is occurring there. Unfortunately, most transhuman minds are simply not adapted to process that much data or to deal with so many different sources of information all at once. As a result, even infomorphs must normally switch their attention between the various locations and vantage points they are observing. Watching multiple views of a single location is no problem and usually provides the character with between +10 to +30 to their Perception Tests. Viewing different locations at one time, however, is far more difficult and taxing, requiring a Detailed Perception Quick Action for each. Alternatively, the character can passively observe many locations/sensor feeds with automatic Basic Perception, but this imposes a –20 penalty to all of these Perception Tests due to distraction. The panopticon upgrade mitigates this limitation with sophisticated algorithms that help the ego analyze and process sensory input. The infomorph can use Detailed Perception on three locations/ sensor feeds at once (increase this to 5 locations if the character also has multi-tasking) without any penalty. Alternatively, the infomorph only suffers a –10 distraction modifier when using Basic Perception to view multiple locations and feeds at once. This upgrade is common among habitat cyberbrains, as each multi-tasking module beyond the first allows Detailed Perception to be used on another 2 areas at once. [High]

Additional Upgrades[edit | edit source]

The following physical augmentations are also available as infomorph upgrades, with the same effect and costs:

  • Eidetic Memory
  • Endocrine Control
  • Hyper Linguist
  • Math Boost
  • Memory Lock
  • Mental Speed
  • Oracles
  • Parallel Processor
  • Skillware