Everyday Technology

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Revision as of 19:43, 11 June 2024 by MeshAdmin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " = Everyday Technology = The following devices are all exceptionally common and can be acquired in almost any habitat. Almost everyone in Eclipse Phase either owns these devices or knows several people who do. '''Ecto:''' Ectos are the external version of basic mesh inserts, minus the medical sensors. These colorful devices serve as a wearable mesh terminal, PDA, locator, and camera-phone. The devices are flexible (often worn as bracelets), dirt-resistant, self-cleaning,...")
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Everyday Technology[edit | edit source]

The following devices are all exceptionally common and can be acquired in almost any habitat. Almost everyone in Eclipse Phase either owns these devices or knows several people who do. Ecto: Ectos are the external version of basic mesh inserts, minus the medical sensors. These colorful devices serve as a wearable mesh terminal, PDA, locator, and camera-phone. The devices are flexible (often worn as bracelets), dirt-resistant, self-cleaning, and may be stretched out to increase screen size. They may project holographic displays and are typically equipped with wireless-enabled glasses or contact lenses and decorative earpieces or earrings so that the user may access augmented reality. Given the ubiquity of mesh inserts, ectos are growing less common, but they are still used by bioconservatives, others without implants, and those who prefer to access the mesh via an external device for security concerns. [Low] Holographic Projectors: These devices are capable of projecting high-definition, ultra-realistic three- dimensional images and movies. From a distance (20+ meters), such holograms can be difficult to distinguish as fake, but up close they are easier to see for what they are (+20 Perception Test modifier). Holograms do not appear wavelengths other than visual light, and so are easily identified by anyone with enhanced vision. [Low]

Micrograv Shoes: These shoes are equipped with velcro and/or a magnetic system, allowing the wearer to walk normally on appropriate surfaces in micrograv and zero-G environments, rather than floating or bouncing. [Trivial] Portable Sensor: This is a small portable (possibly even wearable) sensor system. The type of sensor must be chosen (for example: infrared, lidar, radar, x-ray). Combined sensor systems are also available, at a cumulative cost. [Moderate]

Smart Clothing:Smart clothing can change its color, texture, and even its cut, taking only a minute or two to transform from a solid color jumpsuit to a plaid party dress or a replica of a pinstriped, late 20th century business suit. It can also camouflage the wearer, providing a +20 bonus to Infiltration Tests to avoid being seen, as long as the wearer is stationary or not moving faster than a slow walk, and as long as the wearer is completely covered or also using chameleon skin of the same color/pattern. If incompletely camouflaged, or if moving faster, reduce the modifier to +10. Smart clothing also keeps the character warm or cool, allowing the character to exist comfortably in environments from –40 to 70 C. [Low] Smart Vac Clothing: Just like regular smart clothing, this outfit can also transform into a light vacsuit. It also functions as armor with a rating of 2/4. [Moderate]

Specs: Specs are vision-enhancing glasses. They deliver sensory data directly into the wearer’s visual cortex by connecting with their basic mesh inserts, though visual displays are available for bio-conservatives and other characters without implants. Specs extend the range of the wearer’s vision from terahertz waves to gamma rays. Specs include a t-ray emitter, however, using x-rays, or gamma rays for visual purposes requires a separate emitter, since neither of these sorts of radiation are common inside habitats, or in any safe environments. Specs have a variable focus equivalent to 5 power magnifiers and provide the wearer with a +10 bonus to all Perception Tests involving vision. [Low] Tools: Tools come in kits (portable), shops (can fit into a large vehicle), and facilities (large, non-mobile). Each set of tools applies to a particular skill, such as Hardware: Electronics or Hardware: Groundcraft. [Low (Kit), High (Shop), Expensive (Facility)]

Utilitool: This hand tool includes a specialized small nanobot generator. In its basic form, a utilitool is the size and shape of a large fountain pen. It can transform into almost any tool, however, from a wrench, knife, or powered screwdriver to a rotary grinder or pair of pliers. Some inexpensive utilitools are optimized for specialized tasks, like cooking or wilderness survival, but more expensive models become almost any imaginable hand tool. Utilitools are normally mentally controlled using the character’s basic mesh inserts. Characters without such implants can control the tool via voice commands and touch controls. Characters using a utilitool gain a +10 modifier to skills involving repairing or modifying devices with mechanical parts, opening locks, disarming alarm systems, or performing first aid. [Low] Viewers:These small and highly advanced binoculars possess all the visual enhancement of specs, but also provide 50x magnification. They also include a directional microphone that magnifies sound from the direction the viewers are pointed by a factor of 50. Viewers provide the user with a +30 bonus to all Perception Tests involving vision or hearing for the target they are aimed at. This bonus is not cumulative with bonuses from any other device or augmentation. [Low]

Batteries: As described here, power source technology in Eclipse Phase is far advanced from modern day. While these batteries are powerful and long-lived, and power is readily available in the inner system, gatecrashers occasionally test the limits of these capabilities, have technical problems, or even run across alien relics that they hope to power. For this reason, batteries are often brought along as a precautionary measure on short trips and are required gear on longer missions. Standard Batteries: Standard batteries are microsized, high-density, ultra-capacity, room-temperature superconductors good for hundreds of hours of operation. They are adapted to receive power from wireless energy transmitters or they can be replenished rapidly by attaching them to a recharger. [Trivial]

Nuclear Batteries: These batteries actually generate their own power from radio-isotope decay, storing it up for use. They come in many sizes, from nano to small. Depending on their size and the needs of the device, these batteries can produce power for anywhere from 3 years to over a century (higher output batteries use isotopes with shorter half-lives and vice versa). Gatecrashers rely upon a multitude of powered devices and recharging them on an alien world can be difficult. Since solar power may not exist on all worlds gatecrashers visit, many carry along a nuclear battery, using it to recharge their standard batteries and devices. The standard portable nuclear battery is designed to put out 1 kilowatt of power continuously for up to three years. This device can recharge low powered devices within a few minutes and larger higher powered devices within several hours. Nuclear batteries are used in both railguns and energy weapons to recharge the standard batteries that power these weapons. These nuclear batteries can regenerate their charge at a rate of 20 shots per hour. Changing a battery is a Simple Action. [Low] Grip Tape: This sticky nanotape can be applied to almost any surface, allowing items to be stuck in place with the adhesive power of grip pads. Pulling in a parallel direction is very difficult, but items are easily released by pulling up (perpendicular) to the surface instead. [Trivial]

Solar Recharger: Designed using thin-film solar cells over a layer of smart materials, this lightweight unit comes in a small-sized portable that unfolds into a 1.5-squaremeter panel. Like the nuclear recharger, it produces 1 kilowatt of power and can recharge low powered devices rapidly and larger higher powered devices within several hours. However, it requires sunlight or the equivalent to function. [Trivial] Wireless Energy Transmitter: When attached to a power source like a nuclear battery, nuclear recharger, or solar recharger, the small-sized wireless energy transmitter will transfer power to devices within 20 meters via near field resonant inductive coupling. Though this technology is widespread in transhuman habitats, removing the need for power cords when a nearby power source is readily available, it is a useful device for gatecrashers to keep their gear charged without needing to worry about plugging in. [Trivial]

Dust Repellant: This smart material spray prevents electrostatic dust from adhering to surfaces. It is commonly deployed on visors, sensors, windows, joints, moving parts, and other areas that could be covered or jammed up by dust from asteroids, moons, Mars, and so on. One can is enough to cover a single car-sized vehicle or eight human-sized morphs. [Trivial] Flying Vest: This garment consists of a thick vest containing a large battery, a miniature electric turbine on the back, and air intakes and exhausts at the shoulders and waist. Thrust from this turbine allows the wearer to fly, but only in low gravity environments in an atmosphere. In a gravity no more than 0.14 g it allows the wearer to fly at speeds of up to 40 kph, and in gravity less than 0.1 g, the wearer can fly at speeds of up to 100 kph. This vest is soft and highly flexible, but is also several centimeters thick and the turbine makes a small but visible hump on the wearer’s back. This vest has a mass of 9 kilograms and can operate for 4 hours before it must be recharged. [Moderate]

Fractal Gloves: These gloves are designed to fit over a humanoid wrist and hand to duplicate the effects of the fractal digits robotic enhancement. The gloves also include micro-cameras that allow wearers to clearly see the objects they are manipulating, duplicating the effects of nanoscopic vision. [Moderate] Plasma Sail: This backpack and harness operates in the same manner as the plasma sail implant. [Expensive]

Smart Manipulators: When not in use, this device resembles a small five-kilogram backpack. It contains a nuclear battery, advanced smart materials, and an AI that allows users to operate this device as easily as their own arms or legs. When activated, the device can create a wide array of tools and manipulators. It can sprout a pair of wings that allow the user to fly at speeds of up to 100 kph in one atmosphere or more of pressure if the gravity is 0.15 g or lower. It can also create gliding membranes that duplicate the augmentation with the same name. In addition, the device allows the user to create a number of highly flexible limbs equal to their COO/5, which can each reach as far as seven meters. Each of these limbs can be sculpted to end in a hand, grip pad, cyberclaws, knife, shock baton, flex cutter, or any tool that can be created by the wrist-mounted tools augmentation. Alternatively, each limb can duplicate the abilities of a length of electronic rope up to 30 meters long that can end in a grip pad if desired. These items are very popular with users who work in zero gravity or very low gravity environments. [High]

Sensor Systems[edit | edit source]

Brainprint Scanner: This portable skullcap extrudes ultra-sensitive nanoelectrodes into the scalp, then plays media to the subject via a visor and ear plugs. It takes approximately 5 minutes to thoroughly scan a subject’s brain patterns in response to the media, producing a verifiable brainprint which can then be authenticated against a meshed database entry. [Moderate]

Fiber Camera: This camera system is composed of multilayered semiconducting polymer fabrics that perceive visual wavelengths much like a standard camera, only without the lens. This allows cameras to be built into clothing, drapes, carpets, etc. These camera systems lack lenses and so are immune to dazzlers, lens spotters, and similar systems. [Moderate] Fiberoptic Microphone: Similar to the fiber eye surveillance camera, the fiberoptic mic is a flexible and mesh-controllable length of fiberoptic cable that can fit through cracks, small holes, etc. This device measures the laser reflections off of a sound-sensitive reflective diaphragm, recording audio that is transmitted back through the fiberoptic cable. Unlike standard microphones, fiberoptic mics are not effected by environmental heat, moisture, or magnetic fields. They have effective noise-canceling functions, high fidelity, and can record infrasound and ultrasound. Apply a +10 modifier to hearing-based Perception Tests. Fiberoptic mics are sometimes strung throughout habitat infrastructure to monitor seismic vibrations in walls and other surfaces.[Low]

Flat Camera: Flat cameras rely on an array of tiny, networked micro-lensed imagers. With no large lens, these systems are flat and so are easily mounted on walls, ceilings, shell exteriors, and other surfaces. They are difficult (−20 modifier) to visually spot, but are detectable with lens spotter systems. Flat cameras are available in standard visual, infrared, and ultraviolet wavelengths, or a pricier hyperspectral model. [Moderate; High for hyperspectral] Ghost Imagers: Ghost imagers are special camera systems that rely on a paradoxical effect to construct images of objects that conventional cameras cannot see, such as targets obstructed by smoke, clouds, or other visual effects. Ghost imagers rely on two cameras. The first is pointed at a light source and the second at a target object or location illuminated by that source (but obstructed from the standard camera view). By exploiting a (quantum) correlation effect in the property of light, the ghost imaging system can build an image of the target based on photons that are scattered off of it, even though the view of the target is obstructed. Ghost imaging could thus be used to see targets on a battlefield obscured by heavy fog or smoke or on a planet surface below heavy cloud cover, simply by pointing a camera that way and another at the sun, moon, or other light source. In game terms, ghost imagers ignore all visual modifiers. Ghost imagers can see in infrared as well as standard visual frequencies. Though they are passive sensors that use natural light, they can also be used in conjunction with active light sources. [High] Hyperspectral Imager: A hyperspectral imager views the electromagnetic spectrum much like enhanced vision bioware. The passive model perceives infrared to ultraviolet frequencies, while the active model incorporates terahertz and radar imaging as well. See the rules for hyperspectral sensors. [Moderate for Passive, High for Active]

Hyperspectral Microphone: A hyperspectral mic hears the entire audio spectrum, from infrasonic to ultrasonic frequencies, much like enhanced hearing bioware. See the rules for hyperspectral sensors. [Moderate] ID Scanner: This small hand-held device is used to read the nanotat IDs carried by most morphs. It scans the nanobots, decodes the data, and compares the information against linked online databases. To truly be effective, this device must have mesh access to ID databases. [Low]

Metal Detector: Metal detectors use very-low frequency induction to detect metals that are not apparent. They can be used at security checkpoints to locate weapons, cyberware, or contraband. Available as hand-held wands, they are also often used as portal access systems, scanning anyone that passes through. Modern detectors are good enough to identify the type of metal. Gatecrashers and scavengers also use them to locate items buried in the ground or under debris. These devices have a very short range, just 2 meters, though larger masses of metal may be detectable from further away. [Low] Motion Detector: Modern motion detectors use a combination of sensor technologies to maximize accuracy and reduce false alarms. They can operate in passive and active modes. In passive mode, the detector relies on infrared sensors to detect body heat, without sending out any signals that might betray its presence. In active mode, it sends out ultrasonic pulses and/or microwaves, measuring the reflections that bounce off a moving target to measure speed, position, and direction. Often strategically mounted as a perimeter security system, motion detectors are typically set in passive mode first, which then triggers active mode when it gets a reading. These devices are small. [Low]

Personal Interaction Sensor: These mini-sized combo sensors are worn on the body and use an infrared heat sensor, biolidar pulse rate measurement, pheromone and perspiration identification, and a camera and microphone to scan those with whom the wearer interacts. The sensor’s AI measures the readings and also applies voice analysis (stress factor and response spaces) and kinesics assessments to judge the honesty and forthrightness of a conversational partner. While originally designed for business and political negotiations, PI sensors are growing in popularity as a tool for regular personal interactions. The AI is equipped with Kinesics and Perception skills of 40. They apply a +20 modifier to Kinesics Tests. [Moderate] Quantum Dot Camera-Displays: These fullerene devices acts as both high-resolution display and camera. They can be painted on almost any surface. Because they do not have lenses, they cannot be detected by lens spotter systems. When not displaying images, they are also difficult to spot visually; apply a −20 modifier. They are hyperspectral, sensing from near-infrared to ultraviolet wavelengths. [High] Quantum Radar: These advanced radar systems employ entangled emissions to acquire a higher resolution, similar to using a shorter wavelength. Quantum radar produces images with detail equivalent to terahertz or infrared, making it better for detecting concealed objects and targets. Apply a +20 modifier to Perception Tests made with quantum radar systems. [High] Sensor Concealment: Many sensors are hidden within everyday objects or constructed to look like something different so as not to be an obvious surveillance tool. This modification to a sensor device applies a −30 modifier to Perception Tests made to spot it and identify it as a sensor. [Low]

Super-wide Cameras: Carried by aerial drones and orbital satellites or mounted at high infrastructure points like habitat domes or the axis points of cylinder habitats, these cameras can view an area up to 300 square kilometers in size down to 0.1 meter resolution. They can view in standard visual, near infrared, or ultraviolet; hyperspectral versions are also available. [Moderate; High for hyperspectral] [ Home | Game Rules | Character Creation | Gear ]