
From Chucks 1E Eclipse Phase Wiki
Revision as of 19:47, 11 June 2024 by MeshAdmin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "These partially-uplifted and bio-engineered animals have rudimentary intelligence and limited communication skills. They make for fine companions and helpers. '''Fur Coat:''' A so-called “fur coat” is outerwear made from a living primitive organism. The creature’s skin, fur, or scales are real. The organism is cultivated from transgenic stocks and grown around molds into clothing shapes, often with actual usefulness: polar bear parkas, seal diving suits, porcupine...")
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These partially-uplifted and bio-engineered animals have rudimentary intelligence and limited communication skills. They make for fine companions and helpers.

Fur Coat: A so-called “fur coat” is outerwear made from a living primitive organism. The creature’s skin, fur, or scales are real. The organism is cultivated from transgenic stocks and grown around molds into clothing shapes, often with actual usefulness: polar bear parkas, seal diving suits, porcupine coats, etc. Fur coats are modified with wireless controls and haptic systems, so they can be made to move, shiver, massage, or prickle up on command. [Low]

Smart Dogs: Commonly used as discriminatory guardians, smart dogs are sometimes enhanced with combative bioware or cybernetics. [Moderate]

Smart Monkey: Commonly used by criminal groups for minor larceny such as pickpocketing, smart monkeys can be useful and intelligent aides. [Moderate]

Smart Rats: These upgrades of the common Norwegian rat are clever and dexterous, and they easily fit into a pocket or hood. [Low]

Space Roach: Grown to the size of a small dog, these insects are often biosculpted for bright colors and patterns. They are useful for minor janitorial duties. [Low]

Police Baboon:Police baboons are transgenic Cape baboons modified for obedience, heightened intelligence, and longer attention spans. Still of only (enhanced) animal intelligence, they are typically fielded in groups of two to seven with police handlers. Working as a police baboon handler is an extremely dangerous job, as the baboons have been known to turn as a pack upon their handler in mentally stressful situations, such as when attacked with sensory or nerve agents, or more rarely when subjected to psi or encounters with exsurgents. Nonetheless, baboon units remain popular with police commanders for tracking, crowd control, and guarding prisoners. Baboons are frighteningly strong, and a pack of them can easily immobilize most prisoners—or tear them apart, if commanded. They are sometimes equipped with body armor and clubs. They are adapted to breathe Martian atmosphere. [High] Implants: Enhanced Respiration, Enhanced Vision, Light Bioweave Armor (AV 2/3), Neurachem (Level 1), Temperature Tolerance Attacks: Bite (DV 1d10 + 2), Club (DV 1d10 + 3), Unarmed (DV 1d10 + 1)

Rust Hound: Rust hounds are large, transgenic dogs. In addition to being able to breathe the Martian atmosphere, they’re able to smell it and are sometimes used as trackers. [High] Implants: Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Smell, Light Bioweave Armor (AV 2/3), Neurachem (Level 1), Temperature Tolerance, Toxin Filters Attacks: Bite (DV 1d10 + 2)

Smart Camel: Used as a riding and pack animal, smart camels are both less smelly and less obstinate than their unmodified forebears. [Moderate]

Smart Horse: Almost extinct after the Fall, horses were replenished from genetic stock. They are favored for riding and hauling gear and respond well to verbal commands. [Moderate]

Smart Wolf: Smart wolves are sometimes favored over smart dogs as guardian animals and companions, partly because they tend to be more vicious and are superior trackers. [Moderate]

Bees and Gardener Wasps: Both bees and pollen wasps have been genetically modified and interbred, creating several new species of insects that provide a valuable pollination service in habitat gardens. These swarms live in large nests/hives, produce honey, and prey on other insects, serving as a biological form of pest control. Some of these breeds are quite large, growing up to 8 centimeters in length. They adapt quite well to microgravity. Many have been trained to assist with other gardening tasks, such as collecting debris or trimming leaves. They are sometimes also used for security, when certain pheromonal cues are released, the entire hive will attack. These insects are smart enough to remember faces, but tales of smart wasps loaded with toxins and sent to assassinate certain morphs are likely rumors. Cost and statistics are for a swarm of 200. [Low] Enhancements: Enhanced Smell, Polarization Vision, Swarm Composition, Ultraviolet Vision; Movement Rate: 4/30; Attack: Sting, 1d10 DV

Guard Dog: These smart dogs are trained for security or policing purposes and upgraded with bioweave, enhanced vision, hardened skeleton, and reflex booster implants. [High] Enhancements: Bioweave (Heavy), Cyberclaws, Cybercortex, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Smell, Enhanced Vision, Hardened Skeleton, Mesh Inserts, Puppet Sock, Reflex Boosters; Movement Rate: 4/20; Attack: Cyberclaws, 1d10 + 5 DV, AP −2; Armor: 3/4

Smart Hawk: Enhanced versions of peregrine falcons and other predatory birds are common in large, open habitats, and the hobby of falconry has made a comeback. Some smart falcons have been trained for surveillance or security purposes, tracking or finding subjects from overhead. [Moderate] Enhancements: Claws, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Vision Movement Rate: 4/40; Attack: Beak/Claws, 1d10 + 2 DV, AP −1

Smart Raccoon: Raccoon helpers are employed as personal assistant and for many of the same tasks as smart monkeys. Some are even trained to get along in free fall, though they are mostly found in habitats with real or spin gravity. [Moderate] Enhancements: Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Smell, Grip Pads; Movement Rate: 2/8 Attack: Bite, 1d10 – 4 DV

Smart Cat: Though smart cats deign to let humans pet and feed them, they are even more stubborn and independent than their baseline forebears. Nevertheless, some have been trained for surveillance and other purposes. [Moderate] Enhancements: Claws, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Smell, Enhanced Vision; Movement Rate: 4/20; Attack: Claws, 1d10 + 2 DV, AP −1

Swarm Cat: Swarm cats are the creation of scum genehackers. No two swarm cats tend to be alike—many of them are more like hyenas or mongooses—and each is likely to have a unique assortment of enhancements. The statistics given below should be used as a rough guidelines for other cats. [High] Enhancements: Adrenal Boost, Basic Biomods, Claws, Cybercortex, Bioweave (Light), Eelware, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Smell, Enhanced Vision, Mesh Inserts, Neurachem (Level 1), Prehensile Tail; Movement Rate: 4/20; Attack: Claws, 1d10 + 2 DV, AP −1; Armor: 2/3

Fur Coat 1 1 1 5 1 5 1 2 1 15 3 2 1 --
Smart Dog 5 10 15 15 5 15 10 6 1 25 5 20 4 Fray 30, Freerunning 30, Intimidation 30, Perception 30, Scrounging 30, Unarmed Combat 40
Smart Monkey 5 15 15 15 5 10 10 6 1 20 4 20 4 Climbing 50, Fray 30, Freerunning 30, Infiltration 30, Perception 30, Scrounging 30, Unarmed Combat 30
Smart Rat 5 15 15 15 5 5 10 6 2 5 1 20 4 Climbing 40, Fray 40, Freerunning 30, Infiltration 50, Perception 20, Scrounging 50
Space Roach 1 10 10 15 5 5 5 5 1 5 1 10 2 Fray 30, Freefall 30, Infiltration 50, Perception 20, Scrounging 50
Police Baboon 5 10 15 15 5 15 15 6 1 (2) 30 6 10 4 Climbing 40, Clubs 30, Fray 40, Freerunning 50, Intimidation 50, Perception 30, Scrounging 30, Unarmed Combat 50
Rust Hound 5 10 15 15 5 15 15 6 1 (2) 30 6 30 6 Fray 50, Freerunning 30, Intimidation 30, Perception 60, Scrounging 30, Unarmed Combat 50
Smart Camel 5 5 10 10 5 20 15 4 1 40 8 30 6 Fray 20, Freerunning 30, Perception 30, Scrounging 20
Smart Horse 5 10 15 15 5 20 10 6 1 45 9 20 4 Fray 30, Freerunning 40, Perception 30, Scrounging 20
Smart Wolf 5 15 15 15 5 15 10 6 1 25 5 20 4 Fray 30, Freerunning 40, Infiltration 30, Intimidation 30, Perception 30, Scrounging 40, Unarmed Combat 50
Bees and Gardener Wasps 1 20 10 20 1 5 1 6 1 30 6 2 1 Flight 60, Fray 50, Infiltration 30, Intimidation 30, Perception 30, Scrounging 40, Unarmed Combat 40
Guard Dog 5 10 15 25 5 20 10 8 2 35 7 20 4 Fray 40, Freerunning 30, Infiltration 30, Intimidation 40, Investigation 40, Perception 30, Scrounging 40, Unarmed Combat 50
Smart Hawk 5 20 15 20 5 10 10 7 1 15 3 20 4 Flight 60, Fray 50, Infiltration 30, Perception 50, Scrounging 40, Unarmed Combat 40
Smart Raccoon 5 10 15 15 5 10 10 6 1 15 3 20 4 Climbing 40, Fray 20, Freerunning 20, Infiltration 40, Perception 30, Scrounging 40, Swimming 30, Unarmed Combat 20
Smart Cat 5 15 15 15 5 10 20 6 1 15 3 40 8 Climbing 30, Fray 30, Freerunning 30, Infiltration 40, Perception 30, Scrounging 30, Unarmed Combat 30
Swarm Cat 10 15 15 15 5 15 15 6 2 25 5 30 6 Fray 50, Free Fall 20, Freerunning 40, Infiltration 40, Intimidation 20, Perception 30, Scrounging 30, Unarmed Combat 50

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